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Release Question

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15 minutes ago, JasonC said:

So here is my question; Has the hotfix stopped all development period thus the dev team is taking a break OR, are there other functions of the T7 that are being worked on while waiting for a hot fix OR have you gotten a jump on the NGX during this time while nothing can be done on the T7 meaning a shorter turnaround on release of the NGX after the hotfix. 

We're just all sitting here waiting on LM to release a hotfix. Not sure what else we'd do with our time other than sit and wait... :ph34r:

16 minutes ago, JasonC said:

As a professional developer for a development company, we have many of times, especially lately with xcode and apple, where updates and fixes of a third part partially or fully stop a development. This does not stop my company from developing however, we simply move to another project.

Kinda answered your own question here, no? :wink:

Kyle Rodgers

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Yup. That answer makes perfect sense, but over time there was a little bit of a miscommunication as to what's happening. I for one am hoping for the next-next NGX release in the near future. From strictly user perspective, it's also showing its age, when compared to 747, and 777. Besides, you folks deserve some more of my money, and you didn't want it for v4 upgrade. Sigh.

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6 minutes ago, scandinavian13 said:

We're just all sitting here waiting on LM to release a hotfix. Not sure what else we'd do with our time other than sit and wait... :ph34r:

Kinda answered your own question here, no? :wink:

I was referring to how my company personally handles these and was asking if you were doing the same so no, didn't answer my question, was just giving an example. So based on the answers above, you are both sitting and waiting while also moving on to another project? If you are all actually waiting around, I suggest a company outing...go zip-lining...was very fun team building excercise we just did for all of our employees. You all definitely earned it. If you have moved on to another project...might it be the NGX perhaps? :)

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8 minutes ago, icemarkom said:

 Besides, you folks deserve some more of my money, and you didn't want it for v4 upgrade. Sigh.

Couldn't agree more!

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I was wondering the same as the OP. Thanks for the explanation Ryan and keep the good work.


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Guys, please refrain from asking PMDG about why this or why that because when they post something here it put them a day behind in completing there work. Thank you!!

PMDG please get back to work!!!  LOL



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2 hours ago, JasonC said:

I was referring to how my company personally handles these and was asking if you were doing the same so no, didn't answer my question, was just giving an example. So based on the answers above, you are both sitting and waiting while also moving on to another project? If you are all actually waiting around, I suggest a company outing...go zip-lining...was very fun team building excercise we just did for all of our employees. You all definitely earned it. If you have moved on to another project...might it be the NGX perhaps? :)

I think you missed the sarcasm in Kyle's post. As Ryan pointed out, NGX is being worked on and taking longer than 747 and 777 as it's older code.

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I think this entire thread points out how important it is not to believe anything you read "from other users or forums."

We have been working on converting all three product lines to make them compatible with Prepar3D v4 since early March when we first received access to the platform.  When we announced last week that we need Lockheed Martin to publish the hot-fix that corrects a massive FPS loss experienced in the 77W, we merely indicated that the 77W would not commence testing for release until that hotfix is available.

Nobody at PMDG hinted at, suggested or otherwise indicated that this hold has an impact on the NGX.

I am always a bit befuddled at the "experts" who are so quick to jump in and tell us what we are doing wrong.  We rarely try to tell people in other businesses or development houses what they "need to do."

Perhaps I am just living life incorrectly?

For those waiting on the NGX:  It is a long process.  It will release when it is done.  I know the Deep-Sim-Conspiracy Theorists have cooked up all kinds of crazy theories on all manner of topics related to the NGX conversion to Prepar3D v4- but the bottom line is that of all of the products in our inventory- it is taking the longest.  We knew this when we layed out our release agenda two weeks ago because we had already been at it for nearly three months.

Trust us- we give you the facts as we see them, as we know them.  Anything else you read is just uninformed conjecture!




Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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Thanks Robert for this post and clarifying this. We'll await patiently for the NGX.

I think (some of) the confusion that the NGX was halted/pending till after the issues concerning the 777-300ER was resolved, was in part this post from Kyle on the subject. It led (at least me) to think that the NGX was paused/or halted because of the problems which arose when, working on making the 777-300ER compatible with Prepar3D V4.

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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6 hours ago, rsrandazzo said:


I think this entire thread points out how important it is not to believe anything you read "from other users or forums."

We have been working on converting all three product lines to make them compatible with Prepar3D v4 since early March when we first received access to the platform.  When we announced last week that we need Lockheed Martin to publish the hot-fix that corrects a massive FPS loss experienced in the 77W, we merely indicated that the 77W would not commence testing for release until that hotfix is available.





I did not mean any disrespect in my original post. My information was from your locked post here on the forums for the "Most Current Information on P3Dv4 Availability":


This product is still being prepared for testing.

This product is expected to enter testing concurrent with release of the 777-300ER to customers.

The current expectation is to release before the end of June."

I (maybe wrongfully) understood that to mean that release of the 777-300ER would begin work of the NGX. I guess the key here is the first line about being prepared for testing.

I would never take the word of a non-PMDG employee over that of your team. I was quite satisfied with the answer that it is being worked on but the older code is making it a longer process.

Sorry for any confusion,


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Don't wory, I think your question was not harsh or anything. I really think the message is more an answer to JasonC comment that kinda told he was a developer and he was knowing better how to do things. 


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Keep in mind that there is a HUGE difference between "we will hand this off to our beta testers at this point" (the "[t]his product is expected to enter testing concurrent with release of the 777-300ER to customers") and "our development stream is entirely linear, and we will only work on a project when we're completely done with another."

There's a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that you all don't see. I'm sure some of you see that and think "well yeah, then maybe you should be more transparent," but look at the situation we're in now: we clearly communicated something, and people are still misinterpreting it. I know people sometimes hate the relatively tighter grip we keep in info, but sometimes it's easier to say less and just see people wondering, than say something and then have to stomp out all of the fires misinterpretation/misinformation.

Kyle Rodgers

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I desperately need the NGX for V4.  The online controllers are getting sick of trying to accommodate my 747 at the smaller airports. 

Matt Wilson

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48 minutes ago, mpw8679 said:

I desperately need the NGX for V4.  The online controllers are getting sick of trying to accommodate my 747 at the smaller airports. 

'You're preaching to the choir'
But use the TFDi Boeing 717 until then... :happy:

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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21 minutes ago, Anders Bermann said:

'You're preaching to the choir'
But use the TFDi Boeing 717 until then... :happy:

I more then likely will be picking this up.  Been hearing good things about it.

Matt Wilson

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