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Everything posted by Epgd

  1. Hello, Interviews are starting and no one has asked what VR will look like in FS2024? Will there be any improvements etc.. anything??? Is there anyone here who asked them about VR? brds
  2. I think you need to read it because it explains everything about ground handling and crosswind - from the creator himself... https://community.justflight.com/topic/6532/crosswind-performance-is-way-way-off-guys/2 we have to wait till Thursday .... Than will be number 1 ... 🙂 😉
  3. I think you need to read it because it explains everything about ground handling and crosswind - from the creator himself... https://community.justflight.com/topic/6532/crosswind-performance-is-way-way-off-guys/2 we have to wait till Thursday ....
  4. I said from the beginning that hiring THIS MAN for a marketing position was a big mistake...😄😉
  5. for me C414 from flightsimware have still one of the best flight model, tried Duke Turbine- overal great experiences, top notch in systems... but something wrong is with its flight model... very strange behaviour in Gust winds for me.. and others things... fingers cross they will tuned flight model ..... ah and one more ... I understand that after SU 15 Duke will better make taxi, an ground roll operation? - because of new ground handling? brds
  6. Am I dealing with children or serious people???? - I KNOW PERFECTLY THAT THIS IS NOT THE FULL LIST OF SU15 CHANGES - I only mean the poor changes in this next beta version after a break of several weeks..... GOOD LORD 😄
  7. .... I know perfectly well that there are other priorities now, when talking about the number of employees - take it as a metaphor... what I mean is that when you get such a change log after a few weeks of nothing... you feel so powerless... then it's pathetic... are they postponing Su 15 by another week? why do we need such nonsense "fixes" to then say with "pride" - THE BIGGEST SU 15, THOUSANDS OF CHANGES, ETC, but what? mostly insignificant....
  8. this is word not allowed not change log.... 200 hundres people working in Asobo... this is a yoke... bad yoke
  9. only This one - 414 Cessna by FLIGHTSIMWARE.... and Learjet is also great 🙂
  10. Hello Chris, great news, as a super satisfied Fulcrum user, I'm looking forward to the throttle. Personally, I really appreciate your professionalism and contact with me when I had "problems" with Yoke. For me this is not a new chapter - you just came back from a long trip and are back in the game. Good luck !
  11. why dlss swaper still doesnt show 3.6 version??
  12. I wonder if anyone has tried to implement FSR3 for MSFS... what are the results? https://github.com/Nukem9/dlssg-to-fsr3/releases/0.3 brds
  13. is this HOLY GRAIL setup working in VR? is there any benefits? brds
  14. you can understand all the problems that the company has, etc... but the lack of a CLEAR AND AT LEAST ONE POSITION FROM THE OWNER'S PART is unacceptable... this is simply not how you do business
  15. ...............You should try the PMDG 737s in MFS ! Even the ground physics look so much more convincing that you can more easily wait for upcoming updates to the base ground physics ! If you say that ground physics is better in pmdg in FS than, for example, in Zibo in xp12... then in my opinion you are very wrong...
  16. yea, I wonder how it is different from this one... https://github.com/drunkwinter/MSFS2020.ARPC testers, give us some comparision shots..
  17. Thanks again Sergey for your great support !! As Sergey said, his design of this damaged part is perfect, and if anyone has a similar problem, feel free to use it. brds Martin
  18. Hi, Thank you all very much for your suggestions and advice, I will have to deal with it myself, I see, because "SUPPORT" is dead... sad, but it looks like this company has ceased to exist.... brds Martin
  19. I remember that from the very beginning when Fulcrum was sent to me, one of these screws was slightly loose... perhaps from at the beginning there was a small crack that was growing I used it all the time, very gently, I never pulled it hard or nervously, etc
  20. https://ibb.co/xj10rDXhttps://ibb.co/xj10rDX Hi.... a broken plastic sleeve at the entrance of the shaft - inside a box This plastic part is holding shaft centered..... https://ibb.co/xj10rDX https://ibb.co/44DZrdY https://ibb.co/MnhRb2v
  21. hello, what's going on with Chris and the company, I'm sending e-mails because I have a steering wheel failure and complete silence, no one responds... does anyone know what's going on?? brds Martin
  22. hello, what's going on with Chris and the company, I'm sending e-mails because I have a steering wheel failure and complete silence, no one responds... does anyone know what's going on??
  23. They CHANGE NOTHING.... stop writing nonsense, unconfirmed by anything, the sky is still red, purple and very often unrealistic
  24. Hey, there is VIDEO Tutorial how to change this manualy step by step....
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