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P3D training features

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Vic, Nobody with an honest question should have to put up with smart &@($* comments like this. This is a forum, he came for an answer to his question. He was basically told to ********** off. You tell him to quit asking questions. Who gave YOU that right. Heck, many of the questions on these forums have an answer elsewhere. That doesn't imply that they cannot be asked here. This type of response happens far too often here. I think that it's time that the moderators put an end to it. I don't blame the OP for his reply.

Jimmy - I don't consider the answer as "smart-&@($*" - he provided an answer - the BEST answer. Who better to answer than LM - surely NONE of us here can provide a "correct" answer to the OP - only OUR opinions. So the ONLY correct answer to his question is "Go TO THE WEBSITE AND READ FOR YOURSELF". Perhaps he could have posted a link but I feel the OP's answer was the only smart-&@($* response here.


As to telling him not to ask questions - that was in the heat of the moment - questions are always welcomed of course.




RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 - AS16, ASCA, GEP3D, UTX, Toposim, ORBX Regions, TrackIR
RIG#2 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 GTX1080ti DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors

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has more info on its use.

Michael I was just about to provide to same info but you beat me to it. To the OP. IMHO, training is most effective when the environment is simulated in the most realistic way possible. P3D has an immersion factor that is not present in FSX. Welcome to the platform sir and feel free to ask as many questions as you like.

James McLees

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In reality they are both the same device,software,game call it what you will.However some are of the illusion that P3D and it's non entertainment licence gives it more kudos and are, well, living in fantasy land.I have seen one reply recently telling a poster to go "play" with his FSX and leave the serious stuff like P3D to the pros' codswallop.They are the same thing and outwith the obvious improvements in graphics etc then there is really no big difference.Those who think like this are really suffering from "emperors new clothes" syndrome.I feel the  licensing issue was purely what was on offer to Lockheed at the time,I mean were Microsoft ever going to allow another company to piggyback their product at the time when FSX was still being developed?

So train all you like in P3D,FSX,or FSX steam it's all the same.Also play all you like in any of the aforementioned, it is ALL the same.One caveat if you use P3D don't own up to enjoying/Playing it or you might lose some credibility.

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Jimmy - I don't consider the answer as "smart-&@($*" - he provided an answer - the BEST answer. Who better to answer than LM - surely NONE of us here can provide a "correct" answer to the OP - only OUR opinions. So the ONLY correct answer to his question is "Go TO THE WEBSITE AND READ FOR YOURSELF". Perhaps he could have posted a link but I feel the OP's answer was the only smart-&@($* response here.As to telling him not to ask questions - that was in the heat of the moment - questions are always welcomed of course

I agree that the best way to answer his question was to direct him to LM's site, as Michael did. I just objected to the tone of the answer. Wobbie may not have even realized how it came across. Thanks for retracting your comment.

James McLees

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I agree to you, Jimmi. Even more, as the OP obviously is new to P3D and, honestly, the Prepar3d Website is not that well-organized that the answer is obvious. You certainly can find an answer there, but then we don't need fora at all as 95 % of all question have been answered *somewhere* before.


To return to track, I still think Simdirector




(on the bottom of that page) is one of the answers as it allows setting up training scenarios. However, never having used it myself I am not in a position to comment on its use. From what I am reading on the LM forums now and then it's no much used by general users, but rather by LMs industrial customers, which is why they are quite actively developing it. The Learning Center under




has more info on its use.


Kind regards, Michael

To add to what Michael mentioned, I think the snide and insensitive comments stem from those who are tired of seeing the same questions come up so often.  Granted, I am neither defending or siding with anyone here as this type of thread has been seen way too many times.  AVSIM has been around for so long, I can sympathize with new people that doing searches within AVSIM can be daunting if they don't know the right keywords to ask.  I have been on the receiving end of such rude comments in the past as well, and while I took the advice (shedding off the negative emotions that accompanied said advice), I still couldn't find clear, definitive answers so again, the new folks tend to gravitate towards just opening up a new thread and asking the question.  To be honest, there is no harm as we are all here to help out, right?


I am sure you could ask any vet of this forum how many times they have had to answer the same question over and over and I am sure they wouldn't be able to nail down a specific number but I am sure it's more than one and less than a bazillion.  Good advice always comes from those who are patient and willing to help, despite having to field the same questions over and over.  There are always new people joining so cut them a little slack.  If they came here, joined and asked questions, they genuinely want to hear from us and I for one would be flattered and it would only make me feel better knowing I helped someone.


