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[13JUN18] XPlane User Updates

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11 hours ago, GCBraun said:

Personally, I am not even suggesting that! I would be happy just with an upgrade to the DC-6, so that I can fully use it in XP11, which was released months after the old-bird came out!

And I would be happy if xEnviro (now stuck on v1.09) got an update so it actually worked in XP11.3xx ... has been about a year now and still many of it's features are not working in the latest XP11 ... that seems to be a common theme, lack of developer support once a product is sold.  I've got a slew of products that no longer work in XP11.3xx ... it's pretty frustrating.  I don't mind waiting a month or two for add-on products to get updated ... on the P3D side it's usually within days after a version release, on the XP11 side it's months, years, or maybe never?

I'm not gonna start on what it took to get a payware World Traffic 3 product to work in XP11 (that entire process is simply unacceptable if you want to bring in end users who just want to fly with AI traffic everywhere).  On the P3D side with UTLive, I hit the install button and I'm done, AI traffic everywhere, no generating of airport traffic routes etc. etc.  

And seasons, just keeps getting ignored, summer all the time.  I tried the Seasons texture package and brown snow and partially worked in some areas not others?  Still a lot of end user editing of files, copying files, and requirement that XP11 be started in NOV DEC JAN FEB ... if I change date in XP11 too bad, stuck with whatever season I started.

And for some bizarre reason, XP "installers" seem to be Taboo?  Why?  I don't want to remember what files I have to copy or remove when I don't want the product installed anymore, expecting end users to have to remember what files they copied over from a specific product is ridiculous (who has time for that?).  It takes maybe 1-2 hours to make an installer, heck VS 2017 you get a free Limited version of InstallShield which make it very easy to produce an installer.

I can go on and on and on and on because I actually use both products and I still use a blind eye in both platforms.  To help XP11 evolve faster, it would be more prudent and beneficial to one's "cause" to approach LR and ask Austin/Ben for these features rather than go on endlessly about getting developers over to XP11.  The problem isn't developers, as Kyle pointed out, it's just business, if the money is there the developers will be also ... XP users need to approach LR and list the problems and missing features.  If the Navigraph survey is accurate, then there should be many more XP users and they should be providing feedback to LR.  

Spend the time making your platform or platforms of choice better rather than just attempting to convince developers/users that X is better than Y.

Cheers, Rob.

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9 minutes ago, Ephedrin said:

I lied on this one

I hope more folks lied then, BUT the message you send to developers is "not much money in this market" which could result in fewer development projects getting the "Go".

Cheers, Rob.

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9 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

I hope more folks lied then, BUT the message you send to developers is "not much money in this market" which could result in fewer development projects getting the "Go".

Cheers, Rob.

You first have to be able to afford 100$ for an addon you desperatly want to have. Not everyone is lucky to live in a country that uses to have high living standards. I'd guess that 80-90% of the money comes from North America and Central/Northern Europe.


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27 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

I'm not gonna start on what it took to get a payware World Traffic 3 product to work in XP11 (that entire process is simply unacceptable if you want to bring in end users who just want to fly with AI traffic everywhere).  On the P3D side with UTLive, I hit the install button and I'm done, AI traffic everywhere, no generating of airport traffic routes etc. etc.  

And seasons, just keeps getting ignored, summer all the time.  I tried the Seasons texture package and brown snow and partially worked in some areas not others?  Still a lot of end user editing of files, copying files, and requirement that XP11 be started in NOV DEC JAN FEB ... if I change date in XP11 too bad, stuck with whatever season I started.

I agree fully.  I use X-plane 11 and have WT3.  Not very user friendly to say the least and still not working 100% for me...

Hopefully in the future with Vulcan, X-plane will spend some time addressing seasonal textures and atc...

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5 minutes ago, Ephedrin said:

Not everyone is lucky to live in a country that uses to have high living standards.

