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Everything posted by Seria17hri11er

  1. Best one? That's tough. Depends on how you like to fly too. The VRS F-18 is fantastic based off reviews I read. However it is Fly By Wire. I purchased the Milviz F-4E over it because I prefer aircraft that are more challenging to fly. Do take a look at all of these (ignore P-38)! :smile:
  2. Hello Friends, I just started making flight sim videos as a passion project. Would you mind taking 5-10 minutes to answer the following survey so I can craft future videos that you'll love? Thanks Nick https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKQGQYF
  3. Hello Friends, I just started making flight sim videos as a passion project. Would you mind taking 5-10 minutes to answer the following survey so I can craft future videos that you'll love? Thanks Nick https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKQGQYF
  4. Hello Friends, I just started making flight sim videos as a passion project. Would you mind taking 5-10 minutes to answer the following survey so I can craft future videos that you'll love? Thanks Nick https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKQGQYF
  5. Completely reedited video at new topic: http://www.avsim.com/topic/488106-milviz-f-4j-airshow-film-the-triumph-of-thrust-over-aerodynamics-orbx-ftx/
  6. Hello again flight simmers! A number of you may have checked out the thread and video below this titled " Silver Kings F-4E (Milviz) Airshow Demo in Prepar3d" If you did, I thank you! I seen through YouTube analytics that I had quite a good number of views, but the average watch time was 3:10 (18% of total video time). So clearly, it was too long, or just didn't keep your interest. I've completely reedited the video. I cut out all the time where the aircraft was very far away from the camera. I also cut out some redundant maneuvers. The end result is action footage all the time; Afterburner Takeoff High Speed Passes Zoom Climbs Dirty Pass Max Rate Turns Rolls Inverted Loop This is shot through custom ground and flyby cameras. Watch and subscribe on YouTube! MILVIZ F-4J Airshow Film | The Triumph of Thrust Over Aerodynamics! | ORBX FTX
  7. Hey Cat_Dad, I thought you might like to read this since you are quite familiar with the F-4 Davidpf051 posted this on the Milviz forums: A few comments on the flight model from a retired Navy type with 1100 hours in various Navy/Marine F-4 models including B/N and J/S. First, Milviz is head and shoulders above any other F-4 model I've tried and I've tried everyone I can find. You can spot check an F-4 model by taking it to cruise and setting 3000 lbs/hr on the engines. That was normal cruise setting and--depending on drag count--the plane should stable out at around 300 KIAS up till around mach 0.7 something. Yours does that. Nice job. Checked the on speed AOA at normal carrier landing weights and they appear spot on. Also checked some of the more esoteric aspects of F-4 performance. F-4 experienced adverse roll due to yaw when trying to roll at high AOA with ailerons since they were actually a spoiler/flaperon combination. Try to roll right at high AOA and the right spoiler pops up with the left flaperon going down. Spoiler has little affect at high AOA while the flaperon's dominant affect is drag that yaws the plane toward the flaperon pulling the off wing into the airflow and inducing a roll. In sum, you want to roll right so you give right stick. Result is yaw and roll left. You roll right with rudder at high AOA. Your model captured both effects nicely. That is very impressive modeling. Also found I could fly the F-4 down to about 120 KIAS with half flap and burner at about 30 degrees nose up. Slow fights with F-4 against F-4 often wound up there. Again, very impressive.
  8. I didn't think he was being deceptive. The disconnect comes down to their testing methodology--no add ons, lower graphics settings--which I believe is how almost all developers test, because they can't account for all the different add-on variables out there that people may have installed. Perhaps he should have made that clear in his post. But, anytime I read any FPS stats from any devs I fully expect that to be barebones FSX/P3d and lower settings. But I think it would be a good idea if devs did some testing on higher end machines with FTX Global, and FTX Global vector installed. I think that is the most popular scenery product and it covers the entire globe. They can advertise FPS on a low end machine with no add-ons, and a med and high end machine with those two products installed. Just my two cents. Did not know one should turn off mip mapping. But even though, it creates them during initial loading then places them in VRAM, right? So it slows down loading time, and may increase VRAM usage slightly, but a big performance hit? Well, I will definitely try disabling it. True.
