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About sivart2000

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  1. Personally, going to be patient and wait for Ifly. I liked the Ifly Max in P3D. Also, instead of the 777 for long haul cargo I'm going with the TFDi MD-11. The BB 757 has promise as well. As far as PMDG, been using their products for years and for the most part, they are great developers but I'm not a huge fan of their company or forum culture. Additionally, I'm currently stuck with their NG which I can't use because it is still bugged. I'm taking a PMDG break out of principle. I'll miss flying the Triple 7 I think it will be an amazing product but, I think I'll manage to keep my free time busy with the others.
  2. Has anyone managed to get the refueling truck to stick around longer than 1 second? I'm not looking to have the truck "virtually" refuel, I know the A300 doesn't have GSX integration per se, but it would be nice if the truck would pretend to refuel for a reasonable amount of time. I've tried many combinations of when I apply simbrief load, enter fuel amount, etc. The best I get is the sound of a one second squirt of fuel or the truck just departs immediately. If anyone has figured out the correct settings and data entry flow to get this to work, it would be much appreciated.
  3. I haven't had time to sit down and sim lately, is the a300 working with BATC yet?
  4. Seems the latest update may have fixed the crj but the Inibuilds a300 will not auto tune now. I had been using it flawlessly until the latest update.
  5. My question to you is; why do you care? Do you genuinely not understand why someone would prefer one over the other? We are individuals and are entitled to our choices. I for instance, use a tablet for charts but prefer to read actual books or manuals if the text document is long. Are you concerned about the environment? Electronics have a far bigger impact on the environment then producing paper does. Managed properly, trees are a renewable resource. The materials, many toxic, used to make your tablet are not renewable and limited. Unlike paper, a lot of your tablet is not recyclable, and the remnants pollute the environment AND your tablet needs to be charged using, most likely fossil fuels, to produce that electricity. I would argue that the tablet is far more wasteful in the long run that paper. Lastly, don't lecture people you don't know. Perhaps a better way to word your post would be: Why do some people use paper still? Seems wasteful to me. I prefer to use a tablet. This would make you seem inquisitive, maybe willing to give advice instead of someone lecturing on how much more virtuous you are than others. Cheers
  6. I had originally tried both during the 9.99 sale and neither worked. The next day, the webstore was processing payments correctly, but the sale was over. Inibuilds honored the sale price for me, I paid via webstore and installed via app. I have no problem using that procedure of the app is going to continue to be an issue. My main frustration was trying to take advantage of the sale and not being able to pay for anything at that time.
  7. My disappointments, and I'm a late adopter, are; 1) Lack of cirrus clouds. P3D did them better. 2) Road traffic. In P3D, I could see the headlights on busy highways for miles and at significant altitudes. 3) Leisure boat traffic. Again in P3D, I would take off over Biscayne Bay in Miami and see dozens of little boats and wakes. Made the world a little more "alive" looking. There simply are none in MSFS. 4)ATC. Super disappointing. I'm not sure why more time wasn't spent on this as it is a HUGE part of aviation. I can't even use AZURE as voices appear and disappear for no apparent reason. 5) Stability. I can't spend all day doing flight after flight on MSFS, like I did with P3D, without restarting the sim after about 2 flights. If I do more than that I start having things break, like ATC, or just plain performance degradation. Now this is going to be controversial, so I want to be clear: MSFS is light years ahead of P3D and I'm definitely enjoying it. But I still head back to P3D every once in a while, because except for ATC, it does all of the above better (for me) and, I have a great hangar full of long haulers.
  8. So, I sent a e-mail to Inibuilds and they responded quickly. They didn't resolve any of my payment issues but I did try the next day and it worked in the webstore but still not in the app. Inibuilds honored the sale prices for the airports I wished to get. Customer service gets an A, web shop a B and Inimanger a D+. Still a nogo with in app purchases on Visa I'm afraid.
  9. Sorry man, I was having a rough day, I could have addressed it better. Its just not helpful when someone is looking for help with an issue and folks respond with how they don't have said issue. Unless of course that person had encountered the issue, fixed it, and could provide a solution. NBD, my apologies.
  10. So, I sent a e-mail to Inibuilds and they responded quickly. They didn't resolve any of my payment issues but I did try the next day and it worked in the webstore but still not in the app. Inibuilds honored the sale prices for the airports I wished to get. Customer service gets an A, web shop a B and Inimanger a D+. Still a nogo with in app purchases on Visa I'm afraid.
  11. Super happy for you. Not sure how this helps those of us with issues unless you are saying we must be imagining our problems with the transactions.
  12. Webstore was a nogo for me as well. Looked on simmarket but they didn't have the sale prices. Spent a couple hours trying with no success and when I went back to the app and store later in the day, the 9.99 sale was over. Sent a message to support and if they can't get it fixed and let me order my sceneries for 9.99, I'll just be done with inibuilds.
  13. I’ve been trying to buy a few sceneries while on Easter sale and neither the website nor the inimanager will process my payment. Checked with bank, no issues on my end but a quick look at the forum shows that there are frequently issues with payment. The sceneries are available on Simmarket but not at the sale price. Anyone else?
  14. Still having these 3 strings of lights from the ground to several thousand feet AGL. They converge at the top. I've only seen them around airports, stock and add-on, and sometimes there are 2 or 3. I suspect they are around other places, but I've only seen them around airports. I've done the usual disabling add-ons, clean driver install. Thought they might go away with sim updates, but they don't. I just spent hours going through the convoluted process of being "trusted" to post over in the official MSFS forum. Don't get me started on how frustrating it was just trying to be able to get some help there. At least they didn't immediately brow beat me for not signing with my real first and last name.😁https://ibb.co/pnfR8Pb https://imgur.com/a/m1hwqxp
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