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Ted Striker

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Everything posted by Ted Striker

  1. It has always been my understanding that ORBX airports would work without the regions or global installed but the airport boundaries may stand out without them. You do still need to install the ORBX libraries though. I assumed ORBX said the regions or global were required so people wouldn't complain on the forums about the visible airport boundaries with the default scenery. I used the freeware airport scenery for a long time before I bought anything from ORBX. It was the freeware airports that got me to buy the payware scenery so I guess the marketing worked. Ted
  2. Tom, I agree with the others that you would be better off in the long run with P3D. The owner of PMDG also used to be a pilot for UAL. If you tell him your story, perhaps you can charm him into exchanging your PMDG 747 FSX version for a P3D version. With your experience they may even ask you to beta test for them. Ted
  3. Since everything was fine before you installed VIDP and Blue Marble, I would suspect one of those before the 777. Try disabling/uninstalling your recently installed addons and see if that corrects things. Ted
  4. When I went from one 1280 x 1024 monitor to three my FPS dropped by 20% and my GPU usage increased by 60%. My system is a long in the tooth 3770k at 4.5 ghz & 780GTX. Surprisingly my FPS recovered by 4% going from the triple monitor setup to 4k, but my GPU usage went up another 20% with the 4k monitor. This was with P3Dv3 and the results are averages as different aircraft and scenery produced different results. I have not run the exercise with P3Dv4. Ted
  5. In that case I would put the question to your builder as to any overclock limitations with 32 vs. 16 gb. They should have the direct experience and answer. I, on the other hand, have not built a new system since 2013 and my suggestions are just based on other internet "experts". Looking forward to hearing how your new system works for you. Ed does know his stuff and I was not inferring the contrary. I was just stating that he left out the details as to why his RAM use was so much higher than others. Ted
  6. I thought I'd better chime in or you might not be able to get to sleep tonight worrying about this Ray. As you noticed most people are fine with 16 gb using P3Dv4. Ed, who recommended 32gb, did not state what addons he uses although he does not seem like one to install a Christmas list of addons like some do. He also said he is making changes to P3D that are not in the UI but did not state what they were either. I can only assume that they are config changes. Ed is a developer so who knows what development software he is running with P3D and what their RAM loading is. I know you are chomping at the bit for the 64 bit version of the Concorde. I suggest that you ask FSLabs what they expect the RAM loading to be from that. I think that aircraft set a record for virtual memory use in the 32 bit version. I am staying with 16gb for now mainly because I will be able to overclock my system easier with it versus 32 gb. Based on my current system, 8gb RAM 3770k, 16gb should be fine for the few addons and settings I use. Now perhaps a new 8086 system will need more RAM with the same scenarios or more likely I will crank up my settings with a better system, but if that is the case I will know it fairly soon. Perhaps P3Dv5 will require more RAM but I am willing to roll the dice on that. Maybe we can get Rob A. to give us some hints on the RAM needs of P3Dv5. Ted
  7. 10% is a significant variance. An extra 0.015 volts on the RAM isn't that much as you said so I won't lose sleep over it. Thanks, Ted
  8. Ed, I understand the recommendation of 8GB VRAM but not the 32gb for system RAM.......for P3D anyway. I have never seen my old system with 8gb use more than 5gb of RAM with P3D. I am purchasing parts for a new build and just bought 16 gb of RAM so I am curious as to your thoughts on the need for 32gb. Ted
  9. Thanks for the heads up on this Bob. This is a little disappointing to hear. My current memory, Corsair, allowed me to tighten the timings a little without having to bump the voltage. This will be my first experience with GSkill memory. Perhaps Corsair has more margin in its specs which would explain why most of the GSkill specs look better than those of Corsair. I will be running long tests with Memtest 86+ on each memory stick individually and also combined. I believe this is very important to eliminate the RAM as a source of any issues with the build. Ted
  10. Ray, I went through the same exercise a few weeks ago using the formula that Bob Scott provided you. And I came to the same conclusion as Bob. The Gskill 3600 CAS 15 had the lowest latency ( ns per Bob's formula not CAS) for the price. In addition the voltage is only 1.35V so you have a little overclocking headroom. This is the memory that Rob provided a link to. I purchased a pair of 2 x 8gb sticks today from Microcenter in Denver along with an Intel 8086. I saw that they got the 8086s back in stock today so I drove down this morning as I think Bob Scott bought the last one they had earlier in the week. . I was lucky. Now I just have to decide on a Z390 Motherboard. You can get some higher speed RAM with the same low latency but the price is quite a bit higher and so is the voltage as you will see. I used the same analysis when I purchased memory for my current system built in 2013 and have been very happy with the performance of it.. Ted
  11. I don't think you are missing anything Sam. Getting a 2080 over a 1080ti also makes sense because the 2080 includes the new tech that can be utilized as software is upgraded to take advantage of it. Who knows how soon that will occur with flight sim software though. By the way I have an identical system as yours, a 3770k at 4.5. I had a 780GTX but my 4k monitor was maxing out the GPU usage at 100% often. Since upgrading to a 1080ti I haven't seen the GPU usage exceed 60% even at max settings. However at max settings my FPS is in the teens due to the aging 3770k which is now the bottleneck. I was planning on upgrading to a 9900k until reading about the excessive heat so I am now considering an 8700k. I will be keeping my 1080ti with whatever CPU upgrade I go with. If the 1080ti becomes a bottleneck on the new system, only then will I consider a 2080ti. Looks like I am back on the hamster wheel. Ted
  12. One of the things I like about flight simming vs. real world is that I do not have to look at the bugs or clean them off the windscreen. If PMDG does implement this I just ask that you please give us the option to disable it. I would prefer to dedicate my computer resources to other functions. Ted Striker.
