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Everything posted by htfc

  1. My feelings exactly - I often think about his enthusiasm for the hobby, and that he went out of his way to help others. I recall his delight [ shortly before he passed ] when he solved a long standing shimmering graphics issue on his system. I too never met David, but I wish I had.
  2. Looks like MS Flight is no more according to other areas of this site. No way I will be getting rid of FU3 [ or FS 2002 or FS 2004 ] , I still get a lot of pleasure from the older stuff. Stuart
  3. To confirm Dave's post, you will get the panel display in FU2 at 800x600 resolution, nothing higher. I think this is mentioned somewhere in the manual. I had a similar problem with FU3 crashing seconds after landing [ on my XP system]. I fixed it by removing add-on scenery folders one at a time until I found the culprit - can't remember which one it was though! I still fly both sims and love both of them. In the case of FU2 , I have not come across any 'challenge/ adventure' in FS9 that is remotely as much fun or as quirky as those in the default FU2 or its 3rd party add-ons. I am no dinosaur, and appreciate that FS9 is light years ahead in terms of graphics etc [ I am a regular and avid flyer in FS9 ], but the FU series still does it for me. Regards........Stuart
  4. Hi TiggCJ,I still Fly FU 3, and as Roger said, you are bound to come across bugs from time to time because of the age of the sim.I had a similar problem to yours , and traced it to an add-on [ I can't remember which one now].Try Roger's suggestion, and do check out the Flight Unlimited forum on here- there is a wealth of information in it !Regards............Stuart
  5. No problem Alan,I was joking about the headache [ just my ironic sense of humour ], I find all languages and their use fascinating.Have a good one........Stuart
  6. Hi Viperpilot and boeing247, Sorry you’ve completely lost me with your explanation. As I see it [ maybe other Brits will help me out here ], the expression relates to a specific situation, hypothetical or otherwise. E.g. A Chelsea supporter [ English soccer team] says to me ‘ I hope we win the Cup this year’, I would reply ‘I could not care less’ - which would imply [ correctly] that it would be impossible for me to be less concerned about their fortunes – in other words it is of no interest to me. If I replied ‘ I could care less ‘ [which I have never heard a Brit say anyway ], it would be taken to mean that it would be possible for me to be less concerned- which to me makes no sense in any context. I have just given myself a headache thinking this through and am going for a lie down in a darkened room ! Boeing247, I think we do use the correct definition of irony over here, as a good deal of our humour is based on it. Are the people you refer to English [ i.e by nationality] teachers or teachers of English ? Regards..Stuart
  7. I have never understood why our American friends say ' I could care less'. Unless I am mistaken they are attempting to convey the same meaning as the British version - which is ' I could not care less '.
  8. Hi Sonny Jim,As Pieter said, a dying breed !I too have never messed with the . cfg file and just turn the haze setting up to mask the sky banding a little.I use the following joykeys .cfg for my Logitech stick, which works pretty well.I would also like to be able to cycle through all the external views available with a single button press but have never managed to crack that one.Regards.......Stuart;joykeys.cfg;For: CH Products Virtual Pilot Pro Yoke;By: John Voznak;Notes: Place file in your Flight3 directory---------------------------------------------;;joy_1 Toggle_Parking_Brakesjoy_2 Start_Enginejoy_3_rep_10 Elevator_Trim_Downjoy_4_rep_10 Elevator_Trim_Upjoy_5 Flaps_Upjoy_6 Flaps_Downjoy_7 Toggle_Landing_Gearjoy_8 console func Reverse_Thrust && func SpeedBrakes joy_9 console func left_brake_on && func right_brake_onjoy_9_up console func left_brake_off && func right_brake_off;;no settings for the right hat switch;
  9. Hi Dean, Did you know that there is a forum for the Flight Unlimited series on Avsim? Scroll down a way to 'Other Forums' and you will find it. There are many helpful folks on there who will no doubt get you up and running. I have XP on my desktop, but there are others who run the sim on 7, I believe. By the way, FU 111 may be an old-timer in this fast-paced hobby of ours , but is a blast if set up correctly ! regards.........Stuart
  10. Hi again--------- Found it on Simviation ,its on page 80 of 'Props', you will not want to miss this one.In fact if you are not aware of Bill Lyon's work, it's well worth checking out the major sites for his superb packages. :( stuart
  11. Hi, Have you got the Bill Lyons ' Classic Goose' package for Fs 9?I've had hours of fun with this freeware [ formerly payware] package, which is based on TOTGM. There are many TOTGM based flights and the aircraft itself is a superb piece of work, as you would expect from Mr Lyons.I thought I got it from Flightsim , but can't seem to find it on a library search tonight.Anyway, if you strike out, let me know in a PM and I will send it to you.Best...Stuart
  12. Hi,Try downloading Nhancer and set AA at Combined 8xS and AA at 8x, works for me with good framerates.If you get garbled cockpit displays with your Nvidia card [ as many do] try following the threads on the subject.I have a 'click by click' guide if you need it.P.S. I have re-posted the guide under 'Info re cockpit designer availability' as it went walk-about.Regards............Stuart
  13. Naji,Did you get the rain sound file I E-mailed you, and, if so, have you installed it ?I am curious as to what your opinion of it is as opposed to the original.Stuart
  14. I agree re 'Flight of the Phoenix' - the original was a classic, with a genuine war hero as the star, the great James Stewart. The recent remake was monumentally awful - one to avoid IMO.