Also consider this place as one giant "pay it forward".  We once came here with questions and we got answers, so pay it forward and do the same for those new people who ask, but at the same time, a little patience goes a long way. :)



I agree to you, Jimmi. Even more, as the OP obviously is new to P3D and, honestly, the Prepar3d Website is not that well-organized that the answer is obvious. You certainly can find an answer there, but then we don't need fora at all as 95 % of all question have been answered *somewhere* before.


To return to track, I still think Simdirector




(on the bottom of that page) is one of the answers as it allows setting up training scenarios. However, never having used it myself I am not in a position to comment on its use. From what I am reading on the LM forums now and then it's no much used by general users, but rather by LMs industrial customers, which is why they are quite actively developing it. The Learning Center under




has more info on its use.


Kind regards, Michael

To add to what Michael mentioned, I think the snide and insensitive comments stem from those who are tired of seeing the same questions come up so often.  Granted, I am neither defending or siding with anyone here as this type of thread has been seen way too many times.  AVSIM has been around for so long, I can sympathize with new people that doing searches within AVSIM can be daunting if they don't know the right keywords to ask.  I have been on the receiving end of such rude comments in the past as well, and while I took the advice (shedding off the negative emotions that accompanied said advice), I still couldn't find clear, definitive answers so again, the new folks tend to gravitate towards just opening up a new thread and asking the question.  To be honest, there is no harm as we are all here to help out, right?


I am sure you could ask any vet of this forum how many times they have had to answer the same question over and over and I am sure they wouldn't be able to nail down a specific number but I am sure it's more than one and less than a bazillion.  Good advice always comes from those who are patient and willing to help, despite having to field the same questions over and over.  There are always new people joining so cut them a little slack.  If they came here, joined and asked questions, they genuinely want to hear from us and I for one would be flattered and it would only make me feel better knowing I helped someone.


Also consider this place as one giant "pay it forward".  We once came here with questions and we got answers, so pay it forward and do the same for those new people who ask, but at the same time, a little patience goes a long way. :)



Engage, research, inform and make your posts count! -Jim Morvay

Origin EON-17SLX - Under the hood: Intel Core i7 7700K at 4.2GHz (Base) 4.6GHz (overclock), nVidia GeForce GTX-1080 Pascal w/8gb vram, 32gb (2x16) Crucial 2400mhz RAM, 3840 x 2160 17.3" IPS w/G-SYNC, Samsung 950 EVO 256GB PCIe m.2 SSD (Primary), Samsung 850 EVO 500gb M.2 (Sim Drive), MS Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit

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I can sympathize with new people that doing searches within AVSIM can be daunting if they don't know the right keywords to ask.

Not to mention that you can't even search for P3D or FSX as they not 4 characters! lol

James McLees

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I would be using the sw for training only, but didn't understand what differences are there between, say, FSX and P3D in relation to training.


SimDirector is a VERY powerful tool for training and more things are being developed that will further increase what one can do on the training front.


From the P3D learning center document:




SimDirector is Prepar3D's scenario creation tool designed to provide a premiere scenario creation experience from start to finish.

With SimDirector, users can now rapidly and easily create and share structured learning experiences. Teachers, instructors, and students can create lessons, instructions, and scenarios, all with dynamic feedback to the user. Developers of complex add-ons can now record and save virtual instructor lessons with their aircraft to show their users how to operate the aircraft or perform complex procedures, instead of having them refer to flight manuals or pre-flight checklists.

SimDirector has three distinct modes that play a role in the overall scenario creation workflow. These three modes are:


  • Virtual Instructor Mode: This mode is used to create virtual cockpit instruction (e.g. checklist procedures and annotating cockpit instrumentation).
  • Flight Instructor Mode: This mode is used to record maneuvers that can be used in the scenario for grading or demonstration purposes.
  • Preview Mode: This mode is used to preview the scenario and provides insightful debug tools that allow for monitoring the simulation and scenario's flow of execution in real-time. 


Cheers, Rob.

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I have found SimDirector to be most useful in a classroom/instructor based setting. It is really intended for live scoring of a predefined scenario set by an instructional designer. It is simply easy to use but doesnt have much application for a single user or pilot looking to remain proficient on systems, navigation, etc unless you are using it to self assess your skills such as on an IFR flight or advanced maneuver. 


To answer the OP, in my opinion, there is little to no difference in terms of single user training on P3D from FSX. It has greater capability for commercial users, but if you are looking to fly for proficiency and familiarity, it is the same thing. 

Let me guess.... you want 64bit. 

Josh Daniels-Johannson

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I do apologise for being so short & gruff with my comment directing the OP to the Prepar3d site for further information. Maybe he was not aware of there being a site that could possibly answer his questions & also give him more info?