  9. Thanks! Cool, thanks. Well, I can't get any feedback from anyone else. I've posted here, and on Milviz. Will post on some other forums. But no replies here, at Milviz or in YT comments section. However, I can see YT analytics info. The video has 98 views as of this writing. The average view time is 3:14. 3:14 isn't bad at all for this day and age. However, that's only approximately 18% of the total video time. So if they didn't make to the end or within--I guess--30 seconds of the end, then I really haven't hooked them. And they haven't walked away feeling "I really enjoyed that XYZ." That's what my goal is, to have them finish the video and walk away having very much enjoyed it, and wanting to subscribe. My desire is to build an audience and continue to do this. I did expect an average view time longer than 18%; knowing the flight sim community, we can be pretty darn geeky, and we have a lot of patience. Sitting down spending 30 minutes to an hour to figure out how to go from cold and dark to takeoff ready on a new aircraft. That takes plenty of patience. But, maybe that isn't the majority? My thoughts on why average view time is 18%: It's just too long for a YT/internet video. Attention spans are very short these days. Heck, the video probably got them excited about a fighter jet or high performance aircraft they have, then during some point when the aircraft was far away was when I lost their interest, and they probably said "well, I think I'll go fly XYZ fighter jet now!" I have actually already completely edited the video and dropped the time down to 8 minutes by removing almost all sequences where the AC was far away. Also cut out a redundant maneuver. It's not available yet, as I am going to create a new channel for these aircraft videos. Thanks again for your feedback. :smile: Hey Colin. I tried ShadowPlay and 4 other video recorders. Action worked the best with the least amount of stutters. Just yesterday I enabled Hyper Threading and made some P3D CFG changes. I am going to try ShadowPlay again. Works great in Assetto Corsa. In the Cub I get 31 FPS looking straight forward with unlimited frame rate. In the F-4 I get 18 FPS looking straight forward. Capping frame rate to 25, 20, or 18 doesn't help at all; yes it makes it a bit smoother, but the frame rate is just way too low at 15 FPS. Is going from 31 FPS in Cub to 18 in the F-4 about what you would expect? Obviously external view has higher frame rate, and for recording the video I locked it at 25 FPS and that worked good. System specs: P3d V2.5 CPU OC'd to 3.6 GHz
  10. Oh, thanks so much Avidean! I will definitely give that a try. You've got Prepar3d running buttery smooth! Beautiful! :smile:
  11. Haha. I believe it definitely was the stretched B model 141. Thanks Christopher. Really valuable to me. I thought that people would probably feel that way, but really wanted to do something that felt like (most of the time) you were an actual spectator at an airshow. Alas, people aren't really looking for that I guess, I didn't convey that well enough, or internet attention span perhaps. Easy fix for future videos. Thanks again. Thanks Colin. Sorry for the mix up.
  12. :smile: Hey bud! Nice to see you here too. Let me know what you think of the video!
  13. Ok, I see what you are saying now about the F-4 model. Thanks. I will make a post on Milviz's forums. It is crazy how long the C-130 and B-52 have been flying. You were a Flight Engineer on the C-130, or just did the CDCs? The C-17 is sporty as hell compared to the C-130 :smile: . I met many folks who used to work on C-141s before Charleston AFB switched to C-17s. They remembered it fondly. They told me some stories about one C-141 that had a tail strike on landing and had to be repaired by Lockheed. Afterwards, during cruise flight, even with Autopilot on, she wouldn't stay level, she would always porpoise up and down a bit. On my video: I flew the routine entirely from the cockpit and was recording a replay file with Prepar3d. Then I played it back and switched to external views and captured the video. F-104: I was only talking about painting the F-4 in an civilian airshow paint scheme similar to the F-104. No F-104s available for Prepar3d as far as I know. Last one out was by Captain Sim for FS9.
