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  1. Just to add: The product contains a tool that sets and removes the entries in the aircraft.cfg's and should be used Contrails depend on environmental factors, according to this thread by TAT and altitude that's why contrails are visible in a Learjet or Falcon,but not in C172 😉 : Smoke on the water - and chemtrails in the sky 😄
  2. Don't know if it works in X-Plane, for P3D Flysimware Learjet I had to set the transponder squawk by an FSUIPC LUA script created b a friend of mine. The reason is: P2A sets the default P3D transponder offset while the Learjet uses internal LVARs for its display (it uses the P3D offset too but not for the display). This LUA script is started by the FSUIPC [Auto] section as the Learjet is loaded. It reads the P3D offset and sets the Learjet's transponder squawk LVAR accordingly. At it's end, it requests its own start 10 seconds later, so it effectively runs in a loop. Now, when the P2A copilot sets the P3D offset squawk, after at least 10 seconds the script sets the Learjet LVAR so it is displayed in the cockpit. Maybe this is possible in your X-Plane TOLISS aircraft too, but it's a little work to get the correct LVARs and fill them with the appropriate values. According to this mobiflight thread, reading of the Xplane transponder squawk should be possible as "pizman82" wrote: Xplane using XPUIPC.... ( Instead of FSUIPC in FSX) In Xplane ( As i know) you can NOT use EventID ! Thats only for FSX/P3D and not included in XPUIPC. If you like to change a value in Xplane via XPUIPC you need to directly write the Offset ! Check " Offset: 0354 Size 2 Byte Transponder setting : 4 digits in BCD format: 0x1200 means 1200 on the dials. If you are able to find the corresponding TOLISS squawk LVARs you may use an adapted version of my P3D Learjet LUA below. In FSUIPC P3D a list of LVARs is shown by FSUIPC function "List local panel variables" on a joystick button to show them in FSUIPC.log, don't know if this works in a similar way in Xplane, The script starts as the Learjet is loaded by an entry in FSUIPC.ini: [Auto.Flysimware_Learjet35A_FMS] 1=LUA Lear35A_SyncXPDR It reads the four Flysimware Learjet LVARs "Digit1" through "Digit4" (BCD coded) and sets them out of P3D offset 0x0354 (seems the same as above mentioned for Xplane ?!?) Dialing the virtual cockpit squawk wheel manually results in Learjet setting both, its Digit... LVARs and the P3D offset, so I still can set it manually and as they're equal, the script doesn't modify them. If the P2A copilot sets the P3D offset to another value, the script find them "not equal" and changes the LVARs. But it's required that your aircraft uses such LVARs and you find them. -- 23.07.23/AH Learjet 35A FMS Synchronize "Digital Transponder" to P3D internal transponder -- -- Flysimware Learjet 35A FMS Expansion Pack delivers a new "Digital Transponder" that synchronizes in a one-way fashion -- the P3D internal transponder. This leads to a conflict with Pilot2ATC's "Copilot sets Squawk" option (overwriting the latter) -- -- This script starts by FSUIPC.ini [Auto] or [Auto.<profile>] Section, it could be started manually by FSUIPC button definition. -- [Profile.Flysimware_Learjet35A_FMS] -- 1=Learjet 35A FMS N548PA -- [Auto.Flysimware_Learjet35A_FMS] -- 1=LUA Lear35A_SyncXPDR -- The Script's main procedure starts the sync function every 10.000 ms (or another value in variable cycletime) -- -- The function LearSyncXpndr reads Digital Transponders LVARs and, if not existing, terminates itself (no Lear FMS aircraft) -- The P3D internal transponder Squawk (2 bytes BCD coded at offset 0x0354) is divided into its nibbles (halfbytes) -- They have to be combined digit by digit to a decimal number to compare (BCD x01200 = decimal 4608 <> decimal 1200) -- If the Squawks are different, the Digital Transponder Squawk is set according to P3D internal Squawk. -- -- It's a compromise: -- On one site, manual setting of Digital Transponder is possible: -- even if P3D