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    United Kingdom
  1. Awesome! That last shot is particularly atmospheric.
  2. Belated happy 4th to my colonial cousins!
  3. She's a beauty! Have been on G-STBB and is certainly one awesome peice of machinery!
  4. Another legend passes into history! Quite a magnificent aircraft. Just hope the Vulcan lasts another couple of years as all the grand old ladies have had their day.
  5. I love the last one. Very moody... very atmospheric. Great job!
  6. No hurry for release. My credit card has just taken a hammering having my car serviced. Think it would have been cheaper to buy a real T7.
  7. Whichever you decide to fly you will enjoy it. If you fancy a great virtual airline that utilises both types, check out INTERCITY AIRWAYS. http://viaintercity.com/
  8. Excellent aircraft and to shamelessly plug a very good VA, check out www.viaintercity.com
  9. My evening's TV sorted! Cheers
  10. I would hazard a guess that if the NGX has it..... You know the rest!
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