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Everything posted by ShezA

  1. Use simbrief and download the plan via their downloader software into the FS2020 default directory. Just load the plan and off you go. SIDs/STARs included.
  2. Too right. But give me a few months after PMDG, Majestic, Flyismware, Aerosoft, A2A, QSim, etal are out and I am out of P3D...
  3. This is my default sim now especially with VATSIM getting sorted out. However, until I get my payware airliners into F2020 my P3D4 stays.
  4. The testing process we were involved in did not go into great detail about the specific flight dynamics of say a C208. Testers were giving a lot of feedback in more general items but maybe they were not C208 pilots to point to the deficiencies of power/flight dynamics. There were improvements but subtle. And I do agree that the controller assignment section is too complex. Took me ages to get it sorted. And even now one has to change the profile when changing aircraft or we end up flying a C182 with a side-stick from the previously used A320...I guess we will be back to FSUIPC for this. I also feel that as a default state this is a level far above all the other sims in the past. What MS have done along the way is to give space to developers because they were giving feedback on their own efforts and how the sim would kill the aftermarket for addons if the original concept of the entire world modelled would be implemented. So we should wait for the excellent addon developers to start to embellish the sim. It will be fantastic when we have it all in.
  5. I am a fan of that C130. Wish it had more liveries.
  6. ShezA


    It was to do with the simobjects.cfg file. Somehow it reconfigured itself when it did not see a simobjects folder while it was on the other drive. All set now.
  7. ShezA


    I think I need someone to point out what I am doing wrong here. To install a large program I moved my simobjects and scenery folder from my P3D installation to another drive. After installation of that program I moved the above folders back Now I am unable to load any aircraft within P3DV45 I have reinstalled the client and content as well, no joy Anyone able to spot what I am doing wrong here?
  8. I would use the iniBuilds mods for KPHL to remove the static jetways and add GSX level 2 jetways now. Remember to remove anim.bgl for the pink poly. As Dave said I would imagine P3D 4.5 is the final version for this scenery (sadly). The new sloped runways etc. may render this scenery obsolete.
  9. I start every flight with the SimStarter P3D. Yes it is complicated but I have built my depth of knowledge of its features along the way and it has allowed me to organise my P3DV45 in an efficient way. I have ten profiles which organises which scenery groups start with which profile (IFR USA/IFR Asia/IFR Europe/VFR/etc.). Each has its own prepar3d.cfg file to give different levels of detail. You have a run manager to start programs together. The advantage is it is all in one, even if that one platform has a learning curve.
  10. Oh well... There are also not many repaints of the C441.
  11. A big fan of your work. Wish you would do some for the JF C152.
  12. My GA hangar in V4.5 is, Real Air Legacy Real Air Turbine Duke Flysimware C441 JustFlight C152 Justflight PA-28 Warrior II Carenado C337 Future purchases, Milviz KingAir, Vertex DA-62, A2A C182.
  13. So I use a program called Process Lasso to assign the CPU affinity to the other programs. Its a nice little program which gives a lot of information about the computer and the programs/services currently running. Maybe someone else can advise if its possible to do this without PL.My AM setting actually matches my PL core assignments (I do this in SimStarter P3D). Apologies for introducing these other programs....
  14. Got it. So for me with temp issues the setup settles on P3D on core 0-2,4,6,8,10 Other tasks (ASP3D, etal) on 3,5,7,9,11. Best balance of temp and fluidity. Thanks for the help in further refining my setup. Cheers.
  15. I will check it out although I suspect if I use the non-physical cores (1,3) then temps might go up. Thanks.
  16. So I should run P3D on cores 0,1,2,4,6,8,10 and default everything else to 3,5,7,9,11?
  17. I have written about my experience which I think corresponds to Steve's guidance. HT ON means my CPU generally runs with fluidity, but running P3D with on all cores we end up with a hotter CPU. To counter the temp issue I run Process Lasso and allocate P3D to the HT OFF cores (for me 0,2,4,6,8,10) on my 11 core PC (I think these are the physical cores). I then allocate all the rest of the programs on cores 1,3,5,7,9,11. Better temps and fluidity and better CPU utilisation. As I live in a warm climate, to counter the temps in summer running P3D, I also remove the CPU cover to allow it to breathe 😃
  18. Is this '60' a new entry? I thought -1 was what you were using?
  19. In-sim: disable vsync, change to unlimited frames start MSI afterburner, RTSS starts automatically, both are minimised in tray RTSS: bottom left press Add, find your prepar3d exe and add. Prepar3d is now added to list in RTSS RTSS: click on the added prepar3d in list, on right is scanline sync, click the word itself and you will cycle through the options, use X/2, on right click down arrow to get -1 That is the basic limit RTSS set. MSI AB and RTSS have to run every time when you run P3D or you will may get artefacts. If you need to get the on-screen parameters let us know.
  20. I would check on websites that specialise in RTSS scanline sync parameters as when I went through them they were a bit too technical. I then took some pointers and through trial and error settled on -2.
  21. That's fine too. I just prefer to have a P3D profile where I need the vsync adjusted. Other times I am happy with my monitor default and I also don't need any additional screen data.
  22. You click the down button on the right of scanline sync.
  23. You have to make a profile for P3D in RTSS and link to program. Then only will it start with specific features for P3D. Otherwise it can work in default but it will always be ON. I would then use MSI AB to setup the on-screen options from setup-monitoring-choose from list of display items. Make sure you tick the "show in on-screen" display. Also make sure the screen resolution does not change or it will not show. I say this because for flightsim I use my full 4K resolution which maximises the clarity so I can keep the antialiasing lower. For normal work I use 150% of display capability otherwise the text is too small.
  24. Curious. Why do you have vsync ticked? The RTSS is performing that function for you.
  25. I think use only scanline sync and leave the frame rate limiter at zero, it will automatically adjust to monitor refresh rate.
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