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Steve Halpern

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Everything posted by Steve Halpern

  1. One of the best ways is to simply look in the exe you downloaded. You will see a "Version" line in the information window above the reinstall button.
  2. Yes David, the twin did slip through your hands last year. They must have pulled your name, and when they realized you were primarily a simmer, they said "Wait, David just 'plays' flight simulator, what can he do with this, lets give it to a real pilot". Then I guess they then drew the next name...OK, just joking.:-lol:-lol:-lol...But you will really like this 112. It has a glass Chelton, and a whole lot more, much like our commercial releases.
  3. Yes, it is true! Look for a press release later today. Regarding your last question... If you are an AOPA member, you should be very happy.:-smile12
  4. Max,Maybe you encoded it to MPEG2, not MPEG1.MPEG2 is for those with a DVD player installed to there system. The system I downloaded it to does not have a DVD player, so no DVD (MPEG2 Codec) installed.That could be the reason...
  5. Hi Max,The video will not play on my system. What codec did you use?
  6. I think that Downloader error is because of non-english settings. Download the downloader again and it should work. It was replaced.For the person with 15 minutes left, yes, the validation process near the end of the file is a pain. We did not account for such a large file! Maybe we can do something that means if there were no bytes downloaded, and it was validated 1 time already, it would skip the validation process in future tries.
  7. We did not re-send out this press release...A minor hiccup most likely. It (the press release) was released a while ago.
  8. Although we did not try it with Win98, I do not see a reason as to why it would not work. You may need to make sure GDI+ is installed, but that is likely already done.
  9. If you see a possible bug, why don't you report it to us in our forum. That is where the developers are. They can tell you if it could be a bug, or if it is something that you may be overlooking, or even a 3rd party weather application doing something.Even though some of us come here for broader (and quite lively) discussions, we do not actually do official support here.
  10. People have been recently discussing not enough voltage for their "Corsair" brand memory, and having to go into the Bios to adjust it. If you a plagued by CTD's, it could be hardware.
  11. Dewey,I am dissapointed you took this here. I have been responding to you time and time again right in our forum trying to get things worked out!Please see my latest reply and personal message to you there.
  12. Hawaii was added to the USA Roads patch. Not Alaska.
  13. captandy,Your post is not deleted. It is in the forum plain view under the exact topic heading of "Lets Get to The Bottom of This !!!! "I just wanted to clarify that your thread is active over at the site. In the future, all you have to do is to do a Search, enter your username, and search the Username field. All the threads you posted in will get listed.
  14. Windows XP has certain features that are not on Windows 98/Me.And one thing to note is that it would maybe have considerably delayed the title because everything needs to be dual tested, dual coded in some instances, and even a simple update may need multiple tests and extra coding.In some cases, the update may work straight away!!! In other cases, it can open a can of worms... You need dual setups possibly, and special notes for each operating system.XP was released on October 25, 2001. That is a very long time ago!So we know there are a few with Windows 98/Me, but the time of having a large group of developers work to support an old operating system is better spent on new features, etc... And it also simplifies support GREATLY. You only have to deal with 1 operating system.
  15. OK, I made the change to the page so it is without doubts..."It will not work on Windows 98/Me."
  16. To make a few comments about the support forum...How it is setup was decided by the group. Of course as mentioned, there is no need for the support forum being open for posts for non-purchasers... Whether it is open for reading later may be addressed down the road.The General forum is fully open to reading and posting by non-purchasers. There, a prospective buyer is free to post questions regarding thing such as "are there any major bugs?", "does the flight attendant really tell the captain that the cabin is too cold", "Does the fuel burn match real-life tables?", etc...Keeping the forum closed does offer advantages, such as file links that should be only for the purchasers, performance of the forum is improved due to less database lookups (having super good forum performance improves the purchasers experience), and from the post point, it does keep the group much more focused. And yes, a "club" environment is somewhat established, and this is likely enjoyed by the purchasers.We are not trying to be rude, or snobbish. We do have a full public forum that is VERY active, open to questions, has previews, has some technical information, and more.And finally, we offer a full 30 day return policy on the product. OK, there is no demo version, but it is like having the FULL product as a demo in a way. So if you are borderline, and do not want it because you can't read the forum, then we hope this makes up for it a little. Regardless, we think the return policy is a good policy.Hope this clarifies things a little.
  17. Hi,If you go to http://www.leveldsim.com and click on the Forum link in the FMC, you will be taken to the new forum that is dedicated to Level-D and their upcoming product.The new forum is only for Level-D topics. All Pilot in Command topics will remain here at Avsim, in this forum. So make sure you visit both, especially if you are using the Pilot in Command product.Thanks!
  18. In response to free "USA Roads", there is no free USA Roads. It would be something freeware with a similar name. The technology and datasets are different.About screen-caps. Go to Allens forum to see more. We all will be posting more there, and there are some shots starting to appear there now.http://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_topics.asp?FID=19
  19. The official answer is that the site(s) are down because of problems integrating what were previously stable scripts on a Windows 2000 server to a Windows 2003 based server.For those that have not done it yet, use caution jumping your sites over to Win 2003 server. I am amazed at how things crashed.We have had Windows 2000 Servers run for MONTHS without a hiccup, and we had multiple crashes with Windows Server 2003 on new server equipment, all in the first 24 hours.Maybe once adapted, Windows Server 2003 is better, more stable, etc, but it is sure no fun getting there.That is the official answer! Integrating to much more powerful servers to handle upcoming load, etc...
  20. The problem with download accellerators is that there is a chance that the file will become corrupt. Too often we have seen this with them. That is one reason why we did a downloader tool. Each small "block" of bytes received is surveyed against a CRC data table you download locally (it is very small). If any bytes come in corrupt, it gets that section again. It will even repair a corrupted download that you may have gotten using another tool.
  21. "ship" actually means ship via download. It is used figuratively.It will be available by download. Hopefully at around 150MB. About 6.5 hours via a modem, and of course much faster by Broadband. It will be optionally available throught the Flight1 Downloader Tool to automate and verify the process.Steve
  22. Here is some good reading for you all. Hope you enjoy it.Click the Downloads link in the FMC at http://www.leveldsim.com.Steve
  23. Hi,Check out this updated page. It gives a few specs, and some differences between earlier releases and the new Level-D 767.http://www.leveldsim.com/sevensix_products.asp
  24. Generally 1000 to 15000 hours. For example, if you are creating a product with a team of 3 to 5 developers, with some working part-time, and some working 14 hour days, it can really add up.Then some add-ons may take less, such as if a developer created internal tools to help create the second version. So he tools and first edition were 2000 hours, and the second edition is only 150 hours.The super long term development is usually on high-end aircraft products where systems need to be modelled.
  25. Hi,The Level-D product is not quite ready. We will be making an official announcement regarding the "official" new leveldsim.com web site (what is there now is not 100% complete), as well as project status very soon.It will miss the "Fall" release unfortunately, and that little pic will be changed that says "Fall". But it will not miss it by too much.Stay tuned to this and the leveldsim.com site for more content, announcements, and information.
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