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[31JAN17] PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II: Departure Paperwork...

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we will begin boarding PMDG Flight Operations, flight number 1 shortly.  Your flight today will operated onboard our brand new flagship 747-400 Queen of the Skies II.  We are just waiting on the crew to finish their preflight checks... We will have more information for you shortly!"





Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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The ground crew vehicles look fairly impressive. Exciting stuff. Thanks.


Yes, I was just looking at those too, VERY interesting indeed. No red and blue luggage in sight!

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price/price/price for the P3D version



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Excellent stuff, cannot wait. This would be amazing over Austria Professional HD from Flugwerk!, 14GB each!, 6 hours to download :(

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I told you Robert was watching our last few hours of banter. I bet that's the thrill for them all... the calm before the storm as it is.


A personal message to Robert, Kyle, Ryan and the rest of the team. (And I realise there are many more than those three) Your software and operational policies have been an inspiration to me personally and professionally, in the IT industry, to friends of mine who are here in NZ training to fly for Euro airlines, and I am sure for airline pilots the world over. I have even introduced some of your ideas to my team (It is done when it is done) and they love it.


Beyond all this, I applaud the respect and attention to detail you have given the the 747, arguably the greatest airliner to ply the skies, and above all, every product you serve up to us.


Good luck, gentleman, and may the winds of M0.85 be with you.

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