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Little Jenny

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About Little Jenny

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  1. Wait, you mean Captain Sim finally finished the Hercules? Let's not forget they released an 'exterior model only' last year. Or was that just an 'early release' version? LOL!!! S
  2. Fly2High isn't a top tier dev but they do seem to hit airports that probably won't get any other love (medium size airports in the US mostly). I have quite a few and some have only been 'improved' by MSFSSceneryBuilders and we all know their quality. I'll admit I have got most of them on sale, so the value has been there for me. As has already been stated, Orbx is merely providing a storefront for Fly2High and many others.
  3. ANOTHER airport? Do you ever sleep? Hehehe...
  4. Congratulations. I have all of your airports. I've only flown into a couple of them and they are amazing!!!!!!
  5. I use OnAir for my GA flying (have a small fleet of turboprops that I have located in various parts of the world). Not a fan of the subscription model but it is what it is. One thing I can say for OnAir is that it's constantly under development, so the money is being put to use (even though I don't plane on using the factories, etc). I also use A Pilots Life 2 for the airliners. Haven't used it much but it's not a bad addon if that's your thing. It will generate a schedule for you based on your airline and off you go. I do believe you can fly your own routes too, if you wish (I just stick to the generated schedules).
  6. Hmm, been wondering about that. I use the 530 and no TOGA.
  7. Congratulations!!!! I'm sure you won't be disappointed. 😉 Currently I use mine in the 737 (obviously), 787, A320, CRJ, MD-82 and eventually the 146 (when I finally start flying it). I also use it in the TBM, Twin Otter and EMB-110 (been working on a Caravan profile but haven't flown it in a bit). Basically any aircraft I can find a way to use it I do. I used to use a Desktop Aviator Cessna panel for lights and such but it's in the pile of retired hardware.
  8. I love helping other people spend money. Hehehe...
  9. Remember that the Xbox crowd doesn't have access to the mods that we do on the PC side. LVFR has a potential large audience for their products, I'm sure (I have their A319 and yes, it has the Horizon mod but I have no plans for any Bus purchases right now).
  10. Using SPAD to run it, I use mine for all airliners and turboprops that I fly. I also use some of the switches for piston planes (lights and any deice/anti-ice). Makes it easier for me to transition between planes as I am basically using the same devices for everything. I absolutely love this panel.
  11. Grabbed this livery for my 850. Absolutely love how it looks. Fantastic work, Ryan.
  12. Hmm, I'm starting to feel a little sick right now. No idea why though. 😉 Bought and installing right now.
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