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09JUN14 - PMDG 777 SP1 and 300ER updates

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Were you auditioning for a part in The Office?


ha ha - nah.  Office Space is one of my favorite movies, so I got the stapler ages ago.  When my office was being moved (you'll note, the background is pretty sparse - I usually have airplane models, flight pictures and so on around the office), the movers grabbed my stapler and tried to put it in the box of "company equipment," and I lunged at it to grab it away from them.  Co-worker decided that it needed to be re-enacted / captured as "the look on [my] face was priceless."

Kyle Rodgers

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"At some point during this week, we will give you a release timeline for both the SP1 and the 300ER..."
Another empty words...

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Clearly there has been an unexpected delay, that is likely why they havent been able to give any type of release information - whatever it is I am perfectly sure that they will post again when they have more information to give.


I think people need to remember that its better that they are delaying if they are not happy with something rather than sending something out which has a clear fault in it, which people are just going to end up complaining about again.


I dont' understand why people are complaining so much - he didnt say "guarantee" in his post! I think even though it has been a long time coming for people need to be more patient - complaining and moaning isn't going to make it come any sooner.

Edited by Han Solo

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If there has been an unexpected delay would it be to much to ask for that info be given to us all?


Gary Stallard

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If there has been an unexpected delay would it be to much to ask for that info be given to us all?


Gary Stallard



I completely agree with this. I would've much rather seen a simple "We have a problem and can't give you release information until next week" instead of nothing after being told we'd have information by the end of the week. Just my 2 cents...

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Maybe they want the suspense to turn into a bit of irritation to better fuel the happiness when they release it ;)



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In March there was also an announcement that Beta testing was imminent.

So with last mondays announcement I see no change.


I startted a thread for more than a week ago, simply asking if there where something new regarding SP1.

I have now reflected over it and come to the conclusion that asking for the SP1 whereabouts makes little sense.

No infos are no infos, but so are also the small infos we get here and then.


PMDG makes marvelous great addons, but really has a problem with their communications.


The 777 is allready great as it is, but most of us a longing for SP1 to fix a number of issues, that though they aren´t showstoppers by any means, still are issues.


I think I will take a more relaxed stance on this from now on, since asking, even after long periods of time, doesn´t seem to be appreciated by alot of people here, and feedback from the developers very sparse.


So the laid back approach "It´s released when ready" really holds true.


Personally I do not plan to buy the 300ER until I have got more hours on the updated 200LR ,as well as having seen that the new update system, via the OC,  will bring bugfixes faster to the table, offcourse if there are any important issues that needs fixing.



Finn Jacobsen

System: i7-10700K, 32GB RAM, RTX4070 12GB, 1 x 1TB SSD, 2 x 2TB SSD, 1x 2TB HDD, Win10 64bit Home, Meta Quest 3

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Well yes, he would do. He pilots a 757. Compared to a 757 the avionics in an A320 are far more advanced.






I think his astonishment when he banked the Airbus to a crazy attitude, an attitude he would never risk banking a 757 to, and the bus stayed there utterly stable, was genuine to be honest.


There are of course a multitude of Airbus pilots equally delighted with the aircraft. 




Tried it briefly, didn't like it. I'm sure the FSLabs version will be better in terms of the flight dynamics.


This doesn't look bring does it? As you can see, the real aircraft is far from boring in a crosswind...



Yeah no doubt a very good aircraft, but its really a shame there is only one good fsx simulation which is the x extended, I would like to have an aribus version of pmdg developers so we can get really good products for the a340, a330, and maybe even the a380, but I don't know why very few companies try to really make a good simulation, I guess part of it is the greater automation and therefore coding complexity, and also just pure chance because I guess if pmdg where a french company we would be flying an a320 professionnel. Hoping flight sim labs gets their work quality close to par with pmdg for other airbus models, they seem to have the objective of being the pmdg for airbus.


As you can see I do like airbus but its just that even the x extended is not pmdg level, hopefully the flight sim labs gets it closer and soon :)

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I'm just as excited about SP1 and the 300ER, especially after watching the two Datalink Demo vids, it looks chuffing marvellous!

The tactic I employ to distract me from impatience include burying myself in the FCOMs we already have, I suppose it depends how seriously each individual takes it, either way, for me there's always something new to learn about this great machine, literally 1000's of pages of info relevant to both the current release and the 77W. It also serves as a reminder as to how much effort goes into the FCOM's from PMDG. Always worth the wait. Always.

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If it's going to be the same thing with you, Please leave.

I agree, this fellow is a real pest and sounds like a broken record repeating the same thing over and over. Hopefully after he gets the SP we won't hear from him again.


Jim Burke

Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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This situation with PMDG, the SP, communication with customers, and the defenders of the realm is enough to turn the guts of a lizard.

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I can't help but agree with the quotes pasted below. There is no demand of a release date or to "hurry up" on PMDG's part. It is a fairly calm approach to a statement given by PMDG that they would have information for the customer base at some point during this week (now past). Obviously there has been no sign of any additional information as stated there would be so some people, including myself, are curious. Not upset. Just curious. Hence the inquiry. 


Personally, I do not expect release dates to be given. That is a well known tradition by PMDG. I will never demand release dates. However, if it is said that information is to be given within a certain time frame, I somewhat expect the information to arrive by at least the very end of that stated time frame. If the information is not given then yes, too bad. However, to some this is slightly disappointing because as enthusiasts, any information from PMDG is very exciting. 


Nevertheless, I very much look forward to the product and any related information as always. The screenshots by way of the Beta Team have been fantastic. Great work, everyone. 


If there has been an unexpected delay would it be to much to ask for that info be given to us all?


Gary Stallard



I completely agree with this. I would've much rather seen a simple "We have a problem and can't give you release information until next week" instead of nothing after being told we'd have information by the end of the week. Just my 2 cents...



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