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Everything posted by maxter

  1. Is that all 3PD or just some? Do you have incontrovertible proof of that or is it idle speculation?Just sayin...
  2. 21151 posts of which 21141 are this intelligent... Stunning achievement... :( Wow
  3. Sure thing, i'll buy a Flight add-on the first day it becomes available. I'm sure it will achieve the same goal. Thanks for the idea.
  4. What I don't get is that if Flight is closed to freeware developers , why don't they stick with FsX? or even FS2004? or XPX etc etc etc... Why moan on and on and on about this lack of access... It really get's tiring hearing the constant carping about it. The situation won't change in the short term and possibly the mid term. What purpose is really served by the incessant drone about the unfairness of the MS Flight devs, the closed system, the small scenery area, the lack of aircraft and the lack of weather and ATC. We all know about it, say your piece and move on.BTW, this is not aimed at 321-now either specifically or tangentially.
  5. In a heartbeat if it was the quality and fidelity of Hawaii all over. I have already paid many times more than that in scenery add on's over the years.
  6. I have to concur, I too believe that there are some developing content already.
  7. It really amuses me that a person with in excess of 5000 posts can can type so much and yet say so little that makes any sense...This statement alone "Unlike you I've been around for the past 20+ years watching how Microsoft does things." actually proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that your post count is far from a determinant of sensible reasoned dialogue and more about assumption, conjecture, hypothesis, and even more, hyperbole...You really don't have a clue...
  8. Are you prefacing that within some sort of timeframe? or is that an open ended stab in the dark?And you deduced this from what exactly... Analyze what was said, not what you thought was said.
  9. It is not wrong to hope for progress but it is absolutely wrong to bash an organisation for not living up to your version of progress...MS do not owe you anything, progress included.
  10. I'm going to print and frame this reply. Well said mate, it's been what I have been banging on about from day one.Cheers and thanks for that
  11. No they don't, all they have to do is to produce a product that people (the target market) want to pay money for. The simmers on this board might not be the said target market... ergo, MS won't have to earn your good will. It's simple really.
  12. Would they really want to? Is the effort really worth it? Given that the "hard core" simmers as they like to be known on this forum are a small percentage of the overall potential user base, what would be the return on that investment?
  13. There's that sense of entitlement again? Why would you expect that someone's next product be just like the last one? Is there some law that requires it? Would it be a nice to have? Absolutely, but it's never a given and all the ranting and hyperbole in the world won't change that... For context, my relationship with Flight Simulator started with Bruce Artwick's offering in the mid eighties so I have a similar length of relationship with the franchise as you.You are absolutely allowed to feel whatever you like, however feeling flabbergasted, surprised even shocked is quite different from feeling that you are owed or are entitled to something from Microsoft. Why would they owe you anything except to deliver a good product for which you have payed... In the case of Flight, you won't have payed anything initially so it's a moot point anyway.I'm not sure of the reason behind those quotes above, but for what it's worth, I don't see anything particularly relevant to my question regarding the entitlement mentality that seems to have pervaded this forum, I see a series of statements that were relevant when taken in context of the time they were uttered. My whole point is "Things change, we need to move on..." rather that than this continuous wailing and bleating about how bad Microsoft are for not giving us what we feel we are entitled to.We still have FSX, P3D and XP10. The world will not end if Flight is not what we expect and Microsoft will continue to exist possibly even grow and prosper regardless of whether we "simmers" buy Flight or not.
  14. It's indeed strange that you took the position that you did François... It's strange because over the years I have seen you often as the voice of reason and calm amongst the clamoring, whining, carping rabble.What I do find odd is that most of the MS haters seem to believe they were owed a new version of the simulator by Microsoft and that Flight with it's new direction and target should be dumped on from a great height because the expectation was not fulfilled... Where did this entitlement mentality come from? It's not like MS did not fulfill it's part of the bargain by somehow not delivering on it's promise, albeit a product that most here have no clue as to it's final capability or capacity. Strange mentality indeed.I believe it is as you said, that you are biased because of MS's stand on freeware and commercial add on's, but never mind, the hobby will go on and thrive. If not with Flight, then maybe with one of the other options that are currently available. I guess we still have the venerable FSX with the magical Orbx world, it's not like we don't have options.Anyhow, thanks for your opinion and all the best as we move on.
  15. Nope! make it eight...I believe most of the functionality will be there from the start, however may not be available to the simmer without paying for the privilege...
  16. Some being the operative word... I note that you did not say all... That's a positive start right there.Now if we could only keep in that vein...
  17. If that's what you really think, why come on here and repeatedly moan on and on?Is it some weird form of flagellation? I mean really!!!
  18. Yes, I believe that reactions have slowly transitioned from knee jerk to simply jerk!Let's hope that it continues to improve...
  19. Oh OK, never heard of it. I'll head over and have a look.Thanks,
  20. Is there anywhere elsed that I can download this .exe from as Megaupload is no longer available.Thanks
  21. I do understand where you're coming from but I believe if the engine is right, then some clever devs will make it happen, and sooner than later. I'm interested in the source of those performance challenges you mention. I have the scenery turned up as high as I can and do see some occasional hiccups, but I don't believe it's that bad. I reckon with some optimisation, the performance will improve.It all depends if we see an Orbx appear on the XP side of things. I would like to see someone with a bit of time on their hands to show just how far that engine can be pushed.In the mean time I will go back to my Orbx world. I do most of my flying in the bush and here in Oz, that means that I have pretty good frame rates most of the time anyway :)Cheers and all the best.
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