internal transponder changes, there's a 10 seconds gap until the function runs again -- On the other site if a tool like Pilot2ATC sets the P3D internal transponder and there's no focus in VC on the Digital Transponder -- (knobs not activated by clicking on them), this script sets Digital Transponder accordingly after max. 10 seconds. -- -- Sync function, called by main entry's event.timer every 10 seconds -- function LearSyncXpndr(CurrentTime) -- Get "Digital Transponder" Squawk Code DIGSQ1=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit1") DIGSQ2=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit2") DIGSQ3=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit3") DIGSQ4=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit4") -- Check if "L:Digit..." LVARs were returned, if not: no Lear FMS - end timer procedure if DIGSQ1 == nil or DIGSQ2 == nil or DIGSQ3 == nil or DIGSQ4 == nil then ipc.display("LUA only for Flysimware Learjet 35A with FMS (L:Digit... undefined)") ipc.sleep(2000) ipc.exit() end -- Combine Digital Transponder Squawk digits to decimal number DIGSQ=(DIGSQ1 * 1000) + (DIGSQ2 * 100) + (DIGSQ3 * 10) + DIGSQ4 -- Get P3D BCD-coded Squawk Code and extract nibbles (halfbytes) -- we need them to build a decimal compare number and to set Digital Transponder if not equal XPNDR=ipc.readUW(0x0354) XPNDR1=logic.Shr(XPNDR,12) -- get first nibble by shift right 12 bits XPNDR1=logic.And(XPNDR1,15) -- and leave only rightmost four bits XPNDR2=logic.Shr(XPNDR,8) -- get second nibble by shift right 8 bits XPNDR2=logic.And(XPNDR2,15) -- and leave only rightmost four bits XPNDR3=logic.Shr(XPNDR,4) -- get third nibble by shift right 4 bits XPNDR3=logic.And(XPNDR3,15) -- and leave only rightmost four bits XPNDR4=logic.And(XPNDR,15) -- get fourth nibble: leave only rightmost four bits -- Combine P3D internal transponder digits to decimal number XPNDRDEC=(XPNDR1 * 1000) + (XPNDR2 * 100) + (XPNDR3 * 10) + XPNDR4 -- If Digital Transponder Squawk and P3D-internal Squawk are not equal: set "Digital Transponder" if DIGSQ ~= XPNDRDEC then -- Set Digital Transponder Squawk to P3D Squawk ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit1", XPNDR1) ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit2", XPNDR2) ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit3", XPNDR3) ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit4", XPNDR4) end -- just for debugging: show nibbles in hex -- XPNDR1X=string.format("%x", XPNDR1) -- XPNDR2X=string.format("%x", XPNDR2) -- XPNDR3X=string.format("%x", XPNDR3) -- XPNDR4X=string.format("%x", XPNDR4) -- ipc.display("P3D XPD: " .. XPNDR1 .. "-" .. XPNDR2 .. "-" .. XPNDR3 .. "-" .. XPNDR4 .. ".") -- ipc.sleep(1000) -- XPNDRX=string.format("%x", XPNDR) -- ipc.display("P3D XPX: " .. XPNDR1X .. "-" .. XPNDR2X .. "-" .. XPNDR3X .. "-" .. XPNDR4X .. ".") -- ipc.sleep(1000) -- ipc.display("P3D XP: " .. XPNDRX .. " (BCD !) DigXP: " .. DIGSQ) end -- -- Main Entry, called by FSUIPC.ini LUA entry in Section "[Auto]" or "[Auto.<profilename>]" -- cycletime=10000 -- Display in P3D before starting cyclic function to prevent msg removal by function's own msgs ipc.display("Starting Lear 35A Digital Transponder sync every " .. cycletime .. "ms") ipc.sleep(8000) ipc.display("") -- clear display -- Now start cyclic function for XPDR Sync event.timer(cycletime, "LearSyncXpndr") --
  3. Windows 10 22H2 - works too ! Way better than default MS voices ! for P2A, "64-bit" was sufficient -> "Installed (v0.1.0.0)" ticked only "Include Narrator natural voices" (as I don't know what "Include Microsoft Edge online" does after downloading "Microsoft Aria (Natural") from Dave's link above (link list leads to Microsoft Appstore) I tested it by the zip file delivered TtsApplication.exe in ...\NaturalVoiceSAPIAdapter_x86_x64\x64 being surprised by the Cereproc-comparable quality of "Microsoft Aria (Natural", I downloaded the other english natural voices and added them to my P2A random voice list. It's not only free, but really good ! Thanks !
