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MSFS 2020 - Preview Series - Exploring Kangaroo Island

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2 minutes ago, Christopher Low said:

What is the resolution of the photoscenery in the new Microsoft Flight Simulator? Does this vary depending on location, or is it a standard resolution across the globe? Personally, I would hope that it is a minimum of 1.2m per pixel.

Tis a good question. I only ever fly over ortho, most of which is home-brew. For the UK, I've got some areas that are 25cm per pixel. There's no way you can stream that. 


 xdQCeNi.jpg   puHyX98.jpg

Sim Rig: MSI RTX3090 Suprim, an old, partly-melted Intel 9900K @ 5GHz+, Honeycomb Alpha, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder, Warthog HOTAS, Reverb G2, Prosim 737 cockpit. 

Currently flying: MSFS: PMDG 737-700, Fenix A320, Leonardo MD-82, MIlviz C310, Flysimware C414AW, DC Concorde, Carenado C337. Prepar3d v5: PMDG 737/747/777.

"There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

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1 minute ago, AllRed said:

The lengths people go to with the constant snide digs about MSFS to seemingly keep justifying their huge outlay on another sim is incredible.

Yeah it's just sad. I mean, I used to fly in FSX and P3D with tons of graphical improvements and absolutely loved it. But I admit that none of these improvements, except for some 3rd party scenery, come close to what we see in this new stock sim.


Everyone, enjoy your sim, but don't bash on what others are going to enjoy in a few days.

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16 minutes ago, OzWhitey said:

You're a strange guy, Slides.

Why would I be "flying over P3D terrain in perpetuity"? You can see from my sig that I fly at least three other sims. And I've posted plenty of times in threads where you were present about how excited I am for MSFS.

Did you watch the video? I'm only commenting on the first few minutes, because I couldn't stand the guy's over-the-top commentary after that (he's not exactly a YouTube all-star, this has a very small number of views). There's a massive terrain anomaly, that is far worse than anything I've seen in South Australia with other sims. 

People act as though the terrain in MSFS is somehow magical. It looks very nice in places. Over Kangaroo Island? Yes, it's a flat island with trees, and there's a mesh problem that needs to be sorted (and which isn't in Orbx AU). That's what he chose to post, I would have probably chosen a different part of the earth if I wanted to get overexcited in a Youtube video.


FSX | DCS | X-Plane 11 | MSFS 2020 | IL2:BoX

Favorite aircraft currently: MSFS Savage Cub

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The white caps in this look amazing and so does the sea. So also do lakes and rivers Unlike P3D v5 were water 90% of the time looks terrible. It even has a small focus range. 

Frankly the water in MSFS put P3Dv5 water to shame and that's from someone that plans to use v5 for some time to come. I have done countless airliner flights in v5 and not once though, " the water (sea) looks great" not once.


David Murden  MSFS   Fenix A320  PMDG 737 • MG Honda Jet • 414 / TDS 750Xi •  FS-ATC Chatter • FlyingIron Spitfire & ME109G • MG Honda Jet 

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• 10900K@4.9 All Cores HT ON   32GB DDR4  3200MHz RTX 3080  • TM Warthog HOTAS • TM TPR • Corsair Virtuoso XT with Dolby Atmos®  Samsung G7 32" 1440p 240Hz • TrackIR 5 & ProClip

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1 minute ago, Slides said:


From the video where the guy is getting excitable:

Hmmm, the famous Kangaroo Island waterfalls.


The ortho quality:


It's a sim, it's a good sim, maybe it's a great sim. There's a bunch of people who have never flown it, though, who insist on treating it like a religion and get all angsty if anyone says anything that isn't glowing praise.

Keep you're expectations in check, and then you won't be disappointed when August 18th comes around and you realise that - yes - this sim has some imperfections, too.


 xdQCeNi.jpg   puHyX98.jpg

Sim Rig: MSI RTX3090 Suprim, an old, partly-melted Intel 9900K @ 5GHz+, Honeycomb Alpha, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder, Warthog HOTAS, Reverb G2, Prosim 737 cockpit. 

Currently flying: MSFS: PMDG 737-700, Fenix A320, Leonardo MD-82, MIlviz C310, Flysimware C414AW, DC Concorde, Carenado C337. Prepar3d v5: PMDG 737/747/777.

"There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

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8 minutes ago, OzWhitey said:

From the video where the guy is getting excitable:

Hmmm, the famous Kangaroo Island waterfalls.

The ortho quality:

It's a sim, it's a good sim, maybe it's a great sim. There's a bunch of people who have never flown it, though, who insist on treating it like a religion and get all angsty if anyone says anything that isn't glowing praise.

Keep you're expectations in check, and then you won't be disappointed when August 18th comes around and you realise that - yes - this sim has some imperfections, too.

LMAO. What's hilarious is that even with the super up close screenshot of the ground texture and the waterfall rendering issue, it STILL looks better than P3D does at 5,000 feet let alone at 200 feet. You do like to keep dunking on yourself. 

FSX | DCS | X-Plane 11 | MSFS 2020 | IL2:BoX

Favorite aircraft currently: MSFS Savage Cub

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38 minutes ago, Shug said:

I think he may have been referring to the fact you fly over default terrain in P3D where the depiction of Kangaroo Island is not a patch on MSFS, imo.

He/she/it could have been referring to anything based on that sentence, who knows.

But as I've said, in X-Plane and P3D I (almost) always fly over ortho. Anyone who uses default terrain in P3D is mad. But Orbx has covered the area for years, and making P3D ortho for Kangaroo Island is not exactly rocket science. So I'm comparing what I'd be doing in P3D if I flew their right now, with what the flight apparently looks like in MSFS.

