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Everything posted by Janov

  1. Why don´t you get the free Demo when XP12 comes out - and then look at the default scenery so you can judge performance and the need for scenery upgrades a bit better? That being said - if looking at scenery is really important for you - go and get MSFS, it will still be the "more realistic" looking option, even after XP12 releases.
  2. XP11 got an update to its flightmodel with some improvements during its version 11 run. And yes, Jarmstro, while X-Plane always took pride in it´s flightmodel, Laminar is not too proud to acknowlegde that nothing is ever perfect and strives to improve it continuously. The improved flightmodel (mostly downwash flow improvements and oblique airstream on non-lift-bodies) in XP11 was called the "experimental" flight model, for lack of a better term. As a gesture of good will (and to not fuel the old prejudice that "X-Plane´s flight model is a moving target, so it doesn´t make sense to develop planes for it") this new model was made optional, so developers did not have to upgrade their (payware) models. During the recent work on the Alia aircraft Austin became aware of some other small inaccuracies with the flightmodel, mostly effects of small rotors on fuselage and other objects. These improvements will be applied to the experimental flight model and I believe that the resultant flight model will be the X-Plane 12 flight model The difference to the XP11 "experimental" flight model is very small (too small to notice for most people), the difference to the "legacy" XP11 flight model is small enough so that those aircraft will probably fly fine in XP12, albeit not "by the numbers" - in other words they will require some upgrading by the airplane authors to meet the POH numbers again.
  3. There are numerous threads where users CLAIM to have Device Loss Errors on vanilla setups 😉 Yet when they are asked to provide a fresh log.txt saved right after a DLE...crickets. I also wrote "practically no". You may want to look that term up. It is not equal to "none".
  4. That is right. I will go out on a limb here and say that practically no one with a standard, vanilla (no-add-ons) installation of X-Plane and a standard at least minimum specs hardware and OS installation (no overclocking, no "tuners", no weird GPU settings) with up-to-date drivers will have a DLE in X-Plane 11. If you have them and are unable or unwilling to fix the cause...you will also have them in XP12, except there is no recourse like running it in OpenGL.
  5. @fogboundturtle This is the part that has me excited... and I read it as "multicore optimization will not be in 12.0 but come early within the 12.xx run".
  6. The point I was trying to make is that a lot of jobs in aviation are - once you get over the initial thrill of flying an airplane - pretty limited and repetitive, like many other jobs, too. While I am lucky to have a diverse and varying network of destinations to fly to, there are many pilots that spend most of their lives flying ONE type of aircraft between half-a-dozen destinations...day in and day out. Can you point me to some other aircraft add-ons for X-Plane that allow this type of diverse career and business interaction you look for?
  7. Björn, I have spent the last 25 years of my life flying passengers and cargo through Europe and the world as a First Officer and Captain for a major airline. Never have I paid a single fuel bill. Never have I signed a single transportation contract. Never have I seen any code or physics simulation behind that operation. Never have I flown a single medevac flight (though there were plenty of people on board that I wouldn´t consider completely healthy). I have an unattractive job. 😐 PS: You don´t really think that they would let you take a look at their code, do you? 😅
  8. There has been some internal discussion on multiplayer and while I don´t think that it will be a focus of the initial release of XP12, there is some commitment to improving it. I think seeing a contemporary solution like in other multiplayer titles with a lobby, friends list and some other options would be great! X-Plane Mobile has massive multiplayer and I think it is just a question of time until we see something similiar in X-Plane desktop.
  9. This is something that only the devs are going to be able to elaborate on, I believe. Normally every X-Plane aircraft works "out of the box" with VR. However, some manipulators are cumbersome to operate in VR, like a knob that turns way too fast (or too slow) to make it intuitive to use with a VR manipulator. Thats where the VRconfig.txt file comes in. It is a textfile that "overwrites" certain interaction, for example you can specify that the HDG BUG should turn much slower (or faster) when operated by a VR controller. It also allows to set up "seat positions" that you can teleport into in VR. It is quite possible that the team has not gotten around to providing this config file for V2 yet. Cheers, Jan
  10. If MSFS sales tank things could go the way of Dovetail. Just saying. Don´t you think you are embarassing yourself over and over again, Greazer? Is there something in the water in Suwanee? We get it that you love to rant on X-Plane, but at least have the decency to put some thought into it and at least TRY to make it an intelligent argument like some of the other guys? It makes me cringe to read your posts. It makes me wait for your grandchildren to come in and take the laptop away! So before you post again, try to limit the damage to what little credibility we give you as a human being able to connect to the internet and type things? If you want to frolic with the rest of the haters over in the MSFS forum please do so. You will get plent of likes (at least from @abrams_tank) if you post anything derogatory against X-Plane. For him it is even enough if you just write "X-Plane is poo-poo!" or maybe even some brilliant analysis like "X-Plane is ka-ka!" - guaranteed ❤️ by him, and some of the other goons (and a dead give-away of the likers mindset, no matter how highly sophisticated the "business analysis" we get to read from him again and again 🙄).
  11. Ah, ok - but maybe it is just the way the manipulator is set up in that add-on? The designer can specify if a knob or lever can be "grabbed and dragged", "rotated with mousewheel" or just "clicked to turn". If a manipulator is set up in that old-fashioned way (you can only click on it to make it turn) it will confuse most users that are used to the more modern way of also allowing mouse-wheel operation.