  4. In my opinion, text-to-speech (output) should work in the near future but won't be supported any more. Speech recognition (input) is deprecated, so it may be removed in a future release. Both shouldn't affect Windows 10 22H2 as it's the last release for Windows 10. But only my thoughts - no one knows if a future fix may not make it stop working. Extracted from your link: Text-to-Speech currently supports both standard and neural voices. However, since the neural voices provide more natural sounding speech output, and thus, a better end-user experience, we are retiring the standard voices on 31st August 2024 and they will no longer be supported after that date.  Regarding the opposite - speech recognition: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/whats-new/deprecated-features Windows speech recognition Windows speech recognition is deprecated and is no longer being developed. This feature is being replaced with voice access. Voice access is available for Windows 11, version 22H2, or later devices. Currently, voice access supports five English locales: English - US, English - UK, English - India, English - New Zealand, English - Canada, and English - Australia. For more information, see Setup voice access. A link leads to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/whats-new/feature-lifecycle Terminology The following terms can be used to describe the status that might be assigned to a feature during its lifecycle: Deprecation: The stage of the product lifecycle when a feature or functionality is no longer in active development and may be removed in future releases of a product or online service. End of support: The stage of the product lifecycle when support and servicing are no longer available for a product. Retirement: The stage of the product lifecycle when a service is shut down so that it's no longer available for use. Remove or retire a feature: The stage of the product lifecycle when a feature or functionality is taken out of a service after it has been marked as deprecated. The feature is removed from newer versions of Windows, but still exists in older versions and is supported until those versions reach end of support stage. Replace a feature: The stage of the product lifecycle when a feature or functionality in a service is replaced with a different feature or functionality.
  5. The application (flightsim) creates the shader program files in the shader cache directory, you may easily observe it by deleting this folder, then starting the sim: it will be recreated. So it doesn't matter if you delete it before or after the driver update or before or after the application update as long as the application (flightsim) isn't started.
  6. It's nothing serious but since Beta7L I got the following error message closing P2A accompanied by a box "Program has stopped working": It doesn't matter if I start P2A alone or together with P3D 4.5 HF3. I changed to other "map views" without releaf Program StartedPilot2ATC® (P2A) - version 02/03/2024 09:12:02 Windows OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version: 6.2.9200.0 Platform: Win32NT Memory: 33411727360 Trying to create DB_Dyno. DB_Dyno created successfully. Init 15% done. Trying to create DB_Base. DB_Base created successfully. Application frmP2AMain starting 02/03/2024 09:12:15 Loading Joystick Devices - 7 devices loaded. Loading Form Main form opened: Pilot2ATC® 2021 v. Navigraph - AIRAC cycle: 2307 Loading Joystick Devices - 7 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 7 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 7 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 7 devices loaded. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Loading Map Control LoadMapControl: panel 1 Creating ucMap1 SQLiteVersion: | 2015-07-29 20:00:57 cf538e2783e468bbc25e7cb2a9ee64d3e0e80b2f | INTEROP_CODEC INTEROP_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONS INTEROP_VIRTUAL_TABLE NET_40 PRELOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY THROW_ON_DISPOSED TRACE TRACE_PRELOAD TRACE_SHARED TRACE_WARNING USE_PREPARE_V2 WINDOWS ucMap1 Created ucMap DockFill set. Setting Map Mode Done Loading Map Control Loading FPL Control FPL Control Loaded ForcePilotRunway Changed to: True Simulator Disconnected. 02/03/2024 09:13:43 Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at GMap.NET.Internals.FastReaderWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock() at GMap.NET.Internals.Core.Dispose(Boolean disposing) at GMap.NET.Internals.Core.Finalize() Windows Event Viewer shows me this entries: Application: Pilot2ATC_2021.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.NullReferenceException at GMap.NET.Internals.FastReaderWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock() at GMap.NET.Internals.Core.Dispose(Boolean) at GMap.NET.Internals.Core.Finalize() and Faulting application name: Pilot2ATC_2021.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65b4eb50 Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00007ff82a51ff1e Faulting process id: 0x451c Faulting application start time: 0x01da5679aab13d78 Faulting application path: C:\Games\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Pilot2ATC_2021.exe Faulting module path: unknown Report Id: 494fb9f5-31b6-4f17-a77d-281db479a000 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Maybe I have to change a setting to avoid this error - but as I said: it's not a serious problem, just for your information.