If you asked me which one looks better, I'd say MSFS has the edge over X-Plane Ortho4XP or P3D Orbx, but it's mainly because of the graphics engine. The objects on the ortho are also probably better than I'd get with ortho4XP, even though there's some obvious placement errors in that video and MSFS loves putting trees where they shouldn't be. The default CubX also looks pretty cool. 


 xdQCeNi.jpg   puHyX98.jpg

Sim Rig: MSI RTX3090 Suprim, an old, partly-melted Intel 9900K @ 5GHz+, Honeycomb Alpha, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder, Warthog HOTAS, Reverb G2, Prosim 737 cockpit. 

Currently flying: MSFS: PMDG 737-700, Fenix A320, Leonardo MD-82, MIlviz C310, Flysimware C414AW, DC Concorde, Carenado C337. Prepar3d v5: PMDG 737/747/777.

"There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

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I was going to make a comment about being born and raised in South Australia yet never having visited KI, but I seem to have stumbled into yet another spleen and invective thread.

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59 minutes ago, Nyxx said:


Do want I have done with him, roll mouse over his name on left side of his posts, in the pop up window there you will see an option to ignore user, click that then click all 4 options. Then bang he is gone,

Ah, Nyxx, I should have known that I'd find such a pleasant chap in a thread like this.

Slides is basically doing the thing you do with the FSL A320, but with MSFS. Failing to properly read what someone posts, and then making angry strawman arguments because your favorite product has not been worshipped to the extent that you deem necessary.

Say it with me:

"The FSL A320 is not a religion."

"MSFS is not a religion."

They're both great products, but there is room to discuss them without having to make every post 100% positive. By the way, that wasn't even the point of my original posts, I was mainly stating my opinion that this particular YouTuber did not appear to know much about flight sims and was being a bit overenthusiastic given the visuals that he was displaying.

Anyway, you and Slides enjoy your little club. I'm sure that it will be a splendid time, until he says something mildly negative about the FSL bus's performance, and then you'll be going for his jugular.



 xdQCeNi.jpg   puHyX98.jpg

Sim Rig: MSI RTX3090 Suprim, an old, partly-melted Intel 9900K @ 5GHz+, Honeycomb Alpha, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder, Warthog HOTAS, Reverb G2, Prosim 737 cockpit. 

Currently flying: MSFS: PMDG 737-700, Fenix A320, Leonardo MD-82, MIlviz C310, Flysimware C414AW, DC Concorde, Carenado C337. Prepar3d v5: PMDG 737/747/777.

"There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

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22 minutes ago, Bottle said:

I was going to make a comment about being born and raised in South Australia yet never having visited KI, but I seem to have stumbled into yet another spleen and invective thread.

Sorry, wasn't trying to have a go at Kangaroo Island per se, it's just not the most impressive place to demo a new sim! 

I haven't been there either, I've heard the wildlife is great.

Now, take MSFS north to the Simpson Desert, that should look pretty good. Fwiw, I've been building P3D ortho for South Oz over the past week, not finished yet but it's one bit of Australia that I've been missing.


 xdQCeNi.jpg   puHyX98.jpg

Sim Rig: MSI RTX3090 Suprim, an old, partly-melted Intel 9900K @ 5GHz+, Honeycomb Alpha, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder, Warthog HOTAS, Reverb G2, Prosim 737 cockpit. 

Currently flying: MSFS: PMDG 737-700, Fenix A320, Leonardo MD-82, MIlviz C310, Flysimware C414AW, DC Concorde, Carenado C337. Prepar3d v5: PMDG 737/747/777.

"There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

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3 hours ago, HiFlyer said:

I think we are about to experience something we have never seen before, an explosion of "Sim tourism",


For default, this word not allowed is just unreal. 

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Please cut it out with the bickering... it's just a simulator, there is no need to take it so personally. 

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All these hidden posts by Oz lol, please someone make my day and tell me he has reply to me, probably with some sarcasm when yet again I made no address at him directly just inform another user what his option are.

It's the equivalent of leaving a message when you know that line is disconnected. Weird and sadly worrying. With 3 agreement it looks like am far from the only one who now enjoys the bliss of "hidden".


David Murden  MSFS   Fenix A320  PMDG 737 • MG Honda Jet • 414 / TDS 750Xi •  FS-ATC Chatter • FlyingIron Spitfire & ME109G • MG Honda Jet 

 Fenix A320 Walkthrough PDF   Flightsim.to •

DCS  A10c II  F-16c  F/A-18c • F-14 • (Others in hanger) • Supercarrier  Terrains = • Nevada NTTR  Persian Gulf  Syria • Marianas • 

• 10900K@4.9 All Cores HT ON   32GB DDR4  3200MHz RTX 3080  • TM Warthog HOTAS • TM TPR • Corsair Virtuoso XT with Dolby Atmos®  Samsung G7 32" 1440p 240Hz • TrackIR 5 & ProClip

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Looking forward to Tuesday and beyond. As an objective outsider (aka someone who has no intention of buying the new Microsoft Flight Simulator on release day), I will enjoy reading the hundreds of subjective opinions from the wider flightsim community.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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Guest Novation

Why are so many here intent on sucking the joy from this? So many glass half empty people.

1 hour ago, Nyxx said:

The white caps in this look amazing and so does the sea.

The sea looks amazing! My first flight has to be close to the sea, somewhere like the west coast of Ireland, with some stormy weather.

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