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It's a Sad Day When it gets like this .. Orbx is closed

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Guest Nick_N

I am glad we respect other opinions. I have a fewI suppose the US Government should shut down the Medicare system completely in protest of hospitals and other agencies overcharging and stealing from the system. I suppose a well known world wide airline should shut down operations in protest of something they think is unfair to them stranding passengers in the process for a day or so. That will make people think and scare them, wont it.I suppose Microsoft should shut down operations in the same protest making sure all their world wide corporate and private customers/ users are placed in the same situation as thieves for a day or so. Imagine the horror of

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When you're the one being robbed... you'll view it differently.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Guest Nick_N
When you're the one being robbed... you'll view it differently.
When we assume things we dont listen but instead comment without being informed. Although I do not profit from the USCAN title.. I watch my work in that release being stolen on a daily basis and will also watch revenue, a good part of will be redirected to charity, stolen when the Europe version is released. What I posted was a personal opinionAnd let me make something perfectly clear.. In my opinion if one entity wishes to organize a well thought out and announced

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When you're the one being robbed... you'll view it differently.
I believe that Ed. In fact, I have been robbed, two days before Christmas last year. My first thought was to move, something I hope FS developers don't do by "moving" away from the craft. Instead I went with a new massive home security system. I wish developers could protect there products like I protect my house now. I would love to see some form of protection for products that doesn't cause such inconvenience for the user, but I suspect that won't be happening. I was shocked to see how much FS products really are being pirated, and have yet to hear a single legitimate excuse.

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Guest ArtieLange
When you're the one being robbed... you'll view it differently.
I've worked in the vending industry for over 21 years, I know all about being robbed, vandalized, stolen from by customers and employees, and loosing money a little here and there. I was even robbed at gunpoint in downtown Seattle at 4 am when I had $1,200 in quarters on me. Salting of the coke machines was at least $800 damage each time it happened. I've seen a $4,000 snack machine that was ruined due to somebody breaking into the machine. We've had change machines stolen, I could go on and on about theft and loss. I'm sure at some point in your life you've got something free from a vending machine ( everybody in this thread has ). Let me ask you, when that happened what did you do ? Call the company and give them the product or money back ? Chuckle and tell yourself, free snacks ? Keep the item but at least call the company to inform them of a malfunction/free product ?I'm sure to most people posting here getting a free snickers is no big deal, but if there was no clerk at 7-11 would you just grab a snickers and leave ? It's really no different, so think about that the next time you get a free baby ruth from the candy machine.All of these things are just part of doing buisiness, dealing with rude and irate customers is also part of it.The one thing I would never due is turn a maching off and empty it, then put a note on that says " this is what happenes when you shake the machine and get free product, no more machine" . That is what's called cutting your nose off to spite your face.You think most customers give a rats &@($* about this stuff ? NO, they don't, but I know it comes with the territory, and no amount of grandstanding or pleas to the community will change that. We feel bad about devs having their product pirated, but that is not the concern or responsibility of the end customers, nor should it be, Snave said it best in his posts.

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Someone in this thread asked me what it has achieved, well, it has achieved a feeling of accomplishment for us, at least 6 converted pirates ( verified by email because they sent me apologies and fresh order #'s) and some more awareness out there, if you would even know me a little bit you know I have been on the piracy high horse for years, I spent on an average 2 hours a day emailing Rapidshare, Megaupload and the likes to have them take down links, not just of my own softwares I am associated with (REX, FTX, FsPassengers etc etc ) but anyone's I see, Aerosoft, FSAddon, Lotus, Flight1, Cloud9, FsDreamteam etc . So please do not sit there in judgement of me saying that it was a stunt and it doesn't help because to be quite frank, it would be unfair.As far as the pulling the plug comment, we put on the frontpage that we would be back in 24 hours, so there was nothing to worry about there.

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Despite some of the negative connotations I've read in this thread, stirring the pot of awareness is not a bad thing.

Tim Fuchs
Managing Partner

website:  www.rexsimulations.com
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Guest FxF3

I don't buy a lot of addons. But I'm sure not going to steal any ones hard work.

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Exactly, talk about being upside down where right is wrong, and wrong is right. Nuts!Stephen
Yes, because complaining about pirates is like complaining about hurricanes. Case in point, you can't do ANYTHING about hurricanes but you CAN build your home so that it is not destroyed by a hurricane. If you so choose to blame the hurricane for destroying your home because you are unprepared then you are a fool in denial. Piracy is nothing but a fancy word for theft and theives have existed since humans have walked this earth (and even before because even animals have been known to steal from each other). AND it should not be a surprise to know that NONE of the FS Developers have succeeded in preventing their software from being pirated. Every schema, from Flight1 Wrapper to FSDreamteam's BGLMAN to Ariane's crazy keygens have been broken and freely distributed. Not the largest software developers, nor the movie studios, nor the music studios have been successful in preventing theft of their products, so complaining about a phenomena that even the most lofty software experts can't figure how to solve is quite naive and quite frankly, a waste of breath. The nature of the Internet itself makes stopping piracy IMPOSSIBLE. And yeah, we all know that theft / piracy is wrong and horrible, blah, blah, blah and that's never stopped anyone who was out to steal. Pirates / Crimals don't care and unfortunately for us all no one knows what to do about them. GREED is the root cause of piracy, simple and plain and unfortunately, GREED is a wholly animalistic trait that neither man nor beast has been successful in eraticating.Closing your site to stop pirates makes as much sense as closing a bank to stop bankrobbers and probably is about the most backwards thing I've heard. I'm sure your paying customers have been taught a good lesson in piracy but unfortunately, I'm sure the pirates could care less....

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Yep... everyone has fun until someone gets hurt... and it's apparently still fun as long as it's only developers getting hurt.That's pretty much the mentality being projected.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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@Nick N: as a matter of fact I did ask every single one of them. For the record as well... every drop into the bucket will eventually fill it up

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*sighs* I hate sarcasm, I truly do, it is by all means the weakest form of humour. All we wanted to do was make a stand for one day, not pull a stunt or some sort of elaborate marketing ploy. If you cannot see it for what it was then I guess that is too bad, our decision, right or wrong was purely there to raise some more awareness not to gain extra sales.Now I almost feel guilty about trying to do the right thing and that in itself is not right :(

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