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I guess it's fair play to give a warning....

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Actually I'm glad I have two sims to run flight sim on.., bugs the heck out of my wife haha!

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 32GB 5600 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



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I have hundreds to (shudder...) into the thousand figure for add-ons of all kinds to FSX since it came out. The money is spent, and the programs are installed in the FSX folder. When I run FSX, it looks GREAT...right up to the time it drops me to the desk top at any time of the flight without warning, (and it will for anybody that runs it to the max as I do...and my system can handle to render 30 FPS right before being kicked out of the flight due to exhausted RAM available of my more than ample 12 GB's sitting in their slots ). Oh joy.......







Meh. I don't have crashes, freezing, or anything of the sort, with FSX.


The code may be a dog, but the CTD's and such are invariably the result of 1) someone trying to squeeze blood out of their outdated hardware, 2) a bad FSX.cfg clogged with every tweak the simmer has ever seen on the internet, 3) a poorly maintained system, or 4) some combination of all three.

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Hmmm... it's now thursday... I'm becoming XPX fan... so I think I'll be on the XPX side for a while now...  By saturday I should be back on P3D, maybe FSX...  So, either that thread becomes available right now, or you'll miss a few good arguments in favor of XPX :-)

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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. Once you fly for weeks on end in 64 bit mode, with ample system RAM, from beginning to end, no matter HOW LONG, how many HOURS the flight plan required, you will not go back to CTD's.




m my case the last 4 or 5 flights I have made in 64 bit mode, have all resulted in CTD's....kernelbase.dll errors, so I've had to go back to using 32 bit mode.

This is  with 16Gb of ram and a GTX 680. :(

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m my case the last 4 or 5 flights I have made in 64 bit mode, have all resulted in CTD's....kernelbase.dll errors, so I've had to go back to using 32 bit mode.

This is with 16Gb of ram and a GTX 680.

Hmmm(?) Weird.... Do you have FSX installed? It could be bit contamination....


Jokes aside, I never had a CTD in X-Plane10 until I started using the Wordliner 777, but that problem got fixed, apparently.


FSX Gold also never crashed for me since I installed it for the last time (but that was only 1 week ago...). ANyway, I am parcimonious with my graphic and AI settings on both sims...


Also, a sim that never crashed on me since I installed it, no matter how much I push the settings, is DCS World!

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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m my case the last 4 or 5 flights I have made in 64 bit mode, have all resulted in CTD's....kernelbase.dll errors, so I've had to go back to using 32 bit mode.

This is with 16Gb of ram and a GTX 680. :(

Are you using a Carenado plane?

i910900k, RTX 3090, 32GB DDR4 RAM, AW3423DW, Ruddy girt big mug of Yorkshire Tea

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Are you using a Carenado plane?


 Yes, but it happens with the default Baron also.


 I also use FSX but have been fine lately in DX10 mode.


In DX9 mode, over the years, I must have had every CTD going!

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Got 760 gtx used it with XPX turn settings to about 70% max and take fsx with similar setup XPX wins fps competition. Are plus and minus for XPX, but fsx is great but see adding palliative improvements 3d lights and photoscenery. Will see improvements it's not gonna be leaps and bounds just incremental.

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Or we make a dedicated VS thread where anything goes. The warriors among us could fight it out there, and the rest of us could read for good entertainment.


Or we just behave, like Jess suggests.

+1 on the read for good entertainment!  What attracts me to any post, is conjecture, a dedicated point-of-view, that I don't necessarily have to agree to, or with......but please, no politically correct motivated drivel. I respect ALL other opinions, and ENJOY to read them. A read opinion, whether aligned to my 'way of thinking', or deliciously NOT...(along with a good cup of coffee!) is the spice of life on an AVSIM forum. I treat my subject matter in any of my posts in that way. The reader will always know what I 'really mean', what I 'really think' on my subject matter. Why post, if you don't present your true view and thoughts?!?, but of course, with no need to personally attack, deride, or diminish another's viewpoint and comments. When I see that coming from somebody....I don't bother past that verbiage.  I want a post to make me 'chew the cud'....and think 'ying and yang' about what he or she commented upon....whether as an O.P. or as a comment to the thread.  I respect more, honesty...than the politically correct, sans attack threads.  My thoughts, anyway.... :)



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m my case the last 4 or 5 flights I have made in 64 bit mode, have all resulted in CTD's....kernelbase.dll errors, so I've had to go back to using 32 bit mode.

This is  with 16Gb of ram and a GTX 680. :(

That's interesting, I have a GTX 680 as well, and 12 GB system memory. I have not had a CTD since the following, and it was my added scenery that did it a couple of times: I do though take careful observance as to my different types of scenery, and edit the layers in the ini file, after inserting a folder, running the program, shutting down, and then editing where I want XPX to see that folder (and like groupings) in its ini ramp up. I wonder if that might be an issue. I also have the latest updates from M.S. for W7 Ultimate. Hope this helps!

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I have had a few CTDS with XPX recently. I am am using a 3770k at 4.9 ghz, 16gb ram and a GTX Titan Superclocked outputting to a 5040x 1050 display and I think the mix of


super high settings, super big photoscenery, super big triple-wide display(using over 5 GB of Vram), was too much for my video card (resulting in openGL driver crashes) and/or my sim(resulting on Kernal base crashes).


I have since scaled back to a single 30 inch display and things seem to be going smoothly.

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I am currently on holiday in the greek sun, so fully relaxed  B) - nevertheless my thoughts about the discussion "comparisons FSX - XP10 ... why?": comparisons have to be made. And they were (often) made by FSX users - some of them trolling - chiming into the X-Plane forums.

So, why aren't XP users allowed to make comparisons? They are doing it in the X-Plane forum, and never go to the FSX forum to make comparisons or even trolling there.


There should be equality in this (and all other regards).


Ok, and now back to the greek sun sonne1.gif

My sceneries (excerpt): LPMA Madeira (XPFR), LGSR Santorini, LRBV Brasov, the city of Fürth (Germany), several libraries, ...

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Unfortunately, XP10 is addonwise at place FS was 13 years ago, few payware quality addons and lot of great freeware quality addons with great community. That's a dealbraker for me.


At the other side FS freeware community is at life support, and that's a shame. Today everyone wants to run a business.

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Unfortunately, XP10 is addonwise at place FS was 13 years ago, few payware quality addons and lot of great freeware quality addons with great community. That's a dealbraker for me.


At the other side FS freeware community is at life support, and that's a shame. Today everyone wants to run a business.


True, but payware in FSX is leaps and bounds better quality wise then what you saw when freeware was the name of the game.


So it's positive and negative.

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Unfortunately, XP10 is addonwise at place FS was 13 years ago, few payware quality addons and lot of great freeware quality addons with great community. That's a dealbraker for me.

At the other side FS freeware community is at life support, and that's a shame. Today everyone wants to run a business.


Hmmm, but PMDG is coming and soon many others will follow.

I truly expect to see, before the end of this year, RealAir, A2A, and others, announce their entry intro the X-Plane era  :wub:

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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