  7. Some thoughts: NVIDIA 3D settings Power management mode: prefer maximum performance Windows settings: Power & sleep -> best performance from there: related settings -> Additional power settings -> select "High performance" change plan settings -> change advanced plan settings PCI express -> Link state power mgmt: off Processor power mgmt: min : 0% systen cooling: active max: 100% AMD Power slider: best performance
  8. I doubt they will do that for me - even if I upgrade from the older ASPV4 to a newer version. But what's the difference between the SIM setting and the AS-weather ? What disadvantage will I get switching from AS to SIM (as AS injects the windlock corrected weather into P3D) ? On the other hand, at the moment, I use "Force Pilot Runway Selection", so I can select the runway according to my flight plan. Maybe a useful option would be selecting the in-sim weather for departure and approach (or at least departure), then airborne switch to the weather engine data...but I suspect it isn't easily done.
  9. Short description of the problem: flying P3D V4.5 with ASP4 and historical weather with explicit wind directions expecting runways according to ASP4 briefing P3D reads wind information from ASP4 including "ASP4 wind lock" (locks wind on airport to 6 knots in one direction) P2A gives me different runways as it doesn't seem to respect "ASP4 wind lock" problem exists since long time but I managed it by "pilot forcing runway" now analyzed current_wx_snapshot.txt and found different wind information as in ASP4 briefing So I thought about updating to ASP3D but want to be sure that this "bug" was fixed in the newer version. Now what I get from Hifi support: Any chance to get AS weather read from API instead of current_wx_snapshot ? Or would it be an option to switch P2A from Active Sky weather to SIM weather ? (What is the difference between AS weather and SIM weather ? Or is there any if P3D is connected to AS ?)
  10. I respond to this old thread as until now, I resolved it in the same way: by turning the Saitek Trim Wheel some revolutions after Windows 10 starts. Today, I thought to go deeper in detail and found a solution - not avoiding the wheel turns, but to be remembered at Windows startup that this has to be done. In Windows Device Manager, after setting the "View" to "Devices by container", I found an entry "Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel" with two devices: "HID-compliant game controller" and "USB Input Device". Comparing these devices in Windows Device Manager before and after turning the wheel after reboot, I found a difference in the "HID-compliant game controller" in Details -> property "Bus number". Before turning, the value was 0 or 1 and after turning (accompanied by the USB device plugin "bling") it was higher, 15 or 20 (changed after power off, but mostly 15). As I already run a BAT script at Windows start with "dir /s" on every sim related directory to load the directory entries into RAM (snake oil ? RAMMAP shows an increased "meta data " area afterwards), so I put some code in this BAT script that reads the "Bus number" and, if not above 1, alerts me to turn the wheel. Alerting is done in a loop until I turn the wheel, so I cannot forget it. Turning the uninitialized wheel while P3D has been started and prepared for flight just to get an unflyable aircraft is annoying. So I use the following statements, not solving the issue, but to remember me to turn the wheel. Requisite: Saitek Trim Wheel with USB hardware id HID\VID_06A3&PID_0BD4\6&24C0CE00&0&0000, I got this string from this Powershell command: Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object { $_.InstanceId -match '^USB' } | format-table -autosize The Trim Wheel should be displayed with VID 06A3 (vendor id of SAITEK) and PID (product id of Trim Wheel) 0BD4. The string from Get-PnpDevice has to be set into the following code after "-InstanceID" if different. This sample code (.BAT) checks by calling Powershell the bus number until it is higher than 1 as in my environment, 0 or 1 mean "wheel not turned since reboot". Depending on this bus number, it calls Powershell again to let Windows SAPI speaking the actual state of the Trim Wheel on my speakers, it can be replaced by simple "echo" statements. :askagain REM Get trimwheel bus number powershell.exe -Command "$busnbr=Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId 'HID\VID_06A3&PID_0BD4\6&24C0CE00&0&0000' -Keyname 'DEVPKEY_Device_BusNumber' | select -ExpandProperty data; exit $busnbr" set twrc=%ERRORLEVEL% if %twrc% GTR 1 goto wheelok REM Ask to turn trimwheel powershell.exe -Command "$text=\"Bus number is %twrc%, now it's time to turn the Sai-tec Trimwheel some revolutions... go ahead, $env:username\" ; $voice = New-Object -ComObject Sapi.spvoice ; $voice.rate = 0 ; $voice.speak($text)" REM Delay 3 seconds, then check again timeout /T 3 goto askagain :wheelok REM Wheel now initialized powershell.exe -Command "$text=\"Sai-tec Trimwheel seems to be ok, bus number is %twrc% !\" ; $voice = New-Object -ComObject Sapi.spvoice ; $voice.rate = 0 ; $voice.speak($text)"
  11. I set the output of Prepar3D directly to my Realtek Audio on the mainboard, from there to my speakers, and the output of P2A to fxsound and fxsound to my earphones. Regarding the "locking" of the Windows Sound "Default Device" by fxsound, I got the following answer in their forum: Meanwhile, I found other tools to get an immersive VHF radio sound from P2A: https://forum.fxsound.com/t/inability-to-get-fx-sound-to-function/2220/2 but some of them seem to be buggy and other one's are not free - as I found on my Google search.
  12. As the video looked a little bit complicated to me, I did some investigations today and found a free (meaning "donation ware") equalizer plugin at https://www.fxsound.com/ It sets (locks !) itself as the Windows "Default sound device" and, if switched on, runs its equalizer against the sound, playing through the real sound device (speaker or headset) selected in its menu. A first test was setup very simple: installing the fxsound plugin and set the equalizer to cut-off frequencies below 1 kHZ and above ~2.5 kHz, Clarity and Ambience to 0. Then setting it as output device in P2A. I ran it just for some minutes, only a short test. CPU consumption ~3% on one core seems neglible, but I have to check this on longer flights. Disadvantage: if I change the default sound output in Windows Sound, it is reset immediately to "FxSound Speakers". No problem for P3D, as I set P3D environmental sounds in the sound options directly to the MB Realtek output (to my speakers), but I have to remember this for other simulations and games that use just the default sound device: The equalizer function can be turned off, but I have to change the real output device in the plugin menu from my Sennheiser headset (used for P2A) to my speakers / Realtek mainboard out for everything else, basically no problem but a little bit inconvenient. At the moment, I'm not sure whether it's advantage or drawback...
  13. Since update Pilot2Atc Beta 3, you can set Config -> Sounds -> Root Folder to your FS-ATC-Chatter installation folder that contains the "Regions" folder (e.g. C:\Games\FS-ATC-Chatter), so you don't have to copy the chatter files after updating them with the FS-ATC-Chatter player. It works for me.
