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Everything posted by nealmac

  1. No worries. Just thought I'd through it out there anyway.
  2. I'm an architectural technician.
  3. Complete shot in the dark here, as I had a similar issue. Do you use FSUIPC, and if so do you have the autosave feature enabled? It took me a while to figure out the problem, but disabling the autosave fixed it for me.
  4. Those are amazing. How do you get the AI traffic to park EXACTLY as they do in the photo? Clockspeed alone doesn't make a good processor. In my experience A 2.4GHz CPU running at a stable temperature is far better than say a 4Ghz CPU at it's absolute limit with a poor cooling system.
  5. Saving your progress? Oh yeah. I remember that.
  6. sorry mate. wasnt necessarily having a go at you. just throwing in my 2 cents worth and stating it as i understood it to be. im anything but an expert when it comes to aviation. i dont take it the slightest bit seriously. i just like flying on a computer screen lol.
  7. If you have DX10 enabled try disabling it. You might need to restart I can't remember. DX wreaks havoc with textures.
  8. I was always under the impression that filling out a STAR before departure depended on certain factors mainly such as company SOPs and what part of the world you were flying into. Some parts of the world require the STAR to be entered as filed. If circumstances change mid-flight, then you just change your arrival. I definitely wouldn't have thought it was "bad practice".
  9. Being Irish, I love watching tutorials by Brits, as I know I will be able to understand what they say. However in Froogle's case, while I totally respect him and his vast knowledge of all things flightsim, the guy races through everything and can be very hard to understand. I find myself spending more time rewinding and trying to catch what he did or what switch he clicked etc.
  10. To be honest, unless it's a gaming laptop, you'll find that as your processor starts overheating, it will throttle back on power in order to cool it down. Generally, laptops don't come with a good cooling system (again, unless it's a gaming laptop) and the only way the processor can be kept at a safe temperature is by reducing it's power. This is why a desktop PC is recommended for FSX which will have a much better cooling system, or better yet, will give you the option to upgrade your cooling system. You have a nice GPU but unfortunately FSX is far more reliant on the CPU. This is due to the fact that it's "old school" software that was released before all these top of the range GPUs came on the market. People also go on about processor speed 3.5GHz, 4Ghz, overclocking etc but the fact remains that CPU speed alone won't give you a high frame rate. A stable CPU running at 2.6GHz is far more reliable than a 4GHz CPU that keeps overheating. I'm by no means an expert (far from it in fact) on computer hardware. As a newbie posting here I'm sure I'll get shot down, but I'm basing all I said all the above on previous experiences with FSX on several PCs and laptops. Having said all that, I have no doubt in my mind that if you just run the base game with no addons and you don't try to overdo the graphical settings, you'll enjoy a very comfortable frame rate. That frame rate will more than likely decrease as the processor comes under more stress, but not noticeably so. You will probably also be able to add a lot of addons without much (if any) impact on frame rate. For example I find that FTX scenery runs really well with no impact on scenery. However addon airports can really bog your fram rate down. As for add on aircraft, I find the Aerosoft Airbus series has a big impact on frame rate. However the PMDG 737 (which would be a similar style) makes no difference to frame rate that I can see. Unfortunately the only way you're going to know for real is by trying it out. And that means spending money.
  11. Yeah it's a bit silly having them as seperate regions when NI is such a small area. Thanks for the welcome.
  12. A few other add ons I have which I forgot about: GSX, EZDOK Nav Data Pro and FSUIPC (registered version). Will I need to repurchase these? Obviously Nav Data Pro is a subscription service so it's not like I'd have to repurchase it anyway.
  13. Nice one. I already have the NGX so I knew I'd have to repurchase that. But I found myself using the Airbus a lot more. I definitely prefer it and it was only half the price. I'm thinking if I get the T7 I probably won't bother with the NGX, so all in all I won't have wasted any money. Thanks for the heads up.
  14. Thanks for the welcome. Yeah P3D definitely looks like the right move. I just don't want to have to spend hundreds of euros/pounds/dollars on the same addons. I've heard that any PMDG software needs to be repurchased. I was going to treat myself to the T7 but I think I'll hold off for the time being. I have other addons like the Aerosoft Airbus A320/321, Active Sky Next, the Cessna Citation 750 X V2.0, PFPX. I also have an Aerosoft Mega Airport and Orbx Global Base and Global Vector. I also have Orbx Ireland. It wwould kill me to have to buy all that again lol.
  15. Hey all Another newbie here. I've been simming on and off since the days of MSFS 98. I now use FSX:SE and I have a bought some nice add ons. Thinking of making the switch to P3D but I'm not really sure if I would have to re purchase my addons so I'll need to do a bit more research. Anyway, I received countless help from reading these forums and I could never say thanks as I wasn't registered. So now that I'm registered, thanks to anyone who has helped me out in the past. I just hope I can return the favour some day. Neal.
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