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A2A Accu-Sim Cessna 172 may be out "within the week"

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Something I've yet to see anyone comment on: Having a plane that ages even when the computer is off is going to be like having an airplane in real life as in, one is going to want to fly it regularly to keep it in shape, just like IRL. A real airplane one is pumping cash into just to own it, well, one is going to want to make that cash useful in flight time. If I owned a real airplane, I'd feel guilty if I didn't get a lot of time in it, just to justify the price spent. This A2A 172 is going to make me NOT skip my flight time on my weekends, because it's going to age, and require maintenance even when I don't boot the 'puter. Lately, I've been doing a circuit or two around the patch and then go to bed. This airplane is going to make me go places, to justify the aging.


Hope that makes sense.


It makes sense completely.  There is also another side though too.  I'm not trying to be flip or joking when I say that I actually look forward to having a poorly maintained, tempermental piece of junk, that provides plenty of drama in the air.  One of the things I never liked about the maintenance hangar is that you could see everything that was wrong with the plane in one glance.  So if you had to go to the maintenance hangar and fix something, you would see all the other things that were on the verge of failure.  I wish they would make it so that instead of presenting you with all  the yellows and reds at once, that you would actually have to click on it to see it's status, just like you have to do when you look inside the engine.  That way you could always be sure of not knowing that something was near failure and wouldn't have to make the unrealistic decision to knowingly leave it broken.  Especially with this new virtual walkaround capability, if you skip the walkaround, maybe certain things shouldn't show up on the maintenance hangar display.

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I just got a chance to view the part 2 video today (out of town, so my pc time is quite limited) and boy oh boy.. I'm getting pretty excited.  Can't wait for this one.  This will definitely be the plane to take up on the short local flights that I'd do IRL (if IRL I had a license!).

As it is, probably about a third of the time I don't even go anywhere in the sim - I just start something up from cold and dark at a random little airport in any town within a few hundred miles of home, do a few laps, land, taxi it back and shut it down.  This plane will be really perfect for that.

The icing on the cake is that I happened upon a pilots bag this summer (my mother works in a public library, it was dropped off with a bunch of other stuff, she gave it to me..) from an elderly gentleman that used to own / pilot a 172 - so now I have a bunch of stuff to go along with my soon to come A2A 172, such as a hardcopy POH. ^_^

Jim Stewart

Milviz Person.


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Come on, where is that Part 3 vid! :lol:


For me, this aircraft will be about realistic maintenance and operation, then proper VFR flight planning, (charts etc), then flying without GPS (as J van E said, it will keep things interesting for longer), and I doubt I will use that nice KAP140 much either....


I was on a flight exprience in a 172SP two years ago and after 30 mins of lovely flying and sight-seeing, I said to the instructor, "so, what about the autopilot?" and pointed to the exact KAP140 that is coming in the A2A plane... "Oh no, we don't bother with that thing" and that was that!  :smile:


I am looking forward to needing to clean off some fouled plugs in this bird!

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Thinking today could be the day?

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NGX taught me a very valuable lesson.  Never be too hopeful in the market of high quality flight sim products.  I'm eagering for the C172, 777, Realair C172 and PFPX, but refraining myself from getting excited.  Working so far!

Brendan Chen


Learning to use and getting use to FSX!

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Thinking today could be the day?

I doubt if it will be Sunday


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I doubt if it will be Sunday


We just stepped into monday ;) 

Brendan Chen


Learning to use and getting use to FSX!

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Joel Murray @ CYVR (actually, somewhere about halfway between CYNJ and CZBB) 

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Come on, where is that Part 3 vid! :lol:


Part 3 will come after the 172's release in "a few days" according to A2A.

Brandon Filer

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Part 3 will come after the 172's release in "a few days" according to A2A.


Oh cool.    In that case, it really is a case of any minute then....  :smile:

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Oh cool.    In that case, it really is a case of any minute then....   :smile:

How ?  :rolleyes:


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How ?  :rolleyes:


...... because we are not awaiting a final video, as a prelude to release........ :smile:


I didn't imply it was going to be released at a certain point, just that it could be any minute, now that we're not waiting for all 3 vids to be released, before the product goes out.

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...... because we are not awaiting a final video, as a prelude to release........


I really do hope so, I cannot fly anything else while waiting for this

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...... because we are not awaiting a final video, as a prelude to release........ :rolleyes:


I didn't imply it was going to be released at a certain point, just that it could be any minute now that we're not waiting for all 3 vids to be released, before the product goes out.

Indeed, I hope to fly it as soon!


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I really do hope so, I cannot fly anything else while waiting for this


I must admit I've been the same since the PMDG 'release week' announcement, and then Scott's 'soon' announcement for this... haven't been able to get much of an appetite to fly other things....... but I've just plucked up the enthusiasm to set off from Harare, Zimbabwe, flying to Brazil in a MD-11F.....  that shoudl kill some time to A2A C172R Trainer release!

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