  15. Hi Hans Petter, I also have FU3 with the FU2 Californian scenery incorporated into it.Remember our correspondence re the Nvidia cockpit display problem? I continue to fly FU 2 mainly because of the quirky humour built into the challenges- both default and those acquired from various sources over the years. They are a welcome distraction from the harsh realities of the outside world for me at present. Regards...Stuart
  16. I have noticed that there is a one [?] pixel gap in the cockpit display of my FU 2 aircraft. Fixing this in the manner described in this forum for Fu3 aircraft doesn't work for me as Cockpit Designer won't allow me to alter FU2 stuff. Any ideas anybody ? regards.................Stuart
  17. On its way to you Naji, I will look into uploading the file, I can't see that Hennie would object. Stuart.
  18. Hi Naji, Yes, I have the file. I can think of 3 ways to get it to you. 1.You can PM me with your E-mail address,2. I can ask if I can re-upload it to the library [ which I will probably do anyway, as it is a really good add-on], or 3. I can upload it to File front and provide a link. Best wishes.....................Stuart
  19. Hi Naji, Bear with me and I will look in my FU3 add-ons folder when I go to my desk top PC later today[.On my laptop at the moment]. I normally keep copies of everything I download, so I should have it - it is a great improvement on the original sound IMO, which sounds like a tumble dryer full of cutlery ! Love your bush scenery by the way - one of the main reasons why I keep FS 2002 on my rig, as I have your stuff,Frank Betts', and the late Leon Louis' creations on it. Regards.............Stuart
  20. Hi Dave ............wasn't Spatchcock Poussins with Springsteen's E Street Band ? Stuart
  21. Still wheel out the Mooney now and then and see where Hennie Van Rooyen's FU3 Pro [ Avsim library] takes me to from Tacoma Narrows. I think my main reasons for keeping it on my system are 1. The feel of the sim ---- quirky---- FS 9 is the Suit and Tie of the FlightSim world, whereas FU3 wears jeans and a lumberjack shirt.2. The humour built into the challenges- even more so in its predecessor FU2. Definitely a keeper for me. Stuart
  22. I don't know any other flight simmers personally, but I have often wished that Opa lived down the street from me.To be able to share his infectious enthusiasm for the hobby and to benefit on a personal level from his knowledgable and methodical approach to problems. I will particularly remember him for 'Tips and Tricks.', his Runway 24 tutorials , and as others have said, a non-judgemental approach to posters on various forums including myself. More important than anything else, he was quite obviously a nice guy.My thoughts are with his family tonight. RIP and thank you David.
  23. I dip into a football [ soccer ] forum from time to time here in the UK, and the standard of English really does beggar belief.There is a TV programme currently running over here called 'Dream School'. The programme records the efforts of a few very well known experts in their fields who try and engage a class of kids who failed miserably in mainstream school.When you see how they behave in the classroom you quickly discover why they failed their exams.One of the 'teachers' is conversing with one of the kids and is asked what his career path had been. He tells her that amongst other qualifications he was a Doctor of Medicine, her reply was ‘Is it?’.Eh ???
  24. Hi, I had the same problem. I think you you will find a folder called textures.common in the download - copying the contents into the aircraft's texture folder fixed it for me.This needs to be done with every skin you have for this a/c.I suspect the author did it this way to reduce file size.Stuart
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