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David Vega

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  1. These types of problems could be hard to solve. Most suggestions are in the try-and-see category, not necessarily the absolute solution. For example, if you haven't done so already, suggest using Scenery Config Editor to load your scenery.cfg file and under its "Actions" menu, select "Reset Area and Layer Numbers and Reorder the File." Would this solve the problem? I don't know, but you could try it.
  2. I think you have the answer. One would have to reduce the parking/gate size. I also see overlapping positions.
  3. This latest chapter between P3D users and PMDG should be laid to rest. I'm a P3D user and while I buy and have bought PMDG products since FSX days, I'm not a PMDG groupie. We know that PMDG has even suspended selling similar products within the MSFS line not to confuse their customers. We should know that Mathijs is Mathijs and he hasn't changed just because he moved to PMDG. We also know most in the P3D community are sore at PMDG for suspending P3D development. I think we're taking this incident as an opportunity to express that frustration. Let's focus on enjoying our P3D. Better quality of life.
  4. I also recommend ADE. Post here if you need help with your AFCAD editing project.
  5. Thank you Ray. Does anyone know of a tool that would produce a spreadsheet of the flights in a traffic file? I'm aware that AI Companion shows a tabular view of the flights, but I would like to manipulate the data on a spreadsheet and AI Companion does not export the data.
  6. Thank you for the new link, @Luis Hernandez. There are other folks that also make and post AFCADs to AVSIM, including myself. If anyone wants one that doesn't exists, please ask for it.
  7. That's where the Navy kept the nuclear wesels. 🙂
  8. Just in case you're looking for the KGNZ charts to build scenery for this airport, Military AI Works has one.
  9. Here's an interesting video of LM showing P3D to the media.
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  10. I do. Wish more scenery was still being sold.
  11. Would this post help?
  12. Wondering if there's a way to use SIM_ACARS with other VA software. Unfortunately, the SIM_ACARS creator has retired. Their site's forum is also closed (no way to register and ask there). Are there instructions anywhere to achieve this? Has anybody else done it that is willing to share the information? Appreciate your help.
  13. @Rogen, thank you. Interesting video. Looking forward to these advancements and more.
  14. For those interested, I've uploaded my rendition of KANE (Anoka County Airport) here. Thank you @flyinmaninmn for the challenge.
  15. @yvesamuel, I would like to experiment adding the additional runway to the default P3Dv5 (I don't have v6) airport. If I'm successful, would that be enough for you?
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