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Everything posted by RXP

  1. I can see you're using TG and this is the reason most likely. I'm sending you a PM to try a new build, and you can resume on the main topic here afterward! PS: here is the TG+RXP topic: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/602533-gtn750gns430-xp1155r2-tg-freeze-resolving/
  2. Hi, Is this using any default Carenado PC12 RXP preset? Is it supposed to be preset with both?
  3. The last two 471.xx drivers were released the same time in GRD and NSD. Furthermore, if you diff the two drivers files, you'll find out the binaries are the same... The only differences I can notice are: - NSD driver .inf/.cat is supporting less video card choices (mostly older ones though) - GRD driver is probably enabling a few more and/or specific driver optimizations via the registry (binaries are the same). On a personal note, I find NSD more stable in VR overall with HAGS OFF.
  4. This is one of the X-Plane strength to me: night lighting. You can feel the ground is a living world with thousands of cars moving on the roads, which density varies by road type. Light bulbs are giving a convincing rendition of power and glint, and they are not fuzzy in the distance either. This is even more enjoyable in VR compared to FS2020 which makes you want wearing reading glasses. But more importantly, I find airport lighting spot-on with its specific technical characteristics, like narrow cone of light for runways and taxiways and more. I know this is a XP forum, but here is a link to some of my posts about FS2020 where I'm comparing from time to time P3D, FS2020 and XP11 lighting for reference: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/external-lights-only-render-on-right-eye-random-ghosting-image-on-right-eye-only/427755/6?u=cptlucky8
  5. @BostonJeremy77 Thank you for the heads up. I can't find this 737 MAX though. Would you mind posting the link to it, and eventually the links to the 747 master branch/release page?
  6. Well, do you see graphics like Aniso 1x even if you set in-Game 16x or not? If you do, this might apply to you, otherwise, nothing else to do. If the former, just do as explained to "reset" your custom FS2020 NVidia CPL settings, ensure it uses "let app decide". For the rest of the FS2020 settings, it is up to your preferences.
  7. Doesn't make any significant visual changes that I can notice, so no need to add an unnecessary processing. In my opinion, this settings is meant to adjusting the LOD ring distance to which they start reducing the poly count. It's inline doc says "roads, rivers etc.." which to make it simple is a kind of "vector data" painted atop the ground textures. I suppose therefore a simple river made as a triangle strip for example, will get tesselated with less triangles close by if set to LOW, and less triangles only farther away if set to ULTRA. Which is making me wondering what is OFF, and I'd suppose it is "no-triangle count reduction, display raw data as-is without any extra process". I would have thought this setting would be better suited otherwise to controlling the mesh poly count reduction LOD ring distance, but I don't see much of a difference between OFF, LOW and ULTRA. Either it is not used yet, or it has a bug which is not connecting the setting to the underlying poly reduction task, or I don't know what it is doing exactly! What I do know is that Sebastian told in a Q&A (I think around Dec. 2020) they were refactoring their tesselator to run in a task (i.e. related to their Task Scheduler) and maybe they didn't realize their tesselator work is not binding to this setting yet (bug, omission, etc...)
  8. Look my screenshot in the OP: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/my-2070-super-vr-settings-and-suggestions-index-steamvr/321913?u=cptlucky8 NB: These are my older settings and recommendations (due for an update)
  9. @Richard Sennett https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/my-2070-super-vr-settings-and-suggestions-index-steamvr/321913/547?u=cptlucky8
  10. Catching up your posts since yesterday: @Nyxx I've seen you post already but what I'm writing about is not about your findings, which if I understand correctly seeing the pictures is that Nvidia CPL 16x gives better results than in-game 16x. Actually on my 2070S + 471.41 SD (not GRD) they are both visually the same. Instead what I'm documenting is a bug with the Nvidia settings where if you change anisotropic only once, you can never set "let app decide" anymore. @Fielder@Tailwinds You don't have to reset the whole Nvidia CPL settings, just reset the FS2020 custom Nvidia CPL settings (I do hope most of you are creating a FS2020 custom settings first) @jarmstro I believe the bug might be as simple as using the wrong value in the code logic behind this drop down. For example: 16x -> 16, 8x -> 8... 1x -> 1, let app decide -> 1 (instead. of 0) To All: This is not a conspiracy post about SU5 either! This is just a bug I've found with the Nvidia settings using 471.41 SD (Studio Drivers) which I suspect could be (conditional) also present in 471.41 GRD (Game Ready Drivers) but I didn't test these. The reason of such a topic is not debating SU5, but reporting whether you also have the exact same bug with other driver versions (in which case please tell which) and whether the same solution works for your too. PS: I'm using the SD version because I find it more stable in VR with equal perf as the GRD.