  12. If those are the only two problems...it must be an awesome product! 😃 (The first complaint is likely user error when trying to use the scroll wheel and the second...I don´t even know what WebFMC is but I am sure the real A300 doesn´t have it, either)
  13. I don´t think the survey was as rigged as that ridiculous "game of the year" award where the winner is predetermined by the companies sitting in the jury 🤣🤪... but yeah, it is certainly not a scientific approach to get a realistic picture. The survey is flawed in too many ways to even start counting, which goes both ways (it could be that MSFS is far more succesful that hinted at by this survey, for example!). I think no one will dispute the fact that MSFS is seeing a lot more use and first-time purchases in the last 1.5 years compared to X-Plane. I will also not dispute the fact that more (percentage) users of X-Plane switched to MSFS than vice-versa. We can, however, argue all year long about: Which program is the better flight-simulator (hint: that is not equal to "most popular") Which program will yield a profit high enough to satisfy it´s stakeholders longer If "usage" is as important as "purchase" (of the base program, not add-ons) What role third-party addon success really plays for the longevity of any program (is ELITE dead already?) Most flightsimulator users are of the visual type without any deep aviation knowledge or experience. They will naturally lean towards the more appealing looks of MSFS. I expect it to stay the more popular choice in the future, even when XP12 is out. The majority of flightsimulation users will be disappointed by XP12 because they are focused on graphics - where XP12 will not surpass MSFS. It is possible that Asobo has ironed out all flaws that caused so much outcry in the first year of it´s existence, at least there are no more negative threads about any problems over at it´s forum at all. If that is indeed so and everyone is happy - then I don´t see why MSFS won´t be the ultimate choice for everyone from here on and quickly drain the remaining few holdouts from X-Plane (except for the Linux-weirdos, of course 😅).
  14. You forgot to say that they are scum because they keep pushing buggy betas onto their unsuspecting customers and can´t fix their Vulkan! 😁
  15. I think it is amazing to see that MSFS, the "X-Plane killer" has managed to do so little! Here we have one title, developed over several years from scratch by a team of more than 200 full-time game designers with the unlimited financial and data backing of one of the richest companies of the world...and they don´t manage to significantly take away from the niche, less than a dozen full time devs flightsimulator that came out 5 years ago? 😆 Awesome X-Plane! Too bad it will go the way of the Blackberry, right @abrams_tank? 😉 Oh, and sure, when PMDG comes out with their 737 for MSFS...its game over. THAT will be the X-Plane killer. Or maybe the Fenix? Or maybe it needs both, I am not sure anymore. Oh, and it´s a 10 year project, maybe it just needs another 8 years? Lets not forget, Asobo is the greatest flightsim company inhistory, I got it in no uncertain terms! 😆 What a bunch of...
  16. Just a genuine question - I see this on a lot of videos from MSFS - the camera angle seems to be really wide? Almost like a fish-eye lense, is that something that you can set up or is that field of view fixed?
  17. Just do this 😉 : The discussion is irrelevant, Greazer. Official recent data shows that usage of MSFS has dropped by 87% in the last few weeks alone (non-Steam). In fact this has stopped the SU7 hotfix getting rolled out and PMDG has put their 737 on hold as well. Sorry, but it seems lights out for MSFS before end of year (recent server problems due to Microsoft practicing shut-down procedures). Disclaimer: Just like Greazer´s, all numbers and facts stated above are totally made up 🤪
  18. Honestly - I think X-Plane will be just fine withouth PMDG. I don´t expect them to ever show up in X-Plane really, they will certainly stay where the picking is richer. And I also don´t believe that they will be stuck in their development much longer, it is obvious that the large majority of MSFS gamers don´t care about the customary PMDG fidelity and accuracy - delaying much longer would be a bad business decision 🙂 MSFS crowd has been lapping up anything poured out in front of them with desperation...and everyone is drooling over the nice 737 screenshots, meh, just release it already I say 😉
  19. No, you didn´t get it 😅. Let me just say that making money isn´t everything to everyone 😉 Some people take pride in their work and their goal of making a "flight simulator" is not simply selling as many copies as possible.
  20. "Shrinking" https://steamcharts.com/cmp/1250410#All
  21. He´s always been a businessman first, I believe 😁
  22. This one? I have been tweaking the flight model with one of our teammembers that flies a real PA-18 and posted it in our internal Slack channel - without anticipating that they would make a public one out of it (hence the mouse pointer). https://www.facebook.com/XPlaneOfficial/videos/279583047371150/ I could make stunning little videos like that all day with the alpha...it is in good shape already!
  23. It can be fun if someone takes the opposite point just for an arguments sake. If the point is such an outlier (the world is flat, the sun is cold, XP11 has better graphics than MSFS2020) it just becomes uncomfortable to watch... my kids call that cringe. You can go back through mSparks posting history over the last year(s) and you will see that you will not win this argument. Not any argument with him, for that matter. So save yourself the trouble and if you have to, please take your screenshots and movies to a PM with mSparks, you are just getting on everyone else´s nerves trying to persuade us of something that we already believe 🙄. We have been trying to be accomodating. You (maybe) have no idea what would happen if I went over to the MSFS forum and posted some XP11 videos? 🤣
  24. Ohh, great, more MSFS footage from Noel! Who knows, keep it coming, you may convince me to try it eventually.... NOT 🤣 PS: I had the urge to take in the beauty around MROC today. Fired up google earth and wow, that is such a nice place! 😁 PSS: Who puts blue taxiway lights right on the taxiway at MROC in MSFS? Is that the way they build their airports down there? I couldnt quite confirm it on google earth, but yeah, its possible, I guess... Just have to taxi around them carefully, maybe? And what about that huge "hold short" line on the taxiway at 8:30?? Really? You call that a flight simulator? 🤣 PSS: Here is another nice video of San Jose, Puerto Rico - the quality is even better than yours!
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