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IMPORTANT - All Customers Please Read

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Hey Everyone,


I apologize for my absence on the forums here over the last several months. I understand that support has suffered because of it, and I just wanted to take a moment to explain to all of you what has been going on. You're a great bunch of loyal customers, and you deserve an explination.


As some of you may know, I started a new job back in April which has been consuming an obnoxious amount of time. I enjoy it, of course, but it means that I have to prioritize my life just like the rest of you. Additionally, I suffered a death in the family back in May. It was sudden and unexpected, and I am still dealing with the aftermath. It has been extremely difficult in so many different ways. I have missed participating in the forums here and helping you all work out bugs and issues, and slowly I will begin to return to my normal level of activity here.


I must say, it is extremely disheartening to read some of the comments that have been written in (and about) my absence. These comments have been both direct, and insulting. I have gotten to know a great deal of you, and I can say with a high degree of certainty that most of you are kind and understanding individuals. So with that said, I'd like to be direct myself for a moment:


louisdecoolste - I would like to remind you that although we develop flight simulation software as a hobby, a hobby that barely makes enough money to pay a cell phone bill, we DO have real lives outside of Avsim and Flysimware. We DO have commitments outside of Avsim and Flysimware, and we DO have an obligation to our families. Just like you. So while you're busy ranting about situations that you have no knowledge of, and demanding apologies for conversations that had nothing to do with you, please keep this in mind.


To everyone else, forgive me for being so direct. But it is individuals that forget that we're real people too that just kill any motivation or inclination I have to continue to do what we do.


I understand that there was some confusion over a remark that was made by Mark. The comment was made by Mark, and directed at a friend who made the video. The creator was not offended, and the comment was one that would otherwise be considered normal between friends, had it not been made in a public setting. I understand that making such a remark in a public setting is generally considered to be in poor taste, and we apologize if anyone was offended.


Work is progressing steadily on our next project, and screenshots will be available very soon. To those of you who have stuck by our side as we learn and grow as an organization, please let me take this opportunity to say:



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Joe - Chief Pilot & Lead Tester - Flysimware Simulation Software

Captain - Gulfstream IV-SP


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Welcome back Joe. Life happens, and you are right. We have to prioritize our lives accordingly. Some understand this more than others.


The next project is rolling along nicely. Of course those that have already joined the Flysimware Facebook group have already seen glimpses. :)

Matt Bernard
20+ Years Commercial/GA A&P/PLST

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Guest louisdecoolste

Seeing as how you insultingly take issue with me personally: NO chance of this deflection being acceptable.


At the end of the day while we treat you as human beings, your company has an obligation to us as customers. That relationship is founded on offer, acceptance and delivery. Do you really `feel` you're doing well on all those counts ? 


You should never anthropomorphise what is a contractual relationship. When the staff fail, the business fails. 


And for what it's worth, I have also lost a relative in the period since we last communicated. Hasn't fixed a single thing in the Moo. Nor broken anything else. What relevance is any of this to our problems as customers ?


All I want is for Flysimware to deliver a suitable product that meets my expectations at the price point. Leave the emotion at the door in the box marked `excuses` - they aren't relevant to my commercial arrangements with Flysimware. I don't buy into product for the emotional relationship.


So, when is 1.8 out for the Moo ? what is being addressed ?

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Seeing as how you insultingly take issue with me personally: NO chance of this deflection being acceptable.


I don't need you to accept it.




At the end of the day while we treat you as human beings, your company has an obligation to us as customers. That relationship is founded on offer, acceptance and delivery. Do you really `feel` you're doing well on all those counts ?


Our company is composed of two (2) people, and is not our primary source of income. It doesn't pay our bills, and doesn't put food on our families tables. With that said, when a real life priority arises, we act accordingly. You would do the same. Perhaps if you understood the time and effort that goes into creating a single aircraft for flight simulator, you would think differently. Why don't you get the necessary software and give it a try?



You should never anthropomorphise what is a contractual relationship. When the staff fail, the business fails.


Perhaps you should read your EULA.




And for what it's worth, I have also lost a relative in the period since we last communicated. Hasn't fixed a single thing in the Moo. Nor broken anything else. What relevance is any of this to our problems as customers ?


For someone who claims that they treat people like human beings, this is quite the interesting statement. Clearly you need it spelled out at an elementary level, but I have neither the time nor inclination to explain to you how a death in the family can result in time lost for other things. Perhaps someone else would be willing to explain it. But to answer your question, the fact that I had to take time away from a number of different things in my life due to the loss is EXACTLY how it has to do with your concerns as a customer.




Leave the emotion at the door in the box marked `excuses` - they aren't relevant to my commercial arrangements with Flysimware. I don't buy into product for the emotional relationship.


