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To get a Prepar3d v3 refund or not, that is the question

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To get a Prepar3d v3 refund or not, that is the question.

I am getting less sanguine about being a beta tester than I once was. If I buy a product, I expect it to work, right out of the box...not to have to tweak the sxxt out of a purchase just so it kinda works as advertised.

I definitely buy by word of mouth, from those I have come to respect and trust...that only makes sense.

But ....now that we are in the weeds of P3d v3-ness, I am asking myself if I should just sit back and let others slug it out, just to get back to where they were with v2.x. To be a "bleeding-edge" drop-out. To simply enjoy the fruits of the labors I did participate in, by painfully learning the quirks, and ins and outs of partially working and compatible downloadable add-ons that make up the flight simming experience.

That is where I am with Prepar3d v2.5. It is mostly a terrific aviation experience...if...I don't push the envelope too far - read push the sliders too far to the right. After all, my rig is just a 6GB, I-7 2600 K over-clocked to 4.5 GHz and a Nvidia GeForce 770, 2GB vid-card. So, what, in all reasonableness, can I expect?

I don't "personally know"; I have mostly only "heard" from others who have the reported the most common downsides of Prepar3dV2.x, because I fly differently than most others.

I am more interested in improving my skills, my understanding of in and of aviation. I spend most of my sim time "learning and training", rather than having a "destination". Therefore, I have rarely run into the Dreaded ding of OOM-Dom, though I have read far too many reports to discount its existence.

Should I get a V3 refund, then, once all the mashugana, "Not-ready yet, but 'fur-sher-comin'-soon'-sim-busting-blue-Screening-version 1.0 Prepar3dV3-addon'-updates", " are fixed and working v1.xx realities and not promises, ...

Buy it/them again?

...and only then, re-join the fray?

I feeling torn between both v2.x and V3...mostly because the contrived "Randazzo Edict". I paid for the Fsx version of the incredible PMDG 737NGX, and T7, then begrudgingly paid for the P3d versions, because he had crippled the FSX version. Now, I must decide where to house the most advanced and important additions to my simulator...the almost, but not quite, the "raisins d'être" of my simming life. Mr. R has decreed that he neither let the T7 nor the NGX live in both V2 and v3 worlds simultaneously.

Am I getting old? Ruefully, truthfully....yes, of course. Does that mean that I am stepping back from the "bleeding edge"? To a degree, yes. I find, as the days progress, that I am becoming less willing to invest my time in disappointment.

Does that make me a curmudgeon? Not if the first definition is the one we receive first as we highlight the word and press the "define button"...and are shown, "surly, bad tempered ", I don't think so.

If, however curmudgeon is defined http://m.wikihow.com/Become-a-Curmudgeon , as the article leads off, "a curmudgeon is "...an independent thinker, and goes against the grain"..."a contrarian, although they can ruffle feathers"..."willing to tick everyone off to voice their stance on an issue"perhaps as I exhort the neighborhood kids to get off the grass
...perhaps,as I exhort the neighborhood kids to "get off my Grass!"... I find myself leaning towards curmudgeonlyness,curmudgeonality?... as defined in the above piece.

Where am I going with this? I guess to vouch-safe a few of my rumblings..., a high-five on some, but not all of my points. We at Avsim, are wayyyy too diverse for me to expect a consensus. No, perhaps I could wish for at least a "validation of the few, of the "curmudgeonality crew"....

Or, maybe I just need to blow off Steam.

...no pun intended...well there wasn't, until I decided to capitalize the "s".

Should I, is there a valid reason to, get a refund for Prepar3D V3, and just wait, say, six months before re-purchasing that stalwart attempt at aviation improvement?

Is there honestly any smart, reasonableness, to bleed on the edge?
I've been there...back, as the Xers, millennials say, in-the-day...in the real-network-Admin-world...spent so many sleepless nights back then, trouble shooting, twiddling, tweaking, installing, re-installing, researching, listening, reading the well-meaning, albeit, oft misplaced suggestions of others and now, i play Nay, mygodnotplay...."learn"!...in the venue of flight simulation, unpaid for the same activity???

...is it really worth it? Should I ....hang my head? Should I, as an Avsimmer and flight-simmer of thirty plus years, feel ashamed of not participating in the "Good Fight"?

Am I less than a stalwart sim-aviator for sitting back and waiting for the young pups, in deed and in heart, to emerge, bloodied and grinning, from the trenches of incompatibility, real or contrived, some months later, thinking that they were victorious?

Do I also need to be bruised, once more, declaring, with a my simulation confederates , the end successful conclusion of the fight of the Version-skies?

Knowing...knowing!, in my heart, that THAT struggle, will never end. Nor, will the vagaries of software and hardware simulation pugilistics.

Maybe I should throw aside my smelling of new ink, issue of AARP, turn my back to the tablet,keyboard, screen and cockpit,

...and just pick up my new-born grand-daughter to play the fool.....for a while.

