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Everything posted by ssair1

  1. Well, what can I say? I own the plane in reality and have all the available sim versions, i.e., Carenado SR22 ”GTSX” for P3D and XP, and the newly released TorqueSim SR22 G3 and TN model. The MSFS version isn't anything close to TorqueSim’s in all categories. It really is a ”default” aircraft. The flight dynamics are better than the P3D offering but nothing to write home about. However, it's still fun to fly and I don't regret getting it along with the extra airports of the ”deluxe” package. If you like the SR22, then I highly recommend TorqueSim’s, it still a little ”buggy” but the developers are working hard at ironing them out.
  2. Thank you. However, I think Dawu is right unfortunately.
  3. I tried your suggestion, it isn't working.
  4. Yes, when your rotating a knob or hovering your mouse around a switch: text descriptions show up. Is there a way to disable them?
  5. I am unable to purchase, can someone just explain if you need to buy xbox credits before you can buy? What is this virtual credits nonsense all about?!
  6. I did but it isn't working for some strange reason. Perhaps, a restart may fix it...
  7. How do you get rid of text descriptions/notifications when you hover your mouse around a control knob or switch?
  8. Thanks, do you have to buy xbox credits first, or does it automatically charge the credit card on file with your microsoft account? For some reason, I am unable to purchase anything...
  9. Thanks, while the marketplace was working, I wasn't able to purchase anything. Were you able to purchase?
  10. I am unable to access the marketplace, is anyone else having similar issues?
  11. How do you purchase from the MarketPlace? Do you need to add funds to an Xbox or MS Store card?
  12. I’ve the found the performance moderately better in V5. Although I’ve switched to TE England now, I think EU actually looks better.
  13. Good job! You figured out the general consenus of our P3D forum.
  14. Arguing over how my flight sim is better than yours is immature and irrelevant. The fact of the matter is P3D, especially LM, isn’t going away, not now or the foreseeable future. We have invested a lot of resources, time and money, and P3D will only continue to get better. I welcome any new flight sim: options are a great thing in life.
  15. Try to do a full reinstall of P3D into the same location and then try to uninstall.
  16. Please post this issue out in the Orbx Forums. I recall reading about this issue on there a while back. Something about how having both FTX and Orbx Central creates double libraries...
  17. Do you have both Orbx Central and FTX Central installed?
  18. Honestly, for the performance and immersion etc, I recommend Leonardo Fly the Maddog. It has a ready to fly option 🙂
  19. There are nighttime textures for buildings, not sure about the streetlights since I have Orbx installed.
  20. Did a quick VFR around KJFK, it doesn't seem to be a major update.
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