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About dobee51

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    Long Beach, CA

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  1. [Announcement] FS Trains: USA - Discussion Hub / World Discovery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums Here's a link to the announcement thread at flightsimulator.com. It's pretty interesting...
  2. It is expected to be released within the next 30 days? That sounds pretty soon to me... I have so many questions, is there a demo video?
  3. Be careful on those floors, they look awful slippery...
  4. I fiddled with this for two days while Avsim was down, but it seems to work with Francevfr Normandy scenery. It creates a POI named Utah Beach Landing with searchlights, flak and explosions. There's also some funny dots that move around in a group or formation of 20 or so, not sure what they are supposed to be. If you fly to the POI, you begin to see the searchlights at about 15 miles out. Haven't seen any landing boats or formations of B-17s, does anybody know how or where these appear? Does date or time of day have any effect?
  5. I have france-vfr-nordouest installed to Community, but I don't have that airport. On the coverage map at france-vfr website at JustFlight, it shows that airport would be in france-vfr-nordest, which I don't think is available yet.
  6. What is the purpose of hanging the parachute and harness on the tail of the plane?
  7. I am seeing a lot of traffic at KMKE, even though I have my traffic mod disabled and MS traffic settings all set to OFF. It doesn't seem to be slowing anything down so I'll leave it alone, but what is it? Is it AI traffic or real traffic? What?
  8. Just a heads up: Simstaller, by //42 installs it beautifully. You just double click the Zip file in your download folder and it finds the Community folder and everything. It also shows the route files as a separate install. Took a long time though...
  9. Sorry, it was late when I posted this. It's the right ALT key.
  10. After the checklist goes blank, you can open it in a new window by holding down the right CTRL key and clicking on it with your mouse select button. The new window opens to the index page and has all of the hotspots for previous and next and other stuff mentioned in the manual.
  11. Couldn't we just have searchlights and flak explosions over major German and British cities?
  12. Just read the Wikipedia article on the Hindenburg Disaster. How soon?
  13. What is the name and location of the castle at 0:32 seconds in the video? I have flown several times over EU South and never see any distant mountains, it's always very flat.
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