Every country listed for respondents was from countries I would consider has a "high standard of living" with the US, UK, Germany representing the majority (the rest being Canada, Australia, Netherlands, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy) ... with average income around the $50,000 US mark.  Not sure it's a matter of "affordable" as global statistics on 3D/console games sales show those same countries are willing to spend considerably more $139 Billion in gaming sales for 2018 with the leading sales coming from Asia.  So there is money there and people are spending ... just not much in the FS market.

Cheers, Rob.

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12 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

$139 Billion in gaming sales for 2018



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5 minutes ago, Ephedrin said:


It’s a huge industry.

Brian A. Neuman


Proud simmer since 1982 using the following simulators: Sublogic Flight Simulator 1 and 2. Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0, 5.1, FS95, FS98, FS2000, FS2002, FS2004, FSX (and unfortunately Flight!). Terminal Reality Fly 1 and 2. Sierra Pro Pilot, Looking Glass/Eidos/Electronic Arts Flight Unlimited I, II and III, Laminar Research X-Plane 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, FS Aerofly 2, Lockheed Martin Perpar3D 2.X, 3.X, 4.X and 5.X and Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020). Not to mention numerous combat simulators and games related to flight that I have played with over the years.

System: Intel I7-7700K-Water Cooled, 32GB Ram, GTX 1080Ti, 500gb SSD, 1TB HD and dedicated 1TB and 2TB SSD's for Flight Simulators

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On 12/29/2018 at 1:24 PM, GCBraun said:

This perceived problem is not one exclusive of the XP folks. 

Not from where I'm sitting.  XPlane Zealotry abounds.


7800X3D ♣ 32 GB G.Skill TridentZ  Gigabyte 4090  Crucial P5 Plus 2TB 

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It's a bit broad of a brush to be painting all X-Plane users under the same attribute... no? It might be better if this thread was in fact closed, as there is less discussion on PMDGs commitment to alternative platforms, and more of commentary on simmer's limited understanding or experience for other products (on all sides of the fence.)


As someone who multi-sims, but predominantly spends most of his time in X-Plane, I think the reputation for a PMDG is wildly known, and there is obviously a great enthusiasm for PMDG to bring that experience and experience over to other platforms. I'm sure there are various development reasons we have not seen any activity from them regarding XPL (as stated by Randazzo countless times...) and I hope they remain as enthusiastic for future possibilities as the community is.

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On 12/29/2018 at 9:44 PM, Rob Ainscough said:

I’ll disagree with you there, it very much is “almost” exclusively XP community ... not just here but I see this XP fanatism everywhere, especially YouTube.  They’ll come and toss out childish comments on my P3D videos just because it’s not XP. I’m sure there are some P3D fanatics also, but 10x more XPers attacking devs and end users.

But are you really trying tell PMDG how they are supposed to interpret a Navigraph survey they didn’t sponsor?

But ask yourself why are you telling devs what platforms they need to develop for??  That an admission of platform weakness ... the merit of the platforms and users wallets will decide.

Cheers, Rob.

Exactly my feelings. XP guys need to grow up. Its rare that someone that prefers P3D brings the same childish talk in discussions as XP ppl do. Theres little chance a P3D person writes stupid things noone cares about below vids but for some reason the XP ppl do that all the time.

They even fight each other inside in small wars. Treshhold user against the others, XEnviro aganst ActiveSky users and these party against others. Its so stupid...

I have both sims, spent big money on both and cannot see how this stupid war can contunie that long and why not everyone can accept others feelings here. Really.

Can you not leave the ppl alone that made their choice of the 2? I always read like "i left p3d behind and never looked back". Well, nice you do. I have so much more fun in my p3d as i have in xp, so what? And now? Where does us lead this discussion into? We dont play a soccer goal.

I see the survey a bit off too. I cannot see that reflected anywhere in the FS world in fact. There is for sure a trend that goes positive for XP but in what world the 2 sims should be on same level is beyond be. And maybe users yes but how many users are there who only like freeware?