I was certainly not telling him that he was unwelcome here. 

As they say.... Read the manual.


"Onward & Upward" ...
To the Stars, & Beyond... 

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Laminar's website is but one point of reference . The OP is entitled to canvas opinions from others  who use P3D for training purposes, whatever they maybe . Not unexpectedly, the LM website promotes it's products virtues  not so much its weaknesses.


In my opinion OP,   P3D is not great as an IFR trainer ,as an example, no matter what the website says.


Reason;  the ability to reproduce side view traces of the flight path to determine how well an approach was made , how altitude was maintained what the trace of the holding pattern looks like are not as well done as Xplane.


OP keep asking your questions , someone sooner or later will have the good grace to reply with a useful answer.

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Reason;  the ability to reproduce side view traces of the flight path to determine how well an approach was made , how altitude was maintained what the trace of the holding pattern looks like are not as well done as Xplane.
OP keep asking your questions , someone sooner or later will have the good grace to reply with a useful answer.


Was that last sentiment really needed -- and how useful would you rate your answer?


Anyway, for IFR one is more than able to get side view traces in P3D (and much more) ... the data is there to extract/track/record ... you might want to read the SDK that comes with P3D.  P3D is used in many IFR trainers (and more than just IFR training) ... it's used at my local FBO (KCCR) for VFR and IFR training.


Just curious, does Laminar promote Xplane 10 weaknesses on their web site?  Not really sure where you are going with a statement like that.


Cheers, Rob.

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Just because YOU don't know how to do it @fireone - doesn't mean it can't be done.


I'll stop with that.




RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 - AS16, ASCA, GEP3D, UTX, Toposim, ORBX Regions, TrackIR
RIG#2 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 GTX1080ti DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors

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Guys, thanks very much for some very useful answers in here.

I'm just waiting for the new P3D release to come out and I'll give it a try.

At least, now I have a more educated idea.


I do fly the 777 for a living, and I found the PMDG product mostly outstanding even for professional use.

I hope P3D will be more stable than FSX, especially when loaded with failures I like to practice on.


Just to bring this controversy to an end, the READ THE MANUAL philosophy (when a genuine question is asked) is not at all my style.

I've been instructing people of any age flying most of my life, I NEVER EVER dared to answer like that to anybody.

If I know the question I just answer, otherwise (like instructors do in most airlines) I either look it up on the manuals and give rference, or - if I'm bored - I let someone else answer for me.

And by the way, I don't care if that answer was already given millions of times. It is still the same. If I'm bored of it (which never happened so far) I let someone else give that answer.


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<p>Rob ,</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I rate my answer as being a bit more useful than the:</p>

<p> </p>

<p>go to the website or read the manual or go to the sdk type of answer unless they are referenced with a chapter and page which has the answer. That would be very useful and a top answer.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Those types of answers assume, as in this case , the OP has not done these things.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>My reference to xplane is not a p3d vs xplane thing and of course Xplane doesn't advertise its weaknessses. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>As a qualified  IFR pilot I find the  after flight feedback xplane gives me more useful for this purpose . This is a partial or tangential  answer to the OPs question. That is where I was going with it.  I admit that on reading his initial post, If he was intersted in flying that kind of aircraft at some stage he would be under IFR rules .</p>

<p> </p>

<p>In fact  FlyElite  is the best in my opinion for this kind of training also used by many training institutions .</p>

<p> </p>

<p>And yes VgBaron I admit I don't know how to do it in spite of many hours of trying and I admit I may not be drawing out the maximum that is possible from P3D for my intended training purposes. I'll go back to it and see where  the instructions are , clearly I've missed something  .</p>

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Rob ,


I rate my answer as being a bit more useful than the:


go to the website or read the manual or go to the sdk type of answer unless they are referenced with a chapter and page which has the answer. That would be very useful and a top answer.


Those types of answers assume, as in this case , the OP has not done these things.


My reference to xplane is not a p3d vs xplane thing and of course Xplane doesn't advertise its weaknessses. 


As a qualified  IFR pilot I find the  after flight feedback xplane gives me more useful for this purpose . In fact  FlyElite  is the best in my opinion for this kind of training also used by many training institutions .


And yes VgBaron I admit I don't know how to do it in spite of many hours of trying and I admit I may not be drawing out the maximum that is possible from P3D for my intended training purposes. I'll go back to it and see where  the instructions are , clearly I've missed something  .


And there are many very well qualified IFR pilots that are not impressed with X plane at all. 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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