  14. Hi Terry, Thanks for your comments! Indeed the paint job is from an F-4B. I didn't state that here, but on YouTube in the comments "The Phantom is sporting the paint job of an F-4B of U.S. Navy Squadron VF-92, "Silver Kings."" Indeed tons of time was spent by Milviz to model the exterior, interior, systems, and implement the flight dynamics accurately. Thanks for sharing your experience working on the F-4 flight simulator. Super cool that you got to fly the real thing! That must have been an amazing experience. I'm jealous :smile:. I've flown in C-130s, and C-17s--those are what I used to work on. Did you have any constructive feedback on the video? Was it too long for you? Were there any particular maneuvers that you would have liked to see? Would you liked to have heard more howling? Would you have liked in cockpit footage? Did the in-cockpit audio of the hydraulics during flap and gear extension/retraction bother you at all? Now that it is clear that it is the F-4E with a B paint job, would you have preferred an E paint job? What would you think of a civilian air show type of paint job? For example the F-104 Starfighters: However, I would likely do something quite more elaborate than that. Would you watch more videos like this? I assume yes, since you are probably enamored with the Phantom, having after all worked on the real sim and having flown the real thing! :smile: Could you do me a favor? Could you thumbs up the video and leave a comment on YT? And could you share with any friends/colleagues that might be interested, and ask them to do the same if they like it? I'd definitely recommend you pick up the Milviz F-4E and/or F-4J/S F-4E http://milviz.com/flight/products/F4E/index.php F-4J/S http://milviz.com/flight/products/F4JS/index.php With Gratitude Nicholas
  15. 16 Minutes long. A few spots there might be some jerkiness--real hard on PC--still working to improve. Would love your feedback, thumbs up, comment on YT. *Note Elevator, Ailerons, and Rudder control surfaces do not move in this replay video--Milviz/Prepar3d limitation *Note Audio is external, with some internal sounds--Milviz/Prepar3d limitation. Audio volume is also low, so turn it up!
  16. Hi All, I've done a search and seen some conflicting info on Vsync. I've seen some say it's broke due to some Psuedo Full Screen mode, and some saying they have it working. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. GTX 660 with most current drivers. Any particular Nvidia inspector settings or anything? Thanks! Ahhh! I figured this out. I checked the LM forums. I experience the issues they describe exactly when Aero is turned off. Please disregard. Thanks!
  17. First, your carburetor iced up. That is what air comes into the engine through. When the air comes through it adds fuel into the air. When flying in icing conditions you have to turn on carburetor heat. This routes incoming air around the exhaust (around, not through) to heat the air and prevent it from icing up the carburetor and preventing air from coming into the engine. We don't always fly with carburetor heat on if it's not needed, because hotter air reduces engine performance. Carb Icing Potential: http://www.boldmethod.com/images/pages/learn-to-fly/systems/carb-ice/carb-ice-potential-chart.jpg Note on the carb icing potential chart that it's possible to have carb icing up to 90-100 degree temperatures! How can this be? See the "Venturi" in the carburetor above? Since it gets narrower there it's called a Venturi after the Venturi effect. The air naturally speeds up to get through the narrow Venturi. When the air speeds up the pressure drops--natural phenomenon-The Venturi Effect. Since the pressure drops the temperature also drops. Note that this principle is the same way most wings work. I say most, because Symmetrical airfoils are a bit different. You'll also note on the chart that Dew Point is a huge factor in icing. Dew point is the amount of moisture in the air. If the temperature is 70 degrees F, and the Dew Point is 60 degrees F, then there is 90% humidity. You see, the closer the dew point is to the temperature, the more likely you are to encounter icing. Why the engine came to life when you turned on Pitot heat is a good question. Typically Pitot heat only heats up the Pitot tube that is used to measure airspeed. Perhaps you descended out of icing conditions long enough for the ice to melt and hit the pitot heat at the same time? A coincidence? Maybe the aircraft was coded like that? Or something else fishy going on? Overstressing the aircraft: Since you didn't have any engine power you likely pointed the nose down to keep from stalling and started gaining a lot of speed. You may have been already over the aircraft's Vne, Never Exceed speed, when the engine came to life, and you pulled on the stick a bit too much.
  18. Hi all. I have been using Dovetail's Train Simulator for a few years now. Based off the updates and innovation in that platform over the years, and the quality of the add on content they have released I find it highly unlikely that they will bring anything even comparable to what LM has done with P3D so far. And 64 bit I find seriously implausible.
  19. I hear ya! You fly anything similar currently? Lotus L-39 works great in P3D, no issues. And of course Aerosoft's F-14 is out and the Milviz F-4 is available in beta.
  20. For sure! I actually fly P3D exclusively. I've used the migration tool to fly the Milviz F-15 in P3D. It works, with the exception of the radar, and I haven't fooled with the loadouts much at all. Whenever you load something (replay, new AC, or try to close the sim) it does crash, so it's not the most successful migration. That's ok with me. There were very few choices for fighters back when I bought it that would work in P3D. Thinking about that F-4 now
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