Just the rambling queries of a curmudgeonly, old-but-still-kicking, man


Video at 11 -

My first sim flight simulator pD25zEJ.jpg


Take a ride to Stinking Creek! http://youtu.be/YP3fxFqkBXg Win10 Pro, GeForce GTX 1080TI/Rizen5 5600x  OCd,32 GB RAM,3x1920 x 1080, 60Hz , 27" Dell TouchScreen,TM HOTAS Warthog,TrackIR5,Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals HP reverbG2,Quest2

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Hi Chas,


Having just entered the P3D world, I am absolutely no value to you what so ever, however I do want to thank you for the most fantastic read I can ever remember on here and hope you do stick with it a bit longer so I can read some more!


Cheers Dave

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I feeling torn between both v2.x and V3...mostly because the contrived "Randazzo Edict". I paid for the Fsx version of the incredible PMDG 737NGX, and T7, then begrudgingly paid for the P3d versions, because he had crippled the FSX version. Now, I must decide where to house the most advanced and important additions to my simulator...the almost, but not quite, the "raisins d'être" of my simming life. Mr. R has decreed that he neither let the T7 nor the NGX live in both V2 and v3 worlds simultaneously.


?? Not sure what you mean by this. Unless I have missed something, there is no reason why PMDG would prevent you from using the P3D version of either the NGX or the T7 in both 2.5 and 3.0, assuming you have both versions of the sim.

Jim Barrett

Licensed Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic, Avionics, Electrical & Air Data Systems Specialist. Qualified on: Falcon 900, CRJ-200, Dornier 328-100, Hawker 850XP and 1000, Lear 35, 45, 55 and 60, Gulfstream IV and 550, Embraer 135, Beech Premiere and 400A, MD-80.

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?? Not sure what you mean by this. Unless I have missed something, there is no reason why PMDG would prevent you from using the P3D version of either the NGX or the T7 in both 2.5 and 3.0, assuming you have both versions of the sim.

mr. Barrett,


I would love to be shown the error of my ways, but I do believe that when you go to the PMDG site and see Mr. Randazzo's "edict" regarding the use of either the T7 or the NGX simultaneously in P3dv2.X and v3.0, , You will come away with tears in your eyes… I have a hanky ready for you should I be right, and for me to sop up the tears of joy should I be wrong.





My first sim flight simulator pD25zEJ.jpg


Take a ride to Stinking Creek! http://youtu.be/YP3fxFqkBXg Win10 Pro, GeForce GTX 1080TI/Rizen5 5600x  OCd,32 GB RAM,3x1920 x 1080, 60Hz , 27" Dell TouchScreen,TM HOTAS Warthog,TrackIR5,Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals HP reverbG2,Quest2

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?? Not sure what you mean by this. Unless I have missed something, there is no reason why PMDG would prevent you from using the P3D version of either the NGX or the T7 in both 2.5 and 3.0, assuming you have both versions of the sim.


Here is a quote from RSR:


IMPORTANT INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS:  If you have your PMDG product already installed to P3D v2, and then you install P3D v3 and wish to use your PMDG product in v3, you will need to UNINSTALL the PMDG product before you will be allowed to install it to v3.

Sean Green

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We simmers are a Hearty lot - and We really do Need something to Grumble about !! - You sound like You Sim for Fun - and WE all know that is NOT Allowed - But WE Keep on Simmin !! - Johnman  B) 

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Chas - No one can answer that but you. For me however, the answer is no way.  Like you, I don't fly to a destination. I prefer to fly to keep my skills that I learned long ago even though I can no longer fly IRL.


I spend little time tweaking - I read where people see stutters when they look outside and behind the a/c - guess what? I don't look outside and behind. Does my sim stutter? Do I need to tweak? Nope - because I don't fly TRYING t find problems.


Enjoy the moment(s) Chas - I sure do!




RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 - AS16, ASCA, GEP3D, UTX, Toposim, ORBX Regions, TrackIR
RIG#2 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 GTX1080ti DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors

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I'd love to help, but you haven't actually stated any problem with P3D V3 ... it sounds like you have issues with PMDG EULA?  Did you post here in P3D forum because you are concerned if you posted in the PMDG forum it will be removed?


Suggest you open a support ticket with PMDG directly, explain your situation (waiting for all your v2.x products to be updated to V3 before switching) and ask to get a temporary exception with promise to remove once your situation is resolved.


I found PMDG to be very good at handling my issues (not the same as your issues) when going thru their support ticket system.


Cheers, Rob.

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I'd love to help, but you haven't actually stated any problem with P3D V3 ... ...promise to remove once your situation is resolved.


I found PMDG to be very good at handling my issues (not the same as your issues) when going thru their support ticket system.


Cheers, Rob.

Thanks Rob,


But I think I stated quite clearly that my issue ...IS Randazzo's edict.


