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Everything posted by Benji

  1. Oops! Thats better.Keep up the good workCheers
  2. I agree. The British Airports series is fantastic. Find it at www.justflight.comCheers
  3. Tried it.. Love it!! Adds to realism no end!!Ben
  4. What can I say? WOW!!This is the best thing to happen to FS in ages.Felt like I was really in a 737.Keep up the excellent work you have my support.Ben
  5. What can I say? WOW!!This is the best thing to happen to FS in ages.Felt like I was really in a 737.Keep up the excellent work you have my support.Ben
  6. Hi Kerke, I have also had this error many times. In fact about 50% of the time when I try to load real world weather at the beginning, FS freezes completely meaning a frustrating re-boot. I have tried disabling firewall/anti-virus as well but still the same.Am going to purchase Active sky this month hopefully that won't be the same!!Best of luck.Ben
  7. Benji

    Active sky

    Thanks Guys, You've convinced me. Will be next on the things to buy list.Happy flyingBen
  8. Fellow pilots, I am considering purchasing Active sky to enhance my flying experience, just wondered what your general opinion of the package is ie user friendly (coz I'm a bit of a novice) realism, impact on frame rates etc.Your pearls of wisdom would be appreciated.CheersBen
  9. Will have to be my favorite route. LHR to Sydney via Singapore.(not all in one go tho.) And got to be BA livery. In my opinion one of the most attractive at the moment.CheersBen
  10. Done about 40 hrs in the last couple of months in the beautiful 800 with Ryanair virtual all over Europe. Have just upgraded to a P4 3.2Ghz beast so am enjoying things even more.PMDG you have created a masterpeice!!Ben
  11. Paul, I did have this problem a while back. Have you installed the latest service update? If not, try uninstalling then re-installing the product. Hopefully that should solve thingsRegardsBen
  12. Thought I'd add to the congratulations from the UK's PMDG appreciation society!!Can't wait for the 747!Ben
  13. Your right. My typical British understatements!!RegardsBen
  14. You won't be disappointed with 800/900. It's quite possibly the best aircraft out there.Ben
  15. Benji

    FMC routes

    Nice one. Thanks for that.Ben
  16. Forgive the stupid question but is there a way of completely deleting routes that have been saved in the FMC once they are no longer required?ThanksBen
  17. Couldn't agree more!The 800/900 is simply beautiful. Plus the 747-400 is in the pipeline sometime soon.Ben
  18. Congratulations guys! A well deserved award keep it up.
  19. Benji


    Ps to shut engines down use the fuel cut off levers on the throttle window.
  20. Benji


    There seems to be a limit in FS9 that the engines always start when you load up. There are 2 ways around it.1. You can select your dep airport and gate with the default Cessna loaded, shut the engine down and turn everything off.Then load the PMDG from the start menu and all should be cold and dark. This has been known to cause systems to crash tho.2. You can just grin and bear it and shut the engines down immediately, then start from scratch and just pretend all is normal.Unless there is some other way?? such as the PSS A330/340 which alows cold and dark selection.Regards
  21. That explains it.Thanks Mats
  22. Also make sure the fuel cut off levers are off. That has caused problems if you use CTRL+E start.Ben (EGSS)
  23. Gary Have you entered the Rwy magnetic heading in the Course and heading selectors on the MCP? Doing this should stop the FMC message although it should have no effect on the landing.RegardsBen (EGSS)Ryanair VA
  24. I have found that the APP light goes out on occasions but the A/c still flies the approach and flares nicely. Does the A/c still behave for you or does it completely mess up your approach?Ben (EGSS)Ryanair VA
  25. Do the upgrade!! The 800/900 is a gem of a machine.All the earlier bugs seem to have disappeared and it flies like a dreamBen (EGSS)Ryanair VA
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