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Everything posted by Donstim

  1. Sad to see how much misinformation is still being given out regarding the differences between FSX and FSX-SE. See the full list of changes here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/314160/discussions/0/496881136926977562/ While the fix that flushes the terrain cache helps a great deal with the dreaded OOM issue, you can still have them with complex aircraft combined with complex scenery and weather, especially when using large texture sizes. The performance optimizations, terrain cache flux, and other fixes are enough to keep me using FSX-SE while waiting for one of the newer sims to prove itself better!
  2. Well. it doesn't put me off, but it won't be replacing FSX-SE for me until it has the capabilities for (i.e., not necessarily in the core sim, but capability for third party developers to add) real world weather, jet airliners to PMDG/FSLabs standard, connection to VATSIM, detailed airports/other scenery/mesh/textures/etc at least on par with FSX-SE and runs at least as well as FSX-SE. I fully realize that it is in early access and may be there for some time. It would be nice, though, if at least a general roadmap of what they have planned as far as the capabilities I've mentioned as well as any others would be made public instead of being so closely held. I purchased FSW during a previous sale partly based loosely on a Steven Hood interview and partly just to invest in what I personally consider the best chance at being the simulator that would replace FSX-SE for me. It ain't anywhere near that yet in this early access form, and without a roadmap I don't know if it will ever get there, but I'm hoping! In the meantime, you GA flyers, beta testers, and tweakers, have fun with it!
  3. I agree with VeryBumpy. Hopefully, Dovetail will work the same magic on all the missing features as well. When I can fly a complex jetliner (PMDG, FsLabs quality) online with VATSIM into detailed airports with great scenery, day or night, in real world weather, I'm in. (Note: I have purchased FSW, but have not yet installed it. The purchase was more of an investment and show of support for further development. For now, my limited sim flying will still be on FSX-SE.)
  4. Still waiting....though the silence may speak for itself.
  5. I'm running DX9 on FSX-SE and satisfied with my first couple of "training" flights. This may change later when I fly into the most demanding airports I have, but for now I'm sticking with DX9.
  6. If you are landing in icing conditions, then you should have engine anti-ice on. If you have an inoperative engine, anti-ice should only be used on the operating engine. If you can land using flaps 30, then use Vref30. If you are landing using flaps 15, then use Vref 15 ICE.
  7. Vref is the reference landing speed. Vref ICE is the reference landing speed in icing conditions. As stated in the QRH text that you quoted, you should use Vref ICE if you will have the engine anti-ice on during landing or if you have used wing anti-ice at any time during the flight. To get Vref ICE you simply add 10 knots to the normal Vref. (A different Vref for icing conditions is only needed when landing using flaps 15.) Don S.
  8. This may not help, but you might try removing the fsuipc.dll from your modules folder, starting FSX and see if that helps. Then you can put it back and see if it still works okay. That worked for me when my controller commands got corrupted.
  9. Is Windows Error Reporting reporting actual errors that are occurring or not? If so, turning off error reporting does not stop the errors from occurring, it just significantly reduces (but does not eliminate) the effect of the errors on FSX usage. There are plenty of products out there that do not have this issue, why do they occur with this product? I have not had to permanently disable portions of my operating system to get other comparable products to work properly. Whether you agree with me or not, that is an important factor in my decision on where to spend my money. Best regards, Don Stimson
  10. Thanks for spending all the time on this Rich. You must like troubleshooting! I always get the drivers direct from Nvidia. Now for the drum roll....Steve, I used the restore button in the Nvidia control panel. Before trying to customize them again for FSX, I powered up FSX-SE and the 737NGX. Lo and behold, I can now move undocked FSX windows over the second monitor! It works a little differently than it did in Windows 7 in that it now has a window border around it, but it works! I have to tell you, I really didn't think this would have any effect and was just going through the motions to report back to you! Thank you very much!!
