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    I got into flight sim as a way to reinforce my RW PPL training, I have stayed with it, because the hobby is getting so good and so immersive.

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  1. Wow You are such a wonderful, selfless person. Thank you so much for all of your contributions to the FS community. I wish I could do something to help you.
  2. Love X-plane for helis Nice shots!
  3. Wow, RIP Jon.
  4. Wow, you have a real talent for building your sim environments. I always look forwards to your shots. I must say, I think these are your best.
  5. You have really fine-tuned your sim into a thing of beauty.
  6. I think that PC is more suited to playing the latest FarCry on a 4k triple screen setup. Also, if you are running into 32 bit Ram limitations with your current setup(which honestly sounds really good for FSX), then you will run into them again $5000 later, after buying a new machine. Take a good look at your FSX setup(since you mentioned you fly the PMDG 777, switching to P3D is out). Look hard for things you can edit out of the scenery cfg, etc... maybe try that demo of that thread optimizing program. Good luck
  7. Nice I have XPX running at 4K on my rig with SLI titans(SLI is no longer a benefit with the latest builds) I use photoscenery so my Vram usage is obscene... but it's worth it.
  8. Great Shots! You know one of the greatest things about XPX is the portable, mobile install. i have had the same SSD with a working install of XPX for like 3 years, ever since XP-10 came out. It has followed me from computer to computer. No big multi-day reinstall proceedure.
  9. The TV is bought has both DP and HDMI 2.0, it's just unfortunate that the graphics card is limited to DP. So I figured the display is somewhat future proof, the Titans, not so much. Still it is an amazing view, I haven't been flgiht simming as much lately, I am using mostly racing sims, and Assetto Corsa with a wide FOV (I have it at 3840 x 1440), and a ffb wheel is amazing. DX 11 graphics and 60 fps steady with bloom, crepuscular rays etc... really breath taking.
  10. I have not seen any, from my research, the banding artifacts were primarily with the larger 65" models, I have the (relatively) smaller 58".
  11. I am only driving the one monitor, since it takes up my whole field of vision. I actually wanted a Samsung curved display, but when I looked into it, i saw that if you want 60 fps refresh rate at 4k, it needed HDMI 2, which the nvidia cards do not support. Since display port is what the cards support now, I went with the Panasonic, as it was the only display port model available. This was in the summer, things may have changed since...
  12. Your shots are always incredible, I only wish they were bigger .
  13. The price may reflect costlier resources to produce the airport. Orthoimaging, 3rd party modelling, trips to the field, etc... All(or none) of these may be folded into the price to cover cost outlays. "As I'm perfected entitled to do ... I'd love someone to explain to me why I should pay £6 more for a FlyTampa product for a moderate size airport." THEY are also perfectly entitiled to price their addon as they wish. Surely this is simple supply and demand, enough people will buy it or the price comes down. No additional explanation needed.
  14. I use a 58 inch Panasonic TV 4K TV as a display with Display Port, and I LOVE IT. I use two titans GPUS in SLI to drive it. There is a monitor mode that removes any and all post processing. Display port is the only format right now that can do 4K at 60fps, HDMI2 can as well, but the titan doesn't support it. The new 900 series Nvidia cards may be different. I think the OP is using too high an AA setting, more resolutions means you can probably turn down AA quite a bit.
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