When you buy into a product from a company run by two people, you buy into the understanding that these other people have families and commitments.


If you're inconsiderate enough to make a remark that brands my personal loss as an unacceptable excuse as to why your MU-2 hasn't been updated, you can feel free to take your business elsewhere. 


To the many customers who have sent me private messages, thank you for your condolences and understanding. Rest assured that I'll get back up to speed soon, and we will have more info on the next MU-2 revision and new project ASAP.

Joe - Chief Pilot & Lead Tester - Flysimware Simulation Software

Captain - Gulfstream IV-SP


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At this time development is focused on our next project. I have not been on here as much as I would like to be, so I am behind with what further bugs there may be left with the MU. Please feel free to PM me a list of things you would like to see fixed and we will see what we can do. But as I mentioned earlier, development time is being focused on the next project.

Matt Bernard
20+ Years Commercial/GA A&P/PLST

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I am just pleased to see a Flysimware member back in this forum.

I am enjoying the MU-2 and have >30hrs on the hobbs now.


Joe, just make sure the Lear gets the VC raindrops and some subtle reflections and marks on the windscreen, the MU-2 is perfect in this regard. best I have seen.

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The forums was to promote and help customers on facts about our products. I have a ticket system for bugs and issues that may arise on our main website and this is a good reason why i do not like forums. I have been developing these products alone for over 10 years and it is not a hobby for me it is my full time job. So please judge this business from my actions alone. Our team is here to help you and i hope they are not negative toward any customers as i respect every single customer for their questions and complaints.   


 is now our chief pilot and beta captain as of last year. He is in charge of tech, sounds, video tutorials and beta testing. Capceo has a regular job and will not always be there to keep up on the forums so best to use our email for a quick reply. Capceo has some amazing knowledge in aviation and i hope he does not upset anyone as he is just laying out facts.


is now on our beta team and helps collect information for current projects and has been a huge help and i am glad he has joined our team.


I have not heard of any new issues on the MU and Capceo has not had time to recheck rev 1.7 so please send me an email with any issues or post them here. Again this is a company owned and operated by 1 owner with a team that helps on their spare time. And i am very thankful for their help.

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Welcome back Joe.  I do have one question.  Matt mentions that development has now moved on to the next project.  Does this mean that the ownership upgrade for MU-2B has been canceled or just put on back burner.



Mike Cameron

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Welcome back Joe.  I do have one question.  Matt mentions that development has now moved on to the next project.  Does this mean that the ownership upgrade for MU-2B has been canceled or just put on back burner.



Mike Cameron

Mark and I have discussed it several times, and while I certainly would not say it's dead, I believe it to be on the back burner for now. Perhaps we can integrate it into both the MU and the new project at the same time. I'll check with Mark to be sure though.

Matt Bernard
20+ Years Commercial/GA A&P/PLST

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Welcome back!  Joe, I am sorry for you loss, I understand.  I'm also sorry that as soon as you come back here, one forum member jumps down your throat.

My computer: ABS Gladiator Gaming PC featuring an Intel 10700F CPU, EVGA CLC-240 AIO cooler (dead fans replaced with Noctua fans), Asus Tuf Gaming B460M Plus motherboard, 16GB DDR4-3000 RAM, 1 TB NVMe SSD, EVGA RTX3070 FTW3 video card, dead EVGA 750 watt power supply replaced with Antec 900 watt PSU.

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Welcome back Joe.  We have been doing fine in the holding pattern while you were gone.  Still love flying the MU-2.

"A good landing is one you can walk away from. An excellent landing is one you can taxi away from."


Bill in Colorado:


Comm: ASEL/AMEL/Instrument

CFI: ASEL/AMEL/Instrument

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Indeed, please accept my condolences and welcome back...and heck, I'm enjoying the Cessna 441 II!

Wayne Klockner
United Virtual



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Thank you for your kind words everyone. I very much appreciate it. I'm glad you've all had a great time flying the Mits while I was gone. I pulled her out of the hangar for a trip myself the other day! (For the first time in months) :)

Joe - Chief Pilot & Lead Tester - Flysimware Simulation Software

Captain - Gulfstream IV-SP


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Hi Joe,


I want to also convey my condolences to you and your family regarding your recent and unexpected loss. I too have experienced two deaths in my family within the last four months--so I know what you're going through.It takes awhile to process through all of the grieving emotions and get refocused on your daily life routine and commitments. I wish you well in the days, weeks and months ahead. By the way, I just purchased the MU via PC Aviator's holiday sale. Overall I am enjoying it--the tutorial videos have helped a lot along with the manual I downloaded. The MU is sure a lot different than several King Airs I have in my FSX hangar.  Also, this is my first Flysimware purchase. Keep up the good work.



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