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Everything posted by Bman2006

  1. As soon as the SDK + 777 compatible version is released I will likely be all over the android version.
  2. Hey all~ I have really been enjoying the big birds since the T7 was released. I would pick of a 737ngx flight every now and again but with the release of the T7 + PFPX, I seem to be flying the big tin equal to if not more than my typical GA flight. I guess I am into the planning aspect more so now than ever and it's nice to have a plan come together. Question: I am in the market to accentuate my PFC hardware for a CDU. What do you guys suggest? My first thought is to get an app either for my KF or iPAD or go for a standalone CDU piece of hardware. The issue I am running up against at the moment is finding something that will work both the NGX and the T7. Is there anything out there that I am missing? http://www.flyengravity.com/page/shop/7 http://www.vrinsight.com/public_html/index.php?module=Board&action=SiteBoard_1&iBrdNo=14&sMode=SELECT_FORM VRInsight II (still not T7 ready as far as I can tell) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/virtual-cdu/id634731446?mt=8 http://www.ifms-fs.com/ That's all I have for now.. any other suggestions? Benjamin
  3. I want to make sure, it's ok to keep "(Large divided highway with road signs and generic signs and large billboards and median barrier and middle lights)" segment in the edits correct? I didn't want to make the edits to find out the syntax is incorrect. Nice work guys
  4. Oh man - I will be over here in a corner. Never mind the whole chapter on Limitations. Thanks, sigh.
  5. Hey all~ I am working my way through the T7 for it's inaugural flight (beyond the Tutorial #1 - which worked out great I might add). I am working on my planning and got to thinking about aircraft performance specifications. I have gone through the FCTM, FCOM v1/2 and can't locate this information. I am looking for the simple stuff like MTOW, ZFW, service ceiling, range, engine type etc. I am sure it it were a snake it would bite me - but I can't find this information. Benjamin Van Eps .. I forgot to mention, I did find the information online obviously. http://www.boeing.com/assets/pdf/commercial/airports/acaps/777rsec2.pdf I will just compare this information to what's in the FMC and thought it would be in the manual somewhere.
  6. I do appreciate all of this information. I am a GA guy at heart but I do like the change of pace and a differnet type of complexity when it comes to big tin flying. I finally broke down and picked up PFPX last night. Great planning tool. I need to keep on reading and keep on investigating to fully understand the planning concepts. The one thing that has always bugged me is trying to determine if my aircraft profiles are correct "enough" to provide somewhat accurate fuel burn predictions. It's always felt like a black box mystery to me. A year or two back when I first picked up the NGX, I changed some weight values (from a thread found here in AVSIM) but as I recall, all of the configuration information was in one large .txt file, not separate aircraft .txt as I see in Topcat Configuration folder. I can't seem to find that file now. Does any one know which file I am talking about? Maybe I am out to lunch. Any way - the questions are or at least verification 1) TopCat .acft and the configuration .txt files. Is it that the .acft calcualtes the v speed and the .txt handles the derate and fuel burn? 2) When I make a new plane profile in TopCat: - Should I use the B737-800" For type selection with the PMDG 737-800 configuration? - Are the engines correct model CFM56-7B23 or is there something I need to change there also? I will follow the steps listed at the front of this thread and download the .txt configuration files. Thanks for those. I am concerened that what ever I changed 1.5 years ago will be lingering around somewhere when I changed some weight values. Just not sure where that was and not sure they will be nulified when I use these .txt configs from this thread and generate new aircrafts. I need to get a grip on how this all works so I can do it correctly for the T7 as well. Benjamin
  7. Readme in the SweetFX v1.4 folder: Q: I don't see any change in the image A: Try turning off anti-aliasing in the game (not in the mod) The mod is not compatible with some antialias implementations. It might be made compatible by setting compability flags. If not then you can always use the included SMAA anti-aliasing. I can't get the combination to work with DX10. No problems in DX9. I am not sure why.. It could be the v1.3 versus v1.4? Either way, everything is looking great regardless of the option I choose. Thanks Benjamin
  8. I was going from the readme on the SweetFX that says to turn off the FSX AA. I have tried man different scenarios. What I find I like best is FSX AA off and let Inspector do all the heavy lifting. Of course, this leads to no DX10 preview mode if I understand correctly. I will keep on tinkering. I am getting closer each day. Thanks- Benjamin
  9. Quick question.. If I understand correctly, AA must be ON in FSX under DX10 preview. With SweetFX, it should be off... ... If you run the two options together, which AA setting should I use? On or off in FSX? Benjamin.
