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    Thunder Bay

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  1. I'm still addicted to Kennedy Approach. it's installed on my PC and still playing it a ton in 2024. I never was able to get my career salary very high, but now that I can save successfully, I'm loving it. Play mostly Chicago area. Steam offers something similar too.
  2. Hi, I'm somewhat new to RT. I have purchased a couple of licenses in the past. I'm considering the pro license, but as its costly, I want to make sure about what I'm reading. I read section 9.3 of the manual regarding "Learn Destination". A snapshot file is immediately used by PSXT to to set up the destination airport with live parked aircraft from the last four hours. With the regular license, PSXT will park static aircraft and live aircraft at the airport. So with the pro license you get 4 hours of data involving live parked aircraft, with the regular license - it's just a snapshot of existing Real traffic around the time you are landing? I know there are other features with the pro license, but as far as learning is concerned, is that the biggest difference between the two? Thanks for this great program! JH
  3. Taking us off the thread topic, but same concern applies. Free Mesh 2.0: "If you were to use FreeMeshX without the use of a third-party solution to update the vectors, conflicts may emerge. This may result in the topography of any updated terrain to sit at different elevation levels, ruining the spectacle. This could see issues like immersion-breaking water bodies and/or airports that are excessively sunken/raised."
  4. It is a worldwide mesh program. It does significantly impove vanilla terrain quality, but as Dave alluded to in the post before your own, what cost is there in terms of elevation problems in other areas, the biggest in my mind is airports. A swiss developer of Canadian sceneries in v5 warned users that setting mesh settings too high can significantly interfere with elevations at airports and sloped runways. Super update as far as mountains go, but I'd be wary about changing everything globally and how that may mess with specific airports. I simply don't have the experience with v6, but if v5 is a comparable, its worthy of trying to obtain details from the developer. You may be able to turn off certain continents if I can remember how the install works, but thats hardly ideal. John
  5. It's worldwide mesh. It's not small. It will take some time to download, but that's hardly a hassle. Previous versions have all been quality work. If you're a previous owner, you can e-mail the publisher for a deep discount (nearly 60 percent) off the price.
  6. The bomb disposal scene drives home that point, one of my favourites, the Salvation Army band, bringing in the sheaves, never gets old https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjemOfZjs33AhWuhIkEHXcTAm8QuAJ6BAgGEAc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9pSD26bGy3I&usg=AOvVaw16n3DJhKY83pbW5Ln8opUr
  7. great news, looking forward to the update
  8. As Charlie posted, that link should help. I never had much luck with Cloud Shadows. Back in the day it was crashing the sim regularly. That was a LONG time ago, should be lots of posts to help
  9. https://www.facebook.com/groups/togapjcts First post.......... they are "copatible"
  10. Harrisburg, like in the Kraftwerk song Radioactivity?
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