  11. TL;DR: I believe I’ve found a bug which could explain why some of you are finding graphics are not as good as before. Although I'm experiencing it with Nvidia drivers 471.47 SD (Studio Drivers), there is a possibility this bug is also affecting the GRD version (Game Ready Drivers). For more details: PSA: NVidia Anisotropic Bug: in-game setting disabled (was: Some tests on Texture Resolution and Quality)
  12. I believe "then we are ok and the visuals look bright" is fitting this list of prerequisites better? 😄
  13. But this doesn't mean any evil intentions against the PC version either, just that maybe the common denominator is perceived as "too low" or a regression when experienced on PC. Note though that some have been advocating they implement sliders for fine grained control from the get go, which would have certainly helped I guess in this case because users could have been able to re-adjust the balance of visuals/performance to their liking, instead of having to wait days for an official word and more days for a hotfix.
  14. I believe you've forgotten to add you might also want XPnext to also add a small bee you can fly and hop from flower to flower 🤣 I'm just kidding but wouldn't this be cool for a change! Even with a "challenge" mode: avoid as many windshield as possible for 5 minutes!
  15. It might be a modern day phenomenon, but it is certainly the only way Microsoft wants to know about the problems with their game, in telling everyone clearly they'll address in priority the topics with more votes. In other words, they are telling us they'll only be listening to the non-silent majority crying and voting isn't it?
  16. Actually it is a little more complex in FS2020: - Anisotropic is like any other anisotropic filtering, basically using ddx/ddy to compensate for the non-linear along Z axis sampling. - Texture Super Sampling is only for the ground decals (the painted lines yellow, white, red etc... and the fuselage I believe too). You can get nearly same visuals when siting on the ground with Aniso 4X + Tex.SS 4x4 vs Aniso 16x + Tex.SS 0x0 in practice, but the rendering cost is not the same, because Aniso is hard-wired in the GPU silicon, but Text.SS is FS2020 shader code. As a matter of fact, prior SU5, I used to reducing stuttering at airports in VR a lot, with Tex.SS 0x0, and I still do with SU5 (but to a lesser extent now), especially on these airports with tons of ground decals. Of course the more, the merrier. If your GPU supports 16x + 8x8, then go for it!
  17. I've just finished testing NVidia Aniso 16x + FS2020 off, and NVidia Aniso Let App Decide + FS2020 16x Results: the same.
  18. I used to see much more differences prior between HDR and SDR. (well to be honest, I didn't try HDR since last year because I only use this game in VR). I've just tried it the other day and apart the brightness due to the monitor delivering more in HDR, the tone mapping and the rest was quite similar to me.
  19. Are you running with HDR enabled? This might be why.
  20. SHIFT+WIN+S In French: why making it simpler when you can make it more complex... 🙂
  21. In my tests, yes. However Texture Resolution was never meant for anything else than cockpit texture since day 1. What I find strange is that Texture Synthesis is no longer showing much differences in LOD ring distances (but I've tested with NVidia Aniso override only for now). EDIT: What I find unexpected is Texture Synthesis quality affected by Texture Resolution quality on test #4, but not in test #3 for example. Actually in both tests #3 and #4 Texture Resolution is affecting Texture Synthesis quality at least on the innermost ring (the closest).
  22. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/some-tests-on-texture-resolution-and-quality/436004?u=cptlucky8 Look at test #4 in full screen and swap picture with left/right arrows... 🙂 (look the ground near the intersection of the wing and the bottom of the cockpit window)
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