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DC Designs F15 Released

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4 hours ago, blueshark747 said:

"Id rather buy the DCS F-15 and shoot weapons and blah blah blah...Top Gun pew pew..combat role"

Well.. yea they are two different sims that can be enjoyed alongside of one another.

No one is asking you all to choose between the two or even compare🙃

This JustFlight F-15 is obviously for a crowd who simply want to fly it on a full open world map with no combat or weapons systems.

You DCS comparison folks can be a strange bunch at times...these two sims are apples to oranges.

Is it okay to enjoy some fruit punch once in a while?🤣


If you call both simulators, i am pretty sure we are not comparing apples and oranges when someone is selling a 40 dollars aircraft which is barely simulated. And this is without even considering combat avionics and the "war" environment, don't you think?

Chock 1.1: "The only thing that whines louder than a jet engine is a flight simmer."


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Even if you set aside the things that aren't allowed in MSFS compared to FSX/P3D like weapons, this is missing a lot compared to other MSFS aircraft or even the FSX/P3D version.

Things like the lights not working or one of the nav lights floating in space above the aircraft..... Or the sounds being a single track and not changing when the canopy is opened.

It's just not the attention to detail I'd expect at $40.  

In this instance it seems like "limitations of MSFS" are being used somewhat as an excuse.

AMD 3950X | 64GB RAM | AMD 5700XT | CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle / Pro Pedals

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Your IPhone is your friend...


I was having trouble with the F-15's autopilot, but this app fixed it. Not right off, but  I must have hit the right buttons because all of a sudden it started working. I was able to engage and disengage the master A/P switch. dial in a heading and set Heading Hold mode. Altitude Hold was a little trickier, but when I finally got it I could smoothly change altitude, and set VRS rate of climb or descent.

The app also has a NAV-GPS switch, but I'm not sure if that works, or if NAV, APR or REV functions. 

Does anybody else see the landing gear disappear and appear when zooming the camera in and out on the runway in External mode? Might be a LOD issue? I didn't notice it until I had changed to lowest settings for better performance.

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42 minutes ago, dobee51 said:

Does anybody else see the landing gear disappear and appear when zooming the camera in and out on the runway in External mode? Might be a LOD issue? I didn't notice it until I had changed to lowest settings for better performance.

I saw a post from the developer somewhere (Facebook or another forum) that the landing gear vanishing is indeed an LOD problem, and the said they intend to tweak LODs in a future update.

AMD 3950X | 64GB RAM | AMD 5700XT | CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle / Pro Pedals

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3 hours ago, marsman2020 said:

Even if you set aside the things that aren't allowed in MSFS compared to FSX/P3D like weapons, this is missing a lot compared to other MSFS aircraft or even the FSX/P3D version.

Things like the lights not working or one of the nav lights floating in space above the aircraft..... Or the sounds being a single track and not changing when the canopy is opened.

It's just not the attention to detail I'd expect at $40.  

In this instance it seems like "limitations of MSFS" are being used somewhat as an excuse.

Well Said..!!!

Chris Camp

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Hello all,

Lots of complaints and critical comments here on this aircraft.

From my point of view, and as can be seen in comments by the dev here, they are actually still working on it.  In effect, this creates the impression of a rushed release, compounded by a "virtual" beta. This is rapidly becoming the "norm" for Flight Simulation these days, and that is sad indeed. Note that there are obvious exceptions.

I do believe that the dev is actually on the right track in the planned updates though and if one can ignore the initial release negatives, this is a positive.

Our recent history with MSFS and military fighters, specifically the Eurofighter and this one, indicates to me, a poor start to military fighters.

In the end though, it is the price of the F15 which undoes any  purchase plans for me, regardless of planned updates. I wish the dev well, but I believe he has an uphill battle at this price point, which suggests that we may see some sales in the near future. That may well auger better sales figures and more consumers.



Tony Chilcott.