  10. Ok - an quick update on my scenario. Who knew.. it was in fact the second monitor that was causing the issue. The resolutions are different (24" versus 40" ..with slightly resolution). I don't think SweetFX knew what to do with the second display when it was trying to apply the effects so nothing was happening. When I take the display out of the equation, it works as expected. I like it. Now I will bring DX10 back and see how I like it. Benjamin
  11. I think I have lost my mind. I decided I would dive into the whole SweetFX thing myself to see what I could do.... nothing. I am having the same problem. SweetFX isn't doing anything under DX10 mode. If I turn off DX10, back to DX9 default...it works like it should. Here are something I have done: 1) Verified the install. The 9 files and SweetFX folder that came with v1.4 package have been place in the root FSX folder. 2) Verified and re-verified that AA is off in FSX (for kicks, I turned it off in nVidia Inspector also) 3) Maxed some of the settings and verified that the _settings.txt is updating 4) Installed the C++ redist as noted in the links above 5) Rebooted a few times 6) Looked for old ENB stuff (don't see any that I know of) 7) Changed the injector.ini to a few different options to try and toggle, or take screenshots...no luck there (so I re-installed the SweetFX package just to make sure everything was clean) 8) Read forums, watched videos.... posted here and going to read Snow Crash instead. log.log is updating.. full path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ redirecting CreateDevice initialising shader environment eAndSwapChain removing D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED flag redirecting IDXGIFactory->CreateSwapChain redirecting IDXGIFactory->CreateSwapChain redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1 redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1 redirecting IDXGISwapChain->ResizeBuffers initialising shader environment redirecting IDXGISwapChain->ResizeBuffers performing Cleanup10 initialising shader environment redirecting IDXGISwapChain->ResizeBuffers performing Cleanup10 initialising shader environment redirecting IDXGISwapChain->ResizeBuffers performing Cleanup10 initialising shader environment ...so in short, SMAA isn't working, no HDR, no bloom, and no screenshots with DX10 mode on. I am running Inspector..is there anything in there that could be jacking up the program? I am also running 2 monitors. They very in resolution but both are set to no AA and when I fly in full screen mode, the second display shuts down (intentionally so only my one 40" display is running) Any other suggestions to get this to work? Thanks Benjamin
  12. Thanks - I will check it out just for the heck of it. I upgraded my Fraps client and all returned to normal. It captures the full screen no problem now. Something with the DX10 was causing my PicPick to not capture anything but a blank screen. Back to Fraps now and it's fine. Yeah on the DX10. I did a full flight last night in Orbx region with PA46t and it was flawless. No blips, missing textures, white planes or anything. With Sparse Grid SS at 8x, everything is so crisp and clear like it has never been before. FPS locked at 35 (also with 1/2 vsync) and everything bumped along at at solid 29~35 FPS during the whole flight. At this point, I don't see any reason to return to DX9. What are you using for water textures? I returned to default FSX water so there wasn't a shimmer / wobble in the land reflections but I need to do some more experimentation. Benjamin.
  13. Yeah, V works fine. There is something between my two monitors that just aren't transitioning the same between full screen / full window. Has worked fine for the past couple of years but my fresh start with the .cfg changed something. I will track it down! Thanks - loving the DX10
  14. Hey all- I finally took the plunge with some of the DX10 tweaks. After starting with a fresh .cfg file and running the DX10 tweaks / patch - wow! My sim has never looked so crisp. The 8x SGSS makes everything really nice. My biggest issue, believe it or not, my favorite screen capture tool will only snap a blank screen when in full screen mode. I have tried Fraps as well with the same results. In windows mode, no problem. Full screen = blank. For fun, I changed only the D3D10= back to 0, and when I go to full screen mode, the resolution drops down to what appears my second monitors resolution but the full screen capture works. If I switch back to D3D10=1, the full screen is the correct resolution of 1920x1080 but the screen capture is blank. What is the relationship between DX10, full screen mode and multiple screens. I can't figure this out. Benjamin
  15. Mattcwell - so what do you think about the Beech model? I am ready to dive in for the Beech or Saab yoke + Turboprop TQ + Console but I can't really decide on the yoke. The form factor seems more in tune with my flying (mainly GA to twins with moderate ERJ + JS41. NGX is thrown in once or twice a month for good measure). The Saab layout looks "ok". The case color (not a big deal) doesn't match the console that will be sitting right next to the yoke. However, there are more buttons. The Beech looks better, form factor is more to my liking but less buttons. I don't really use a stack of buttons any longer. Really just to toggle EZCA views and PTT ATC on Vatsim. I want to know what you have found on your Beech. Love it? It's ok?
