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About r_stopnicki

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  • Birthday 09/21/1948

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    Toronto, Canada
  • Interests
    Aviation, On Line Aviation Simulation, Photography, Cooking

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  1. r_stopnicki

    Sad Day

    What a terrible event. I hope that family, friends and your community give you both the strength needed to go through such a difficult time. I also hope, that time will help you and that it will not be too long, when you can start to rejoice in the memory of Eric's life. Keep strong Roberto
  2. Jim: Maybe flying the B737 first. If that doesn't work then, definitely, wine!! Cheers Roberto
  3. Hello all: While "out of topic" for this topic, I just want to note the post of dehowie, who says: "I'll answer from the perspective of someone who has been flying for 31 years and an A-330 and A-320 Captain plus flown Boeing as well" and Damian, who says: "I fly an older model C-130 and replicate it for fun in my free time". Isn't that great? Real pilots, go home and "fly airplanes" to relax!! Some time ago, one of the principal controllers on the VATSIM network, was the chief of a north Florida ATC centre. To relax after work (and I am sure ATC controllers need relaxing after work!), he used to go home, spend some time with the family, then went to his computer and started controlling on the VATSIM network! Passion for aviation, which speaks to the realism of the hobby! Just wanted to mention it. Cheers Roberto
  4. Hello Kyle: I don't want to overdo the accolades, so that they don't "go to your head" :smile: However, as one checks the PMDG forums, it is impossible not to notice your quick responses, your honest ones ("I don't know but I will ask") and your "polite" ones ("Have you tried Tutorial 1?") and your technical ones. Thanks for the effort, it is noted and appreciated. Roberto
  5. Hello Nicolas. I have had similar engine behaviours as the ones you describe (however, without the carburator ice warning). In each case, I found that the engines (by clicking on the Maintenance Manager) needed attention. Their status color was amber/yellow. After "repairing" the engines and the propellers, as well as topping all fluids, the engine behaviour changed to fully normal. I now make a habit of always "maintaining" the airplane after a flight, so that I am not frustrated next time, as it keeps the history of operations. Give it a try. Hopefully it will resolve your issue. Regards, Roberto
  6. Thank you Kyle! I just thought there might be more inverters. Roberto
  7. Hello all: There is reference to inverters (upper and lower) in the manual and they are depicted in Figure 45, Page 99 of the POH. Three inverters, one for the Captain's Instruments and AC Radio, the other for Engine Instruments and the last one for the 1st. Officer's Instruments and Auto Pilot. I have looked and looked at all the panels and I have been unable to find these three switches. Is it possible that the airplane modeled did not have them? Roberto
  8. Hello again Kyle: Got an idea from a comment on another post and disabled all plug ins, except the PMDG one. Unfortunately I could still not get the mouse wheel to assist with GPS entries. As you scratch your head, any further ideas/questions are appreciated. Many regards, Roberto
  9. Hello Kyle: I don't think so. I installed XSquawkbox for both IVAO and VATSIM. I do not think that they modify the mouse. The other plugin I installed, is Joan Perez Cauhe's PythonScriptsNetinstaller (pushback, NOAA, etc.) and I do not believe that they would affect the mouse either, but I will check with him and advice. Thank you! Roberto
  10. Yes Kyle. Thanks for being prompt. I wait for the "arcs with + or - sign" to show up and move the wheel. I can get the cursor knobs to work with left or right button clicks. Roberto
  11. Hello all: As I am sure we all have learned, entering a plan with many waypoints in the GPS is tedious. PDMG (bless them) have realized this and on Pg 8 of Tutorial #1, state that "In order to get mouse wheel support, which will increase the speed of entering the plan, you may want to click on the screen of the GPS to pop out the 2D pop up" Did all that but I have not been able to get the mouse wheel to assist. At this rate, carpal tunnel surgery will be inevitable!! :-) :-) Any help is always greatly appreciated. Roberto (Currently climbing to FL200 between SLTR and SLLP with the FP reduced from 12 points to 4 ......:-) :-) )
  12. Thank you Dean. I repeated th flight today with proper fuel and all went well. But I will check all of your auggestions. Roberto
  13. Hi: I am almost "happy" to read these two reports. I have had, today, sudden "freezes" in two engines (#1 and #4). External views showed the propellers turning but the engine displays were not responding. However, I must "confess" that I did not feather the props, as this would have been a good check of simply windmilling engines. Upon landing at an airport nearby on two engines (not bad for a newbie!!), I realized that I had not reset the fuel load starting the flight (therefore did not think of crossfeeding tanks) and it is possible that the "failures" were related to fuel starvation of those two engines. However, I find it interesting that there might be information on similar engine failures at the x-plane forums. I will certainly check that. Roberto
  14. SLLP - Of Course!! Draining the batteries of the small calculator, trying to figure out the right amount of stuff, people and fuel to put on board, for a safe departure at 13,300 ft ASL! While I have Steve Dra "lined up" for a livery of Lloyd Aereo Boliviano's DC-6 for FSX, whenever it comes out, is there a volunteer to paint one for X-Plane? I have photographs that I would forward, for a guide. Cheers to all, the engineer is calling to start the engines!! Roberto
  15. Hello Tornsten: If XIVAP works the same as IvAp for FSX, you can set the transponder from the IvAp box itself. I have always had to set the transponder to Mode "C" via IvAp with PMDG aircraft. As Kyle mentions above, for some reason the transponder works on the VATSIM network. Regards, Roberto
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