  13. I'm amazed that almost 20gb of RAM is being used. I've only got 8 gb on my old system and it has never come close to being maxed out that I have seen. Is this due to the new ORBX GB scenery or does P3Dv4 use whatever amount of RAM that you install? Ted
  14. I was surprised not to see the 1957 Jimmy Stewart classic, Spirit of St. Louis, listed so far. I just saw it on antennae TV a few days ago. It is about Lindbergh's historic first Atlantic solo crossing. Ted
  15. Thanks for taking the time to collect and post your test findings Rob. I am convinced now that a single 2080ti will provide little advantage currently over my 1080ti. Things may change when P3D is upgraded to use the new features of the 2080 and/or I upgrade my overclocked 3770k. Being a worthy candidate for a CPU upgrade I am looking forward to seeing your 9900k results. Ted
  16. Similar question to Wayne's. How does the TitanXP compare to the 1080ti in P3Dv4? Just rough approximation is fine. Ted
  17. Ray, From my testing, all of the settings in the Scenery Objects box have a significant impact on FPS as does AI traffic. I need to clarify my previous post. I have an old 3770k overclocked to 4.5 ghz. On this system it is the bottleneck not the GPU so getting a 2080 would not benefit me. Now maybe with a 9900k a 2080ti may be some benefit. Most test reports I have read so far indicate that a 2080 is very comparable to a 1080ti in performance until software is updated to utiltize the new functions of the 2080 cards. Ted
  18. .........I remember when FSX was released, we all struggled to get 20 FPS the New York area, and dreamed of the day we could get 50........ I do not believe a 2080 or 2080ti is going to increase your FPS. They may help you from losing FPS with the graphic intensive settings that Rob mentioned. I have a 1080ti and a 4k monitor but have not seen my GPU load over 60%. I do not expect to get an FPS increase until I can can feed more data to the GPU with a better CPU. I am looking forward to Rob's review of his 9900k. Ted
  19. The best holiday present I could get was LM announcing that they were going to make a Linux version. I could be rid of Microsoft entirely then. Ted
  20. Does the new PMDG 747-8 simulate the increase in weight of this tank and the transfer of weight from the passenger cabin over the duration of the flight? If not you folks who just bought it need to get on RSR about this. Ted
  21. Ray, According to this review the 2080i will outperform the 1080ti but the 2080 is only slightly better than the 1080ti with a UHD monitor and current games not accounting for future advantages of ray tracing, dlss, and whatever else. They did not test P3Dv4 though so I would wait for Rob's and Westman's tests for that (glad to hear Rob will be testing his new cards in single GPU mode). https://www.anandtech.com/show/13346/the-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-ti-and-2080-founders-edition-review I bit the bullet a few months ago and got a 1080ti because heavy weather was pegging my 780gtx in 4k. I can tell you that I have never seen the 10080ti above 60% GPU usage, however I am still on a 3770k @4.5 ghz so that it probably bottlenecking the amount of data that can even get to the GPU. I run conservative medium settings to maintain a 30 FPS. After I upgrade the rest of my system I may be wanting a more powerful GPU. To quote Nick Needham, "I am back on the hardware hamster wheel". Ted
  22. Rob, Are you planning on doing any single gpu P3D tests before testing with dual GPUs? Ted
  23. I have enjoyed following your trip. Great shots and having descriptions and a little history of the area makes them much more interesting. Thanks for sharing. Ted
  24. I used the linked tool, Memtest to test my RAM when I built and overclocked my current system back in 2013. I agree that it is an excellent tool for testing memory stability but unless they have changed it with the newer versions it did not test memory bandwidth or latency performance. For that Aida64 is a great tool. Ted
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