My System. Motherboard. ASRock Taichi X570 CPU Ryzen 9 3900x (not yet overclocked). RAM 32gb Corsair Vengeance (2x16) 3200mhz. 1 x Gigabyte Aorus GTX1080ti Extreme and a 1200watt PSU.

1 x 1tb SSD 3 x 240BG SSD and 4 x 2TB HDD

OS Win 10 Pro 64bit. Simulators ... FS2004/P3Dv4.5/Xplane.DCS/Aeroflyfs2...MSFS to come for sure.

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On 1/22/2021 at 4:34 PM, jmig said:

I do, however, have over 800 hours in the F-4.


If I might digress & hijack, did you ever try the SWS F-4B for FSX or P3D? If you did, how does it compare?

Mark Robinson

Part-time Ferroequinologist

Author of FLIGHT: A near-future short story (ebook available on amazon)

I made the baby cry - A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation

Sky Simulations MD-11 V2.2 Pilot. The best "lite" MD-11 money can buy (well, it's not freeware!)

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At $40 -    I would demand a cockpit like this .   4 year old with a price tag $ 14.95



And afterburner look and sound:




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Ah yeah. What to say about this. I'll just start by saying I bought the P3D version and liked it alright. I bought that knowing there'd be a discounted price on the MSFS version and with all the variations included was and still am ok with the price. $55ish for both sims. I was desperate for a fast, high thrust aircraft in MSFS and the F-15 is probably my favorite air superiority fighters. And now I have one, if certainly imperfect. It is super fun to just blast around mountains and canyons in this thing. Blasting from take off to angels 50 is a thrill. 

I didn't expect study level or even DCS F-15C level. But I was hoping the MSFS would look closer to MSFS standards of geometry and texture resolution. Overall external views from the distances I use most it looks great. Not perfect, but it's a lot of fun to see a F-15 over MSFS scenery. But up close the external textures do fall apart and I really don't understand why you'd spend time making 2k maps when 4k maps would take just about the same effort. And the lines are not even anti-aliased?? Definitely expected better, but the dev has stated better maps are on the way soon. The geometry on the outside could be higher resolution, but it's ok and still looks fantastic pulled back a bit. The shaders/materials seem too simple for a sim that supports physically plausible materials. I'm a 3D computer graphics artist for film, so I may be picky there, but I think I've seen better on other MSFS aircraft. The cockpit geo is pretty poor. The cockpit textures are pretty awful on the canopy frames, but the instruments look considerably better. The avionics, even for a "just for fun" aircraft could use more work, but I expect they will improve. MFDs could be more accurate, have the basic modes the real C/E have. The details like accurate lights aren't super important, but there really shouldn't be that much trouble to have made those more accurate. The flight model seems unrealistic at times. Seems too fast too easy? I know it's a crazy high thrust aircraft, but still. I have not yet gotten it to spin. Stalls seems to just nose it down? Even crazy control inputs while stalled never seems to put it in any sustained spin. I suspect there's a way to spin it, but I haven't found it. I don't get the sense it's a very accurate flight model, but most of the time it doesn't bug me. Mach 2 should come in the next update? But that's more a hack it seems, not any kind of actual modeling of transonic, supersonic flight. Eh, I'm mostly ok with that. At least until Asobo makes a true supersonic flight model. The FPS drop in cockpit is really serious/annoying on my rig. I go from 45pfs outside to 20-25 in cockpit, that's pretty bad. I believe this is due to the fact that the developer is using a hack for that because Asobo provided no good features for that in the SDK? And not being able to use TSAA anti-aliasing without the HUD becoming unreadable at times is frustrating. The dev is working for a better solutions for the HUD, but who knows on when that'll improve, hopefully Asobo will help? Not having a good, documented way to have HUDS seems a bad limitation on the sim at this point?