You are appreciated sir,


My first sim flight simulator pD25zEJ.jpg


Take a ride to Stinking Creek! http://youtu.be/YP3fxFqkBXg Win10 Pro, GeForce GTX 1080TI/Rizen5 5600x  OCd,32 GB RAM,3x1920 x 1080, 60Hz , 27" Dell TouchScreen,TM HOTAS Warthog,TrackIR5,Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals HP reverbG2,Quest2

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When  first advised caution about jumping headlong into a brand new version of a sim program on this forum I was almost immediately branded by a couple of people as a "V3 hater". As the days have gone by, I enjoy flying  my perfectly working, no stutter, no OOM, good FPS , V 2.5 a few hours every day, and then reading the stories in the forums and Facebook groups regarding this and that not working with V3 for some. The list goes on an on, EZ dok, joystick problems, Q400 issues, PMDG,  Airbus, scenery, crashes at startup, low frame rates, blurries,  etc.etc. , the list seems endless. What will really be amusing is when LM issues the first couple of patches, whenever that happens,  to see how much of the shoe horned add on's get broken by the patches. Anyone with any experience in computer programs and especially simulation programs that have to interface and work well  with add on programs, should have seen this coming. Same thing happened when FSX was released, for the early adopters.  A few months down the road, when the beta testing has subsided, and the program has been fixed , and the various installers are out of the beta stage, jumping in would be a totally different issue in my opinion, but as of now, it's a gamble. Some win, and  some lose. But, then I am a "V3 hater" so what do I know  .  :wink:


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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Thanks Rob,


But I think I stated quite clearly that my issue ...IS Randazzo's edict.


Just to be clear, because this is confusing to me.
By 'Randazzo's edict' you mean that you can't use PMDG in P3D v2 *AND* P3D v3 ?
To my understanding, the only reason that PMDG stated that, is because of their older installer. You have to uninstall previous version, so you don't mess up your v3. I couldn't see any license disclaimer.

Lukasz Kulasek

i7-8700k, RTX 2080 TI, 32 GB RAM, ASUS TUF Z370-PRO Gaming, Oculus Rift CV1

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So essentially V3 is just an framerate improved version of 2.5 for $60...


Hmmm... Sounds like 2.6 to me. 

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Just to be clear, because this is confusing to me.
By 'Randazzo's edict' you mean that you can't use PMDG in P3D v2 *AND* P3D v3 ?
To my understanding, the only reason that PMDG stated that, is because of their older installer. You have to uninstall previous version, so you don't mess up your v3. I couldn't see any license disclaimer.



Unlike other V3 ready installers, their new installer doesn't ask which version you want it installed into, it just uses V3 if it finds it on the system.  Therefore by default you are restricted to the most recent version of P3D you have, even if you are trying to re-install 2.x alongside V3.


Doesn't bother me, I'm not going back (I've had a good 30% performance gain in V3, only reason I've not uninstalled 2.5 is to use the Q400 until it gets a V3 patch), but it is definitely a problem if you are on the fence or making a slow transition.


Only reason I've not uninstalled 2.5 is to use the Q400 until it gets a V3 patch.

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mr. Barrett,


I would love to be shown the error of my ways, but I do believe that when you go to the PMDG site and see Mr. Randazzo's "edict" regarding the use of either the T7 or the NGX simultaneously in P3dv2.X and v3.0, , You will come away with tears in your eyes… I have a hanky ready for you should I be right, and for me to sop up the tears of joy should I be wrong.





I found the reference you were speaking of. Apparently it is primarily a technical problem, when both P3D 2.5 and 3.0 are installed on the SAME computer. Because of the way that PMDG products interact with the Windows registry - it is not (technically) possible to make the aircraft work in both versions of P3D at the same time.


Not so much an "edict", as a simple statement that (in a manner of speaking) "you can't park two cars in a single-car garage".


My situation is different - as I have two separate computers, with 2.5 on one, and 3.0 on the other. In this case, it is possible. (And permitted under the terms of the product license).


I'm NOT suggesting that you should buy a second computer just to run Version 3. Based on your overall post, I realize that you are questioning whether it is really worth continuing to sink money into a hobby that may be losing its allure. I do understand your point of view


In my case, building a new, updated computer for FS use was something I had already planned to do, even before it was confirmed that a new version of P3D was coming out.


For me, it does make it easier to test and optimize Version 3, while still having a fully-functional V2.5 to use while my favorite add-on vendors get all the bugs worked out of their V3 versions.

Jim Barrett

Licensed Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic, Avionics, Electrical & Air Data Systems Specialist. Qualified on: Falcon 900, CRJ-200, Dornier 328-100, Hawker 850XP and 1000, Lear 35, 45, 55 and 60, Gulfstream IV and 550, Embraer 135, Beech Premiere and 400A, MD-80.

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