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Everything posted by cercata

  1. I don't know, but I would do anything for having it now !!!! Even kidnapping Austin, force him to play MSFS, record and upload it to youtube !!!!!
  2. I used to do that when I did't have a HOTAS in X-Plane. For "passenger confort" flying it's good, but for combat, acrobatics, extreme bush flight, you lose a lot of precision. Now that I have a hotas, event for confort mode, I prefer the hotas.
  3. No rush, I'll need this only when I have many many GB of addons ... I was just thinking ahead Thanks so much 🙂
  4. Feature Request: Having several addon directories, so we can have addons on several drives
  5. I meant globes OR handtracking ... Oculus Quest has already handtracking working very well, it would be posible on PC with current inside-out hardware ... we just need the software. Regarding the touchs, in the plane you release the yoke/stick, and manipulate de cockpit. In VR you release the stick, search the touch blindly, manipulate the cockpit, search a place to leave the touch, and get the stick, much more complicated workflow. An also you mast make sure that you don't hit the HOTAS/Yoke/Quadrant/desktop ....not accesible for everyone. Anyway, if X-Plane thinks that's the way to to go, they should just remove the VR Mouse option, and not let it there for 2 or 3 years, but that it doesn't work.
  6. How do you do HOTAS + touchs ? It would be amazing with gloves & handtracking, but with touchs. 4 devices, 2 hands only.
  7. They have been more than 2 years and still not good. I stoped playing X-plane because the mouse didn't work on VR, and I wanted to play in VR with Hotas, not touchs When I stopped playing the bug had been reported for 2 years and they didn't care
  8. The G2 exclusivity thing was just a mistake I think, only a couple of days later they said it was WMR. My theory is that there is no exclusivity at all, it's just that they are doing it via OpenXR, and the other plataforms have OpenXR only for developers AFAIK. So the support for other plataforms I think it depends more in the other platforms than in Asobo.
  9. VR CLOSED BETA UPDATE It’s been a week since we opened sign up for VR Closed Beta and have received many eager applicants. Thank you for expressing interest in testing VR with us! We are currently evaluating the specs and making decisions at this time. We will provide another update here once emails have been sent out to participating testers.
  10. https://www.flightsimulator.com/october-8th-2020-development-update/ VR CLOSED BETA UPDATE It’s been a week since we opened sign up for VR Closed Beta and have received many eager applicants. Thank you for expressing interest in testing VR with us! We are currently evaluating the specs and making decisions at this time. We will provide another
  11. G2 in mid october ? I don't think so ... if they don't have units for youtubers, I don't think the whole batch of profuction will be ready in a couple of days ... Last week they said the Beta wasn't started yet, that they will send emails, and once emails were sent, in the next update they'll say it openly ... so today is update day, we'll see if any emails have been send or no.
  12. I guess there will be a new forum, so people outside the beta doesn't see it. And seeing the number of people who has WMR, I don't think there will be much people on the Beta. I'm checking my spam folder and the Insider hub everyday, but nothing 😞
  13. RELEASE NOTES PLANES The VFR map should no longer crash the title during a flight Avionic screens or buttons in the cockpit should no longer be turned off randomly (ghost cockpit) Crashes related to the use of the Smart cam have been fixed AIRPORTS Navblue navigation data has been updated UI Version history is now properly displayed in the Marketplace and Content manager The multiple simultaneous downloads in the content manager are better handled to prevent crashes or freezes The packages downloaded through the content manager should now be correctly loaded without requiring a reboot of the title The airport icons in the world map have been slightly modified AERODYNAMICS Auto Pilot pitch oscillation has been reduced on some planes ACTIVITY Multiplayer has been deactivated in the Japan Discovery Flight MARKETPLACE Quality of life updates for the marketplace WORLD Autogen buildings height has been reviewed TIN luminance (Sendai, Takamatsu, Tokushima, Tokyo, Utsunomiya, Yokohama)
  14. If liveries are making MSFS crash, I consider that a bug that should be submited to Asobo. For other MODs it's normal, but the sim should be able to perform some checks on liveries to see if they are safe, it's just some textures.
  15. In MSFS too. In handles similar to the Savage Cub, with more power, especially at high altitude, and much more visibility underneath. Until you put the manifold on idle, and you see it doesn't want to stop ...
  16. That .gltf trick was really pitiful, he really expected nobody was goind to realize it ? I guess each time he writes something like that in the forum he ends losing several customers because of the answers he gets ... it's only logical.
  17. By flaps not working, he meant that when you activate the flaps lever, you didn't see visual feedback in the flaperons. Now it has been fixed, and the base position of the flaperons changes. Visually it looks like it's more than 6º, but if you go to third person camera, it say's they are at 6º
  18. I guess that because of NDA, the MSFS forums will be the only place where we can comment on the VR Beta, if we are lucky to be choosen.
  19. Not worth actually IMHO, I prefer now the DA40s ... And the DA-40NG can be easily modded, so it will get lot's of improvements.
  20. That's not posible in MSFS, paywares have the .cfg files encripted in cfg.fsarchive, and they can't be overriden by files in the community folder, AFAIK 😞 What is missing ?
  21. The flaps are now animated, but they only go up to 6º ... i think they should go more, like 3 positions 6,12,18 The windshield has also been fixed. The big problem remaining in the RPM at ilde, that push makes short landing very difficult. With slip, you can achive some short landings, but not bush plane short. And if you cut the engine with CTRL+word not allowed+E, then you can achieve ultrashort landings. If they fix that issue, I think it will be totally worth the 9€, because of it's visibility, it's amazing. You can look down to the left, you even see the wheel, and things bellow you
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