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Everything posted by cercata

  1. I'm really enjoying the Kitfox despite it flaws, the best visibility by far in MSFS !!!! And shuting down engines with CRTL+SHIFT+E I can achieve very short landings. Very happy with the purchase give the price, still i think some fixes are due ...
  2. Avitab !!!!!! And for 3rd party ATC, I think they should integrate it with the game UI via SDK. So what I expect from Asobo is mainly a good UI API for addon developers, so we have native tools, not "inserts".
  3. I made both ... and I wrote an email to support saying there was a bug on the site, and instead of the terms page there was still the DxDiag page !!!!🤣😪
  4. Yes, but 24h from when ? After you sent it ? After 9AM Nov 2nd in Redmond when they start processing it ... I'm as lost as you, I have no idea, but it seems someone must grant us some permisions before we can access VR
  5. A reminder, those instructions work only if you have been greenlit by Microsoft for using VR
  6. Yeah, I don't have motion sickness normally, but "camera shake" softening is a must. The "space" I hope it's because it's beta, and once all VR features are defined, they'll add binding for everithing, there will be a new tab in the setting for VR with all those things bindable. Maybe it's already there ... we don't know if this is beta is close to an Alpha or close to candidate release.
  7. Recenter is binded to "space": https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/vr-beta-help/305889/30 For the other things, you are not asking too much, I guess that's the minimum to expect. But "lock horizon" I would never use it. I use it in Elite Dangerus for the SRV, but in a flight sim, I don't see the point. On land you must be quite horizontal, and in the air it's pointless
  8. If you launch a game in DX11/OpenGL, you have interest in porting it to DX12/Vulkan. But if you launch a game on DX12/Vulkan, I don't really se the interest on porting it to older APIs. Also, if you launch a game on DX12, a see the interest in porting it to Vulkan to reach things beyond windowns. But if you launch your game with Vulkan, there is not much interest in porting it to DX12. If people at Asobo were really bored, maybe they would bother about SteamVR, but with so many missing things and bugs, I think they'll pass on it. For example, I guess multiple monitors will be much more prioritary.
  9. OpenXR is the new standard, so if MSFS doesn't work on those HMDs, we should blame Oculus, Valve, etc. It has been more than a year since the Chronos group published the final specification. I guess Microsoft is in contact with them and they know their plans for releasing the final version on OpenXR X-plane initially only supported SteamVR, they tried to avoid Oculus SDK, they finally did it because of performance reasons. But that shouldn't be the case anymore once Oculus/Valve do a proper implementation of OpenXR.
  10. Fact: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/mixed-reality-blog/moving-forward-to-openxr/ba-p/1825672 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/vr-beta-help/305889/30
  11. Good Question. External programs being used until now will not work, because the rely on SteamVR, and this is gonna be based on OpenXR. So I see 3 potential ways to do it: New OpenXR Overlay apps WMR Portal "Virtual Desktop" features ? Addons/Plugins creating UI inside the game Does anyone know if the point 2 is posible like with Oculus ?
  12. I hope we can follow this conversation soon in the private forums ... sharing performance data, no more speculation !!!!
  13. I was playing X-plane with 23FPS and ugly graphics, my expectations are not very high !!!!
  14. Then this is gonna be the shortest Beta ever if it ends when G2 launches ...
  15. Thanks for the tip ... it wasn't my custom folder anymore, but somewhere in appdata. I changed it again to my custom folder. Just delete it, and create it again in the folder you wanna have it
  16. I'm not concerned about performance anymore ... I'm concerned about VR ... it's really comming or did I dream it ? Was it a collective dream ? Can someone pinch me ?
  17. They said they would be sending emails about the Beta this week ... that's all I know
  18. I agree with Phil Spencer in every thing he says except for VR ... I think it was someone over him who was blocking VR on Microsoft. His statements about VR seem just like a dummy excuse.
  19. Yes, I play the rest of sims on VR, and on VR that is improved, but on MSFS on monitor it's better than other sims on VR ... eager to try MSFS on VR.
  20. Don't worrey, I'll keep you informed on how wonderfull Matrix is with the G1 😉
  21. VR CLOSED BETA Good news! We are on track with our upcoming VR build and will be sending out emails next week to our first wave of VR testers. As a reminder, Wave 1 is for WMR (Windows Mixed Reality) VR users only and Wave 2 will be for non-WMR users. Stay tuned and we look forward to working with you. https://www.flightsimulator.com/october-15th-2020-development-update/
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