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  1. Real air traffic is utopian. From P3D the attempts that flightsimulator has a decent ATC, are frustrated. What is annoying is that they have been selling it for four years in great teasers where the traffic seems to work. There are others doing for free the work that asobo has charged: fsltl, or psxt. That's how sad the market world is when managers are not completely honest.
  2. Hahaha exactly. Live traffic from msfs2024 is great because we use PSXT, i mean: not live traffic from MSFS2024
  3. Yes: it works bad. (just check the live traffic atc 😁) 🤷🏽‍♂️
  4. You can't buy an apple, and then depend on YouTube tutorials to understand the Apple , because you have discovered that the apple was a pear. Msfs2024 has appeared with an extraordinary advertising of quality and fun, and thousands of users have encountered errors and bugs that do not have to be. It is not lawful to depend on YouTube tutorials for the product to work as expected. Its not a question of: i like or i dont like. Its a question of: it works or it doesnt work.
  5. OMG!! You must fight. I did it. I wrote a very large list about all the bugs it has when i bought it. they couldnt say “thats not true”. i said: icant buy an unfinished product. I think the problem is that they dont want to lose more money.
  6. I'm so happy with MSFS2024 since they refunded me the amount of its purchase and I've returned to msfs2020.
  7. Wow! And they have sold it ready to use. If they had sold it in beta, we would be designing the software.
  8. There is no live trafffic in msfs2024. Thereisnt even land gears. 😏
  9. After 5 years I have assumed that what he sells is not all he gives. When the lie is established and normalized, I get off the train. I have asked for the refund, too many trees that do not show the terrain and terrible air traffic. A lifeless simulator around makes no sense.
  10. With a little effort, soon it will be 5 years in which Asobo has done absolutely nothing to generate a minimally correct real air traffic. How wonderful it is to see a Ural Airlines plane at a New York airport! congratulations!
  11. Totally irrelevant for you. 😊
  12. New simulator. More honesty in advertising that sells a beta.
  13. Its one week microsoft has given my refund. Im so happy. msfs2024, problems everywhere. they need to finish the product before selling it.
  14. I have returned to MSFS2020. I couldn't allow a company to sell me an unfinished product.
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