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Everything posted by Romeo_Tango

  1. Hi all At startup of MSFS, I see mention of different features of the USA update, which mentions a discovery flight. I expect I would find this under 'activities'. I have searched everywhere, even the lessons and landing challenge page, but haven't been able to find it. Could someone in the know advise me on how to get to it? Thanks in advance.
  2. I think you have to go steam VR setting and change the default vr ap from WMR to the steam VR. I am not absolutely sure about this. Just an idea based on some problems I had when first trying to run MSFS with my G2
  3. Add one proud cult member. Not having A2A is about the only regret that I have re removing my other sim from my hard drive.
  4. Thanks for that info. I guess the only thing corrected in the update is the HSI. God, grant me patience to wait on A2A.
  5. I use an Add blocker and Utube enhancer. All free, no more adds.
  6. Any idea what was fixed in this update? everything seems the same for my installation. Perhaps I need to remove and reinstall, to experience what was fixed? I see no vacuum gauge, am I missing something? Haven't seen a mention of this in any of the reviews I have read.
  7. Hi. Could you share your Process Lasso configuration re MSFS? I've heard it helps MSFS but that it has to be configured properly or it makes matters worse. Thanks. PS. I now use MSFS exclusively in VR mode (HP G2)
  8. I am using the G2 and enjoying MSFS in VR. My only problem is, if I switch back to my desktop and then back to VR the performance is badly degraded. So bad that I have to exit the flight and start over from the welcome screen. This happens consistently. I have to make sure that I never exit VR before my flight is complete I haven't seen any mention of this problem anywhere, which leads me believe this problem may be unique to me. Perhaps I have something set up incorrectly. I have my Vr graphics at the default settings. My GPU is a 2080 Super, Cpu is I9, [one of the latest models not sure which], but works very well considering that in 2D Most of my setting are on ultra and high. Any advice appreciated.
  9. Is there a forum where i could find more information on how to integrate and work with the program? I have downloaded it and read the online manual, but all this gives is details on how to install in windows. I have found no info on how to connect or use is MSFS. Thanks
  10. Had a similar problem some time back. Even re installed windows 10. After a week I found that some how the co pilot had control. I unchecked the copilot assignments and all was good again. Hope this works for you, though considering your problem is only in VR, it might be something different.
  11. I tried this. Still stuck without MSFS appearing in the dropdown list. (Using G2)
  12. Thanks Thanks, I followed your advice, you are correct. With the G2 there is no need for the registry edit. Unfortunately, like you I am stuck wondering why MSFS does not appear in the dropdown list under video. Think ill go have that beer.
  13. If you get this going please report here how you managed. I have the G2 and have done the registry edit, started MSFS, selected VR shut down, and every combination and order I can think of including re booting between changes. Still MSFS does not show in steam dropdown list. Was hoping to see if I got better results running MSFS under steam than the default Mixed reality portal. Thanks
  14. I feel your pain. I had the exact problem you are having. Unfortunately, not even a call to Microsoft helped. It was after a windows re install and logging out of Microsoft store and logging back in twice that the download finally worked. I pray you don't have to go through all that. As you can imagine all that took about a week of tinkering. Each download was 12hours. Since that I saw a post over at the MSFS forums dealing with something similar that was fixed though the windows store. (I cant recall the forum topic, a google search might help). All the best.
  15. Thanks for your advise and words of encouragement. I truly have no choice but to abandon MSFS for now. Your advise to try 'Revo-uninstaller' is appreciated but I doubt it would work, as I have already done a complete Re-install of Windows10; removing all apps and documents, and the problem came back along with all my previous setting and preferences in MSFS. This at the very first startup of the sim, once the MSFS installation was complete. I even changed the MSFS installation from the default directory, as some folks claim to have less problems than those of us that went for a default installation. The one thing that I observed is that all seems to work fine in the landing challenges (at least the one I tried in Chile.), so I think its safe to say the problem is limited to "free flight". I haven't tried any other activity....mainly because Ga free flight is how I like to enjoy MSFS. It seems that without some way to change to settings in the cloud MSFS is only taking up space on my hard drive. (I am not about to purchase another copy of MSFS to achieve this.) Regards and happy flying, sounds like your issue has been resolved. Robin.
  16. There is no guarantee even a reinstall will fix anything. MSFS has been unusable for me since about a week before the North American update My sim suddenly stopped responding to all control inputs even though windows shows them properly installed and calibrated. They even show up in MSFS and the animations respond in the sensitivity tab of MSFS. Also at every start up, engines are running and switches turn on and off by themselves. Un installing and re installing did not fix the problem. A call to MSFS xbox department claimed that corrupted files are being left on my system after uninstall but they don't know what files, or where they are stored. They said only progress files (logbook etc) are stored on the cloud so a full windows re install removing all apps and documents should fix the problem. They were wrong. A full windows10 re install and 12 hours of re downloading MSFS, and on first startup of MSFS the problem including, all previous settings and preferences of the simulator was back. I have reported the problem using zendesk and MSFS help desk. I got an email response that they received my bug report. I have removed my yoke and other flight sim peripherals and back to Sim racing as my means of stress relief. At least I can use my new HP G2 there. If MSFS was released as pre release software I wouldn't be so frustrated as I would know I was buying an unfinished product. I expected to be able to use the software. I was wrong. Any help would be appreciated, though I doubt anyone can help as apparently even Ms and ASOBO have no clue how their own software works.
  17. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately that information is a waste of time. I did that, and all I did was waste 12 hours. The problem including all my MSFS settings were exactly what they were before. Robin.
  18. Hi all ,My MSFS is f...d . I did a flight a few days ago, and as I landed I realized I had no control. My Honeycomb yoke and Saitek rudder pedals had no effect on the airplane, though they show connection in the windows control panel. They also show response in MSFS sensitivity setting interface. Another thing happening is that at MSFS start up the airplane engine is running and manually shutting down the airplanes doesn't help because a MSFS ghost simply restarts the airplane. I hoped that todays update would have taken care of the problem. Wishful thinking. I want to give MSFS one more try before abandoning this 'early release' platform. I spent over 12hours doing a re install this past weekend only to have the problem unchanged. Can someone in the know, please guide me on how to completely remove all traces of MSFS so I can do a truly 'clean' install of MSFS. Its clear that just using windows 'add remove programs' leave stuff behind because after a 're install', all my settings and preferences are exactly what they were before. Thanks in advance.
  19. There indeed has been some strange changes recently. Since the updates in content manager saying new ver. needed for update, MSFS has been unusable for me. Every flight starts with the airplane engine running, and none of my controllers working. If I use the mouse to pull back mixture control to shut engine down, the mixture lever creeps back to the full forward position. The same is true for the prop control. The throttle control is the same except it remains in the idle position. My Honeycomb yoke has no effect on the roll or pitch axes, nor does my Saitek rudder pedals affect yaw or brakes. Its as though no controllers are installed, but if I go to controller settings I can see they are installed and I get the animations when I look at the sensitivity settings. I have tried to do a reset of MSFS which took 12 hours. Results are the same. I am at a loss regarding what next to try.
  20. Sim now starts, I noticed that 'live airport activity'; has stopped working again. perhaps on day we will get an update that doesn't break something, as it fixes a problem. Thank goodness, so far this is not a show stopper.
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