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About johncott

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  1. Hi StephaneS I was sure there was two coastlines after you said you disabled the ORBX waterbodies vector file(s) in your original pictures. This is why I asked if you had another add-on enabled, glad you figured it out. This happens a lot, I've done that before where I've installed an add-on and forgot about it and was having similar issues. John C.
  2. If you want to just deactivate the ORBX water bodies and coast lines for this area the file would be 5518_WTR_Waterbodies.bgl. Looking at your second picture, looks like you have removed the ORBX waterbodies. This should leave you with the default land and coastlines. There appears to be another coastline that still showing up, would you have another scenery for this area active? I do not have P3D4.5. I have justV5 and V6, in both sims there are issues with these islands with just a coastline showing up and no landmass for the islands. Not sure if the default P3DV4.5 scenery for this area has the same issues as P3DV5and V6. As mention by Biggles2010 and Dave 2013, the default Vector data has improved, but still has issues in some areas like the Canadian North where I fly a lot. John C.
  3. Hi Dane, You should be able to open the lnmpln files in LNM and export them to a MSFS pln file. John C.
  4. We are very fortunate to have three awesome sim platform: MSFS, XPlane and Prepar3D. They all offer unique features that make them appeal to their users. Some users use all three, some use two of the three and some use only one. Some are still using older sims like FSX and the freeware Flightgear and are just as happy as those who use the latest version of the aforementioned sims. To the original poster, do as you wish and just enjoy the fun that comes with flightsimming. John C.
  5. What is happening, there is a helipad at this location at an elevation of 732 feet and there is also an airport boundary/background for the helipad at 1198 feet or about 475 feet above the surrounding area and helipad. This is causing the mesh elevation issue. This can be fixed with ADE (Airport Design Editor) by excluding the existing background and making a new one at the proper elevation. Regards, John C.
  6. MSFS is unique in that its strongest feature, taking real world map image data and mapping into a flight sim is also its weakest feature if the image data is poor leading to poor scenery in the sim. John C.
  7. Good day, Using P3DV5, thinking about trying Carenado Synthetic Vision System (SVS). Does it work well in P3DV5? I have the "Carenado_P3Dv5_Patch" and all my Carenado G1000 aircraft work ok. Regards John C.
  8. Were you able to get this problem solved, for some reason LM moved the MNCI runway in P3DV6 from where it was in P3DV5. They did not move the airport background and this is what is causing the issues. Looking at the some maps the runway was in the proper real world position in P3DV5, so not sure why it was moved. If you need any help I can get a quick fix done for this. John C.
  9. I was 99.9% sure I was not the only one seeing this, but when you see this many errors I just wanted to make sure. It’s a widespread problem with the objects for various cities in the NAMC, NAME, NAMW, EURE, EURW, etc folders. In the three North American folders over half of the cities have objects with transparency issues. I have been going through all of them with ModelConverterX and fixing them for my own use. I would like to release my fixes to the community, but I may be violating copyright issues. i did visit your website and looks like your progressing along quite well with fixing P3DV5. Looks like we are both on the same mission. John C.
  10. Just confirming that some scenery objects in P3DV5 and maybe also in P3DV6 are not showing transparency where they should. A good example would be the bridge trusses in Memphis, TN. Anybody else having the same issue? John C.
  11. My 4 cents worth (Inflation) Played around with this for awhile. Using the Vertx DA-62 in P3DV5.4 and Windows 10. Setup the option in the config for "Ready For Flight" and the first time I selected the Vertx DA-62 it would come up "Cold and Dark." I would either close P3D or select another plane, load it and the other plane would load. Would re-select the DA-62 and then it would load "Ready For Flight." The DA-62 would continue load "Ready For Flight" in subsequent (my big word for the day) attempts. This tells me the loading the first DA-62 flight after changing the "Cockpit State on Load" setting will not update to the new setting until a second loading attempt. I also tried the "Cold and Dark" setting and the same thing happen. Loading the first flight with the DA-62 would load "Ready for Flight" and then the subsequent (used the big word twice) attempts would load "Cold and Dark". John C.
  12. Loaded up a flight with KEGE and can confirm the default KEGE does have these signs. They can be deleted use ADE. I have seen this sign before, but not on or near runways.
  13. Here is one of similar nature in Quebec, Canada, The Casey emergency airstrip. Coordinates 47.93616°N 74.09182°W. This one is still used for fly-ins and camping. To get there on MSFS. take off from CYPP and fly 21 NM straight east. 90 degrees True or 104 degrees magnetic. CSU5 is closer but the whole airport is covered with a building and you plane will be sitting on the roof. Casey Emergency Airstrip - Wikipedia John C.
  14. Checked with LNM and ADE, CYYC is located in scenery folder 201 and the files are the 17130 series of bgl's. John C.
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