You have to count them all out. They wont spend a dime. Maybe ask shops like Simmarket where the major money is spent, in XP or FSX/P3D.

Also i think that XP guys like to see things where they not are 🙂 Sorry. If you look at that survey you see that ppl clearly favor P3D and the FSX world, despite having same or growing numbers in users.


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I believe the last comments are the proof that both communities are on par with each other when it comes to bad attitude.

This is a thread about future PMDG releases for the XP platform.

I am no moderator or PMDG employee but, in my eyes, it would be extremely helpful if users that clearly favor P3D would refrain from commenting here, especially if those comments express a negative view of XP in general.

Discussing shortcomings of the sim or of its community is not the goal of the topic.

AMD Ryzen 7800X3D | Zotac RTX 4090 Trinity | Asus TUF X670E-Plus | G.SKILL Trident Z5 NEO 32GB DDR5 PC 6000 CL30 | 4TB NVMe  | Noctua NH-D15 | Asus TUF 1000W Gold | be quiet! Pure Base 500DX | Noctua NH-D15S | LG OLED CX 48" + 2x 15.6" Touch-screen Panels

Thrustmaster Boeing TCA Yoke - Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog - Honeycomb Bravo Throttle - MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals - TrackIR - Stream Deck XL + Stream Deck Plus

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I'd prefer to not set up an echo chamber, but I will agree that it was a bit more aggressive than I'd be when discussing the topic.


Kyle Rodgers

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Yeah honestly, I come back here to check and hopefully see PMDG staff post updates on products to XP. All I see here is just a lot of you arguing. Both sims are great but both of them need their commitments from their users. When I check back here in some time, I hope to see some sort of update, anything really, I'm so desperate to get my hands on PMDG planes in XP. I don't want to see this arguing anymore, I mean I'm not a mod or anyone important, I just want to be able to see relevant posts: Yeah I don't have to read these but like I'm bored and I don't have anything else to do lol.

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Reading all of this, and it is apparent that this is indicative of a societal issue as a whole stating basically "Either you agree with me, or you are wrong". It is true of alot of arguments, politics, religion etc. It has spread to the FS World and it isn't new.

I do agree with Kyle that this should not be an echo chamber to air personal grievances. Yes, there are plenty of obnoxious FSXers and P3Ders who do fight with each other, though from outside sites including social media, the FSX folks are louder then the P3D people.

That being said, I see significantly more X-Plane users (might me the same core group of people and not the X-Plane community as a whole) who are constantly nagging and berating people and developers for not using the X-Plane Product. It got old very quickly.

And when it comes to screaming about how good the X-Plane product is, I ask myself this: Are they trying to convince others, or are they trying to convince themselves.

There is plenty of room for both products and all sides need to recognize that.

Brian A. Neuman


Proud simmer since 1982 using the following simulators: Sublogic Flight Simulator 1 and 2. Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0, 5.1, FS95, FS98, FS2000, FS2002, FS2004, FSX (and unfortunately Flight!). Terminal Reality Fly 1 and 2. Sierra Pro Pilot, Looking Glass/Eidos/Electronic Arts Flight Unlimited I, II and III, Laminar Research X-Plane 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, FS Aerofly 2, Lockheed Martin Perpar3D 2.X, 3.X, 4.X and 5.X and Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020). Not to mention numerous combat simulators and games related to flight that I have played with over the years.

System: Intel I7-7700K-Water Cooled, 32GB Ram, GTX 1080Ti, 500gb SSD, 1TB HD and dedicated 1TB and 2TB SSD's for Flight Simulators

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I'll just jump in and say thanks Robert (and PMDG team) for offering some updates on your possible plans for X-Plane development.  As a converted FSX user to XP, I'm very excited to hear it's not an "if" but "when."  Count me in as a customer when you do!!  Be anxious to hear more when you have clarity on things and are able to share additional details.  Keep up the great work!

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