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  1. Does MSFS_AutoFPS works also with SU15?
  2. I'm planning a VFR tour along California. Any suggestion regarding the best (freeware) VFR sceneries in this state? I'm referring to VFR aiports/fields but also landmarks. Thanks Stefano
  3. A new thread in order to collect and share the new water masks finded in the sim after WU16 Caribbean update. Put here photos with location description (and/or coordinates)
  4. Does it works also with Nvidia GTX1080 ? Regards
  5. Totally agree. It is not acceptable that an addon developed and sold directly by Asobo/Microsoft is not made compatible with the software update of the SIM itself
  6. No news regarding new patches and/or improvements?
  7. Does the Weather Radar work in the Asobo ATR?
  8. G3X is not a good choice ... I have RV14, very good aircraft but the limitations in the avionics are important. They should consider retrofitting the avionics with some more professional package
  9. A really masterpiece for heli flight simulation !!! All H145 variants are a must have !!!
  10. It's true, we're able to ignore the assigned runway ... but AI traffic can't do that. That's the problem...
  11. Is there a way to close a runway for takeoff/landing or to change the runway selection logic? For example, at LIMC runways 17 are used only for a few days in a year but in the sim, more or less, always .. Is there a way to avoid some specific runway from the sim? Thanks Stefano
  12. You're right ... I switched off Standby instrument and my frame rate has been returned stable at 30fps (fixed at 30 fps) Thanks for the help!
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