Thanks Turbomax ! This is exactly what I am experiencing with my 7830X3D so tomorrow I'm off to get a hefty PSU. I couldn't figure it out. Thought it might be a thermal
WIth the 319, I dont get the nose down pitching during takeoff but I get a weird wind shift/yawing at 50 in the flare. not sure if activesky has something to do with it but again, the 320 is perfect.
I have a 7930 / 4080 with FPS capped at 30 and every takeoff I've tried, I've had a nose down pitch at about 50ft lasting about 2 seconds. This is with CFM engines and with various stab settings to see if it was a CG issue.
The A320 is still fantastic.
I learned by watching a couple of patriot six tutorials. You can create exclude areas around the LVFR poorly placed aircraft and then replace them with LVFR or FSLTL or even your other PAYWARE airport static aircraft. The most confusing part for me was just creating the scenery package files but patriot covers that in his basic tutorial.