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Everything posted by flying_carpet

  1. Some people (the so called "usual suspects") seem to have waaay toooo much time. Just sayin' .... Are they bored by their favorite product? I don't know. Please tell me ...
  2. Apart from that you quoted wrongly (because I never wrote "I have an Aviatek G1000 hardware setup .....Cessna Caravan and SkyCourier. LR needs to catch up.") - do you seriously do training with the Working Title G1000nxi? What if you learn/train with it something what doesn't correspond to the real G1000nxi and crash because of that? What will you tell the FAA (or your local authority)? "But I have trained with the Working Title G1000nxi ..." I'm afraid, they will laugh at you. I rather suggest to use the original - it's not that expensive and worth the price of doing correct training.
  3. Of course LR is to blame. For everything. Didn't you know that it's common sense they are responsible (to name a few) for the volcanic eruption in Pompeji and also for the extinction of the dinosaurs? Poor dinos 😥 ... I liked them so much and LR killed them ...
  4. Like this and this one? Why don't we hear grumbling about that mess from your side? So, you (maybe not you, but ) me know now, who has to Ketchup ... catch up.
  5. And that's all you have to offer? So, then I'm not worried. Not at all. X-Planes future is bright. Very bright.
  6. Whether intended for "historical weather" or not - some people "complain" 😉 that they have historical weather, others (not XP-users specifically) want that feature so badly 😀 ...
  7. The a.m. mentioned plugin doesn't show you the real world traffic, but as I understood, the AI traffic interacts with the builtin ATC. OTOH, if you want real world traffic: Livetraffic (which for obvious reasons 😄) doesn't interact with X-Planes internal ATC.
  8. Yeah ... Ortho4XP is no rocket science. There are even so many videos out there how to use it. You can even batch download several tiles at a time, so you start it once, go drinking a coffee or two and tadaa ...
  9. When I did this video, only the original builtin AI traffic of X-Plane generated wake turbulences (as it did since "decades"). It was planned that in X-Plane 12 also addons like Livetraffic, Vatsim etc. should generate wake turbulences - now since 12.04 it works. I don't remember having seen anything similar anywhere else. It's lightyears ahead TM 😁 ... ahem ... AI traffic ahead, generating wake turbulences.
  10. I expected a few upvotes, but so many 😉 ... It shows me that the X-Plane users first of all are interested in the simulation of flight/planes/physics, and only subsequently "flying over their own house" TM😄. On the channel of the guy who made the above video, there are a lot of other exciting videos.
  11. I could have chosen a different comparison (as I did already earlier or Goran further above). But as I don't have the sales figures of my local gourmet restaurant at hand for comparing with e.g. McDonalds, I did the lower hanging fruits with Porsche, Chevy, Toyota and Ford. But if you want a more comprehensive comparison, to tell that sales figures and also prices don't tell you anything about the quality of a product - here you go: subscription of The Sun costs you £55 a year, subscription of (e.g.) Air-Britain News costs you only £50 a year. I.e. The Air-Britain News is even cheaper and still maaany more people are reading The Sun. With the logic "more sales* and even higher price tells you everything ..." The Sun would be the higher quality product of these both. * I must admit, I also don't have the sales figures of The Air-Britain News at hand, but I would even bet my grandma that they are lower than the ones of The Sun (despite the lower price).
  12. E.g. that the moon in X-Plane is modeled as a sphere and not like in reality like a calzone. That's really a claim from a - tellingly 😜 Italian - flat earther. And he might be even right: Oh no ... not this BS again ... The current numbers are not that good for Porsche imho compared to Toyota, Chevrolet and Ford: https://www.goodcarbadcar.net/2022-us-vehicle-sales-figures-by-brand/ . I'm afraid, Porsche will die ... 😆
  13. Are you by chance a flat earther? I claim that as a fact. I don't even need to prove it. Why am I asking? I know this kind of argumentation from ... flat earthers. When asked for proof of their thesis, their answer is "Do your own research." No joke. They don't provide and also they don't need VERIFIABLE facts, but claim that their statements ARE facts. Nuff said ...
  14. If a not (yet?) implemented Garmin G1000 NXi is all what is missing, I'm not worried ... There are so many other REALLY important aspects in flying ...
  15. You don't seem to have seen this (or simply forgot it) 😉. Another "interesting detail" that leaves others in the dus. ... ahem ... smoke 😄.
  16. A fantastic find - flashlight for ... ... illuminating the plane early in the morning. It's lightyears ... you know? 😜 And note the greasy displays of both GPS's (2:00 min). That's what I call "used" look (by default).
  17. Pshaw! 😉 2006 to 2009 ... Anyone knows ELIZA (1964-1966)?
  18. An eye-popping experience - elevator: even ... ... with this failure it is ahead of *beep* 😁. Oh, wait - is it really a failure or in fact a feature?
  19. Indeed. When I first saw the duration of 44 mins, I was a bit reluctant to watch the whole video from beginning to the end. But then ... time moved so fast as it was so entertaining. Well done!
  20. Deicing is definitely dang ... ... important, but can still make your life hard. That's what I call icing implementation - (by default).
  21. You can even install XP 12 twice (in 2 different folders). Once the stable version full blown with all appropriate addons, and one default version without addons to try the latest betas.
  22. Cessna Citation: colossal climax - consecutive ... ... failure of 2 systems. Is it safe to call it study level, although it's a default plane? 😛 What about other flight sims? It is said that DCS's failure system is quite sophisticated - although for obvious reasons it hasn't a Citation 😉, I would be interested how extensive it is and how the common civilian flight sims can be compared to it. Anyone?
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