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Everything posted by bic

  1. Thanks KenG, that's where it's at.
  2. Thanks, I forgot about VATSIM on the laptop. Must.Get.Back.Online.
  3. I have my main desktop, but for travelling for work I bought some HP laptop a few years ago. As I don't use it that often, I keep going back to how they put in a 5400 rpm drive into it, making anything to load painfully slow. Furthermore, I keep thinking I should get an $150 SSD for it, but since the laptop was $500, it is almost not worth it--other than my sanity during hard drive operation. It has an AMD A10-5750 in it with 6 gig of RAM (quad core at 2.5 ghz). IT appears that 1 gig is used by the video card. So, I am thinking of starting to offload applications from my desktop onto it. So, is that cpu good enough for external applications? If it is and I start using it more, then maybe the SSD is a worthy upgrade.
  4. There is nothing there. I also checked my p3d v3 as well and the programdata as well as documents.
  5. ok, 90% sure I did that and did not see anything, but I look when I get home.
  6. I have installed it fine, but is there any sort of PDF that Carenado provides with things like gps usage, startup checklist, and other checklists like taxi, climb, descend?
  7. I cannot seem to find any documentation on the 1900 install file, where can I get it?
  8. vpilotai was recently updated so there should be no black textures anymore.
  9. I just got an email that SDG has updated Cairo for v4.
  10. AIFP should be able to help, but I am still trying to figure it out myself. There was an image converter, but it didn't help me. It seems that the way to go is some payware so as to stop wasting time and just fly.
  11. During startup of P3D v4, I get "there are multiple objects with the same title name. The must have unique title names". Where and what file is that in? I was trying AIFP as it can check for duplicates, but either I have too many and it locks up or I am doing something wrong in it and it does not say there are duplicates. One time it said there were duplicates and seemed to remove them, but when I to save it, that option was grayed out.
  12. Lorby traffic is another live one. Just don't see aircraft taxiing and they disappear above a certain altitude.
  13. Well, there is a WOAI downloader on vpilot web site that downloads all the WOAI files. From the installer, you can select all. Though I have some errors about an myxy read me file missing from a scenery directory. After that error, it seems to hang and not be doing anything. I don't seem to have any of the AI flying around (offline vatsim). It did work ok in p3d v3. Secondly, there is a vmr generator--though I don't think it's needed anymore, http://www.lekseecon.nl/VMRGenerator.html O wait I see you can use it with psxecon now and maybe lorby?
  14. This is thread is interesting, as I have had my card hacked twice in the last two years. The most recent was around Janauary and I am pretty sure I had just bought something. At one of my old jobs in the 90s, I processed credit cards monthly. Everything in the database was clear text and the file we sent to the credit card company was clear. Completely laughable back then--maybe some businesses are still like that? Surprised people don't have to be licensed, bonded and insured to interact with them. Of course a hacker will never care about that.
  15. ahhh true, i thought some of them looked 3600 in a browser, but wondered if there was more to them.
  16. So are your in full screen or windowed? How does that affect wattage draw? How do you change your Windows config to use less power when you alt-enter?
  17. #31 Lukla takeoff http://www.techradar.com/news/around-the-world-in-80-vr-experiences
  18. No one cares about the environment? My primary concern is how much electricity is used up during a long haul. When my computer is running full load, it is drawing 260 watts. If I run for it 10 hours, that's 2600 watt hours or 2.6 kwh and say I do that 4 times a month (weekends) that is 10.4 kwh a month. New Jersey I think it's $.15 per kwh, so $15.60 a month or $186 a year. Not mention the heat it may be putting out so during Summer, it makes the air conditioner work more.
  19. bic


    ok thanks, I wrote some scripts back in the day for SATCO/VATSIM so I know it's difficult matching models.
  20. SDG Cairo does not have any textures or buildings. The ground and taxiways appear ok. No response from Developer.
  21. bic


    hmm, the only thing that I recall doing was to click Configure and change from Custom to WOAI as I do not have any of the others. I have clicked on default and the number of question marks seem ok now (those that are ?s have all the other fields with ?). Thank you. Now, just sitting at Heathrow watching final approach, I see quite a few Mooney Acclaim's. Some on takeoff were ok.
  22. On the type column I have a lot of ???. Is there a way to assign a default model to them? It would be good to allow the ability to say I know XYZ airline mostly has 737, so I would assign a 737 to them.
  23. Well for now, Lorby Organizer for scenery? http://lorby-si.weebly.com/downloads.html
  24. I installed this into v3 and for v4 I put it in the Scenery library, but when I go to the area, there are no buildings, but the textures are there. Is this the 64 bit versus 32 bit symptom?
  25. I had to uninstall P3D v3 off my SSD to get v4 installed. So I literally uninstalled just about everything I could. So when I try to install SDG's Cairo Scenery, I get a prompt saying it cannot find P3D ini. I guess I could try to reinstall v3 on my spinning rust drive to get past the error.
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