I guess we'll see how it improves. I just hope the developer(s) will spend considerable time in the DCS F-15 and really get familiar with that and work to make the modeling and textures that quality or better. That's just a matter of refinement, there's no mysteries to figure out there. And keep working on the flight model and avionics! Keep adding more detailed controls, features and accuracy in the cockpit and HUD. Make it fly more like the DCS F-15. Also, hopefully he'll take a close look at the IFE MB-339 as a good benchmark of quality, accuracy as well. Love that thing. I'm not a big fan of the F-35, the Eurofighter is perhaps interesting? I believe IFE is working on both of those. I do look forwards to seeing high performance fighters from IFE no matter which they are I guess.

The $40 price is fine to me for this level of aircraft IF/ONCE the modeling and texturing are cleaned up considerably and the avionics a bit better and the HUD gets fixed to not slow down FPS badly and prevent using TSAA. At this point I am happy to have a "paid beta" of an F-15, but I really hope for nice improvements. 

Man, I REALLY want very high quality, very accurate or even study level F-15, F-16, F-18, T-38/F-5. Bonus points for F-14 and a F-104! Any of those done really, really well and I'd pay $100 each. Oh! And I think a great U-2/TR-1 could be a hell of a lot of fun. Accurate takeoffs and especially landings would be very challenging fun!

That's my more than $0.02.  

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Frankly I wish they would release more aircraft like this, in a half finished state for 40 bucks, and drop the source files into Git-Hub for the players to play with.

Then you'd see some exciting aircraft .


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The entire base sim at this point is a big "if" on if it will get improved.  I am not going to take the same risk on aircraft that cost 1/2 as much as the sim itself.  If I want to go fast, there are several free fighters for either X-Plane or FSX.  It is not like I will be paying much attention to the scenery at those speeds anyway.

AMD 3950X | 64GB RAM | AMD 5700XT | CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle / Pro Pedals

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Maybe when there's 4 or 8 supersonic front line fighters for MSFS available, I'll be a lot pickier. Competition improves the breed. And lowers prices. But when you are the only one around, supply and demand and all that. 

SO desperate for more top end add on aircraft that aren't boring as h--l airliners. 

Can I just get one good float plane???? The sims been out for 6 months!!! I guess I shouldn't complain if I can't make these add ons myself? I am a 3D graphics artist and I am tempted to try something basic just to know what the devs are dealing with!

Anyone know a good place to maybe hook up with other free aircraft enthusiasts to join a project making one? I could get the modeling/texturing/materials part down ok before long. Pretty sure I could do a lot better than a lot of add ons, free or paid. At least if I put enough time into it. Maybe others can handle the coding and flight dynamics? I'm not a great coder or engineer. Sounds like I'd have to learn Blender. But that's getting more useful for professional artists these days. But 20+ years of using Maya has be hesitant to learn Blender. 

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13 minutes ago, Dylanear said:

SO desperate for more top end add on aircraft that aren't boring as h--l airliners. 

Can I just get one good float plane???? The sims been out for 6 months!!! I guess I shouldn't complain if I can't make these add ons myself? I am a 3D graphics artist and I am tempted to try something basic just to know what the devs are dealing with!

You port over some FSX and P3D stuff - with varying degrees of success - an example being the TPD freeware Grumman Goose if you want an amphibian. Not a float plane of course, a flying boat, but still pretty good in most respects. Landplane-wise, I've got the Flight Replicas Canadair Argonaut and the Just Flight L10 Electra running reasonably well in MSFS. Takes a bit of effort, and you do have to indulge in a few workarounds, but it's not desperately difficult...







Alan Bradbury

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My opinion is that now in the early days of sim is the time to be discerning in our purchases, so we aren't encouraging poor behaviors on the part of 3rd party developers that might continue on into the future.

The MB-339 is really nice.  IndiaFoxtEcho is intentionally holding off on releasing anything supersonic until the sim properly supports it.  Until Asobo adds proper support for defining the supersonic flight characteristics of a wing, anything anyone does is just a hack.

Floats - there is an initial release of a free Goose add-on: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/initial-release-grumman-goose-g21a-redux-ii/338063 and



AMD 3950X | 64GB RAM | AMD 5700XT | CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle / Pro Pedals

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