  14. Just to finish: short LUA "Lear35A_SyncXPDR.lua" works for me, I start it automatically by my FSUIPC profile for the Lear FMS: -- 23.07.23/AH Learjet 35A FMS Synchronize "Digital Transponder" to P3D internal transponder -- -- Flysimware Learjet 35A FMS Expansion Pack delivers a new "Digital Transponder" that synchronizes in a one-way fashion -- the P3D internal transponder. This leads to a conflict with Pilot2ATC's "Copilot sets Squawk" option (overwriting the latter) -- -- This script starts by FSUIPC.ini [Auto] or [Auto.<profile>] Section, it could be started manually by FSUIPC button definition. -- [Profile.Flysimware_Learjet35A_FMS] -- 1=Learjet 35A FMS N548PA -- [Auto.Flysimware_Learjet35A_FMS] -- 1=LUA Lear35A_SyncXPDR -- The Script's main procedure starts the sync function every 10.000 ms (or another value in variable cycletime) -- -- The function LearSyncXpndr reads Digital Transponders LVARs and, if not existing, terminates itself (no Lear FMS aircraft) -- The P3D internal transponder Squawk (2 bytes BCD coded at offset 0x0354) is divided into its nibbles (halfbytes) -- They have to be combined digit by digit to a decimal number to compare (BCD x01200 = decimal 4608 <> decimal 1200) -- If the Squawks are different, the Digital Transponder Squawk is set according to P3D internal Squawk. -- -- It's a compromise: -- On one site, manual setting of Digital Transponder is possible: -- even if P3D internal transponder changes, there's a 10 seconds gap until the function runs again -- On the other site if a tool like Pilot2ATC sets the P3D internal transponder and there's no focus in VC on the Digital Transponder -- (knobs not activated by clicking on them), this script sets Digital Transponder accordingly after max. 10 seconds. -- -- Sync function, called by main entry's event.timer every 10 seconds -- function LearSyncXpndr(CurrentTime) -- Get "Digital Transponder" Squawk Code DIGSQ1=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit1") DIGSQ2=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit2") DIGSQ3=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit3") DIGSQ4=ipc.readLvar("L:Digit4") -- Check if "L:Digit..." LVARs were returned, if not: no Lear FMS - end timer procedure if DIGSQ1 == nil or DIGSQ2 == nil or DIGSQ3 == nil or DIGSQ4 == nil then ipc.display("LUA only for Flysimware Learjet 35A with FMS (L:Digit... undefined)") ipc.sleep(2000) ipc.exit() end -- Combine Digital Transponder Squawk digits to decimal number DIGSQ=(DIGSQ1 * 1000) + (DIGSQ2 * 100) + (DIGSQ3 * 10) + DIGSQ4 -- Get P3D BCD-coded Squawk Code and extract nibbles (halfbytes) -- we need them to build a decimal compare number and to set Digital Transponder if not equal XPNDR=ipc.readUW(0x0354) XPNDR1=logic.Shr(XPNDR,12) -- get first nibble by shift right 12 bits XPNDR1=logic.And(XPNDR1,15) -- and leave only rightmost four bits XPNDR2=logic.Shr(XPNDR,8) -- get second nibble by shift right 8 bits XPNDR2=logic.And(XPNDR2,15) -- and leave only rightmost four bits XPNDR3=logic.Shr(XPNDR,4) -- get third nibble by shift right 4 bits XPNDR3=logic.And(XPNDR3,15) -- and leave only rightmost four bits XPNDR4=logic.And(XPNDR,15) -- get fourth nibble: leave only rightmost four bits -- Combine P3D internal transponder digits to decimal number XPNDRDEC=(XPNDR1 * 1000) + (XPNDR2 * 100) + (XPNDR3 * 10) + XPNDR4 -- If Digital Transponder Squawk and P3D-internal Squawk are not equal: set "Digital Transponder" if DIGSQ ~= XPNDRDEC then -- Set Digital Transponder Squawk to P3D Squawk ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit1", XPNDR1) ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit2", XPNDR2) ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit3", XPNDR3) ipc.WriteLvar("L:Digit4", XPNDR4) end -- just for debugging: show nibbles in hex -- XPNDR1X=string.format("%x", XPNDR1) -- XPNDR2X=string.format("%x", XPNDR2) -- XPNDR3X=string.format("%x", XPNDR3) -- XPNDR4X=string.format("%x", XPNDR4) -- ipc.display("P3D XPD: " .. XPNDR1 .. "-" .. XPNDR2 .. "-" .. XPNDR3 .. "-" .. XPNDR4 .. ".") -- ipc.sleep(1000) -- XPNDRX=string.format("%x", XPNDR) -- ipc.display("P3D XPX: " .. XPNDR1X .. "-" .. XPNDR2X .. "-" .. XPNDR3X .. "-" .. XPNDR4X .. ".") -- ipc.sleep(1000) -- ipc.display("P3D XP: " .. XPNDRX .. " (BCD !) DigXP: " .. DIGSQ) end -- -- Main Entry, called by FSUIPC.ini LUA entry in Section "[Auto]" or "[Auto.<profilename>]" -- cycletime=10000 event.timer(cycletime, "LearSyncXpndr") ipc.display ("Started Lear 35A Digital Transponder sync every " .. cycletime .. "ms") ipc.sleep(1000)
  15. Thank you ! You gave me some work (luckily 😄).
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