  11. Thanks Steve. I use Nvidia Inspector to set the 3D display adaptor setting for FSX. Just did it again yesterday and verified the settings were shown in the Nvidia control panel. Just to be clear guys, the second monitor works fine in all respects (can move windows between monitors, no flickering, etc.), ​except that I cannot move 3D panels (undocked windows) within FSX from one monitor to the other. I can move the whole FSX window from one to the other, not just individual panels/windows.​ This is using FSX in windowed, not full screen, mode. In full screen mode, I can move a panel over, but then my monitor cannot show any other windows since it is in full screen mode. ​Don Stimson
  12. Thanks Richard! I've done some searching and can't find anything. For what it's worth, I'm using FSX-SE. But I confirmed the problem also exists with FSX. ​Don Stimson
  13. Try what again? I have basically the same setup that you do except that my main monitor is on the left. I've had this setup for years. Don Stimson
  14. Thanks Richard. I already have it set that way, though. Worked fine to move undocked panels to the second monitor in windows mode under Win7, but doesn't work for me after upgrading to Win10. From reading sparse posts about this issue, I thought it had something to do with adding the task bar to the second monitor. But you guys apparently aren't having this issue. Don Stimson
  15. It just moves them to the edge (and nearly all off-screen) of my main monitor. It does not move them to my second monitor. More information...I am running FSX in windowed mode. I can move the whole application to the other monitor, but not separate "pieces" of it. I run in windowed mode so that I can easily access other applications (like vPilot, TOPCAT, and charts) on the second monitor. If I run FSX in full screen mode, I can move panels to the second monitor, but the other applications I am running are blacked out on that monitor. Don Stimson
  16. Although I use the virtual cockpit, I take advantage of the separate 2D cockpit PMDG supplies in order to put an undocked radio panel on my second monitor. This makes it easier to change radio frequencies while flying online on VATSIM. I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and found that I cannot move an undocked panel to my second monitor. Is there some setting or technique that I'm missing that would enable me to move an undocked panel to my second monitor? I have an Nvidia video card and am using the most recent drivers (361.91) Thanks, Don Stimson
  17. Are you running in full screen or windowed mode? There have been numerous posts, at least about FSX-SE, having this sort of problem in full screen mode.
  18. Thanks, Pete, but doesn't texture file replacement by programs like GEX or UTX qualify as "files which have been changed?" Or, are you saying that only files that Dovetail has changed would be replaced? If the latter, that doesn't seem to jive with what the Steam forum moderator stated. I haven't yet installed FSX-SE, but am trying to ready myself for what all will be involved. Don
  19. Is that the complete answer? This is what Steam had to say in their forum: 1. Addons like Ground Environment (GEX), REX, OrbX, etc. all replace files in the game's core directories. How will the Steam updates affect these additions? Will the Setup managers just need to be run again to install textures and other changes that the Steam update "corrects?" Or will it be possible for Steam to ignore the changes those addons have made to the core game files? Steam will always try to restore your files to match those of the core game. This will happen when you verify the files through Steam and can occur when installing a new update. Running the installer again for the add-on in question should put it right back for you or you could back up your files before installing updates. Our advice is to ask the developer who made the add-on since they know how their add-ons install far better than we do. This sounds to me like if any of the "default" FSX files are replaced by an add-on (mostly thinking texture files, but what other examples are there?), then any time Steam updates the game, it will overwrite the changed files. Sounds to me like users will need to keep this in mind and reinstall the add-on or otherwise flip the files back. Here is one common (or used to be common) tweak that was talked about in the Steam forum: Question: As you may know, a popular tweak in the FSX community is to alter the [bUFFERPOOLS] in the fsx.cfg to help some users with performance. On modern hardware the most popular setting is UsePools=0. My question is; as of 62608 there was a update that improved the vertex and index buffer handling for performance and I was wondering if manually changing the buffer pools overrides your default improvements and also what the new normal value is for your buffers, if you all are OK with revealing it. Response: The short answer is yes. We have improved the handling of vertex and index buffer pooling (actually, this is dynamic vertex/index buffer management) within FSX:SE. By setting UsePools=0, you are effectively disable dynamic buffer use. This forces all buffers to be created in a static fashion which may affect performance in either a positive or negative way, depending upon your hardware. Buffer pool management in FSX:SE is now much more sensible by default in that we only use dynamic buffers when the buffers are quite small. Larger buffers still end up as static buffers so the idea is that the overhead of creating small buffers is made much less by pooling them. Don S.
  20. Uh oh, see this thread. I don't know if this person ever got the problem solved - http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/how-do-i-delete-lwcfg-xml.10876/ Another relevant post thread that you may find helpful -http://forum.avsim.net/topic/363584-living-world-cfg/
  21. Hmmm. I think what I would try is renaming that file by adding.bak to the end, then seeing if the program will run ok. (If that doesn't help or causes other problems, then change the name back. If it does do the trick, you can either leave the renamed file or delete it.)
  22. Vc10man - this is about FSX-SE, not Lockheed's Prepar3D.
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