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Maarten Otto

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About Maarten Otto

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    Almere, Greater Amsterdam

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  1. System, platform, room temp... Those are factors you missed to mention. Maarten Otto
  2. Hi all, I recently got the freeware Embrear120 and I own the Carenado 1900D. I would like to use the VC of the Carenado in the EMB120. And if not possible the 2D panels from the Dash8 by Majestic which I also own. How can I do that?
  3. You can make "macro's" for that in FSUIPC I set my baro in the Dash with the UP and DOWN keys on the keyboard.
  4. Well, let me put it this way.. I loved ASN from the day it was released and after a few flights I was entering the info of my creditcard for AS16. Perhaps I got used to a certain level of quality from Hifi... But ASCA doesn't live up to my expectation how it looks at this moment.
  5. Here is my problem with ASCA.... Duplicated clouds....
  6. Did a flight from EGSS to LEPA in stunning weather over Europe with the current METAR using AS16 and ASCA. I love the haze that this hot weather generates... **black screens in VC are not an error, I ported them to other displays**
  7. Had this problem before but can't remember the fix.. When I start P3D I see the splash screen. Then I see something loading and then the splash screen goes away and I can't open P3D. The program is still running according to task manager but I can't ope or activate it. Tried a fresh DLL.xml and config but that won't help. ***EDIT*** My god... How can I forget to update FSUIPC after installing a sim update....
  8. P3D is still a 32bit software so you will be fine with the G3258 duo core, and oc it to 4.5Ghz. That would be about a $200 investment for both CPU and new water or air cooling. Run Windows on core 0 and P3D on core 1.... done.
  9. Everyone is calling for expansive i5 or i7 CPU's while in fact FSX only uses one single core.... So, get the latest Intel Core DUO G3258. This is an inexpensive chip (less then $75) and with proper after market cooling you might get it up to 4.5Ghz. If you invest more in cooling then 5Ghz is perhaps possible. People have done it with that chip and in the VA I fly for some guys gave it a try and they love this CPU for simming. For video, get a GTX 970 or 980 as prices will drop significantly over the coming months.
  10. My installation is around 30GB on disk
  11. Another shot, Morning in San Francisco...
  12. Steam clearly states that for titles bought in pre-release one could at any given moment ask for a full refund for as long as the title is not officially released. I see no problems in that....
  13. Currently flying the 737-500 from the Bay to Palm Springs and so far I like it a lot. Start the sim Plot the route Get in the air I asked my wife to marry me when we had a private 182 and flew at dusk in the Las Vegas area... would be nice to get her behind the yoke this time.... :smile:
  14. I live in Europe and will certainly NOT mind if they omit the entire globe and focus on the SoCal and NoCal area plus Hawaii. Add a good (in depth) system for navigation and a good Autopilot and you have a satisfying simulator. Ideally you would be able to update Airac cycles from Navigraph. The point in keeping the sim in this restricted area is that development of a good ATC system will be much easier. After that, make AI aircraft that move around and fill the sky. Then focus on Multiplayer environments like IVAO, PilotEdge and VatSim.
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