  16. That's correct - there should be no noticable impact flying with Latitude. It only collects data during the flight - the analysis is done after the flight is completed. It should also be noted, Latitude will run on a client machine on the same network if you have that option. Benjamin
  17. A fair assessment indeed! I would be a liar if I said pilots in my simming circle all loved to do flight planning, route planning or payload management. Some of them really couldn't care less. However, Latitude won't exclude them from flying and learning. They can plan/fly as they always have but now have the tools to help them become better pilots. Their plane choice and route do not matter. As John mentioned, Latitude doesn't care about your route, fuel or payload unless you want to participate in these aspects of Latitude. As an observer, Latitude will focus on how you got from point A to B. If you do choose to participate on the Portal, even then, it's still not critical that you plan entirely or carefully. You may only care to compare scores or see what other pilots are doing. If you do want to fully participate but are new to planning, and don't want to lose a lot of virtual money, Latitude can also address that. You can plan a little, fly as you normally would, and only pay the expense of your fuel (Ferry Route). Or lastly, you can go full out with your planning to try an maximize your flight's earning potential. It's up to you how you utilize Latitude. Latitude can be a lot of different things for a lot of different types of pilots. Big tin and GA bug smashers alike now have a tool that will allow them to fly and improve with as much involvement as they choose. It does not cater to one type of flying or plane class. In my case, I really wanted to know how I was flying and how I could improve from flight to flight. I got that information and I have improved substantially. However, by expanding my focus beyond just getting from point A to B in once piece, I have learned a lot of things about real world aviation practices that I wouldn't have otherwise considered. Latitude for me is about evolving as a pilot with the flexibility that matches the flying I like to do. Hopefully the manual will give you some insight about what Latitude can do for you. Benjamin
  18. Thanks guys - 1) Duh - I don't know why I thought the contrary. I must have had autoland on the brain from previous flight. The plane navigated just fine so I had the sinking feeling that I was not with the game plan in the ways of correct operation. Thanks for the clarification. 2) I will try again without Active Sky X. I have Essentials so I might try that. 3) I think you might have pegged the speed issue with the FSUIPC smoothing. 2 second intervals sounds about right. I think ASE might have pumped in a large Wx shift and FSUIPC just upped the speed 2 seconds at a time until I reached the correct wind speed. I did notice the winds aloft went from darn near head on to strong tail wind so it would make sense if the weather was smoothed out but at a faster rate than the plane could slow down. It wasn't like the speed shot up instantly so I like this theory. Nice work. Thanks again. Benjamin.
  19. Hey all- I had a good flight last night over in eastern Australia. I have a few things crop up that got my attention but I managed to complete the flight and all was well. However, I am curious to know how to correct the situation should it rise again: 1) After departure and good level flight / trim, I punched on the LNAV / VNAV and CMD A/B. The flight director was flipped on captain side then F/O side. I noticed a few minutes later that the CMD A had turned off and the controlling FD was on the F/O side. If I flipped on CMD A, CMD B would turn off and the F/D would move back to the captain's side. Odd. I couldn't figure out why they both wouldn't stay - am I losing my mind, should A and B be on? 2) During various segments of my flight the A/T would disengage due to asymmetrical throttle. The real question is why was I getting such strong asymmetrical throttle? Nothing was being done with the physical quadrant so I can only surmise it was the weather engine (ASE) give some serious fits. Wind was around 100 knots 30° off the nose of the plane. 3) The speed of the plane was erratic (tied to #2 above)? I would notice the speed tape clicking up up and up until high speed warning. However, the A/T was at and idle state and the plane would continue to accelerate in level flight. In spite of the low N1 the plane wouldn't begin to slow do again until the high speed warning annunciated. Why it was doing this... not really sure. I think again it's tied to the weather engine. All things considered - it seems I had weird gremlins in the system somewhere. I have not had these problem before. I am going to do another flight tonight but perhaps you guys have some insight on what is going on. I am using FSUIPC (weather smoothing on and all control mapped through FSUIPC). SPAD is also being used. Again, it has worked just fine for the past 50 hours of flight so I am not really sure what might be up. Thanks- Benjamin
  20. Classic! I check for two weeks when I first download the app and it's a no go. I read your post about it working - presto, like a charm, it now works. Thanks!
  21. I see - well, I have certainly wasted a lot more than 2.99 before so no worries on that. Thanks for the update. I will look for a better tool. TapTalk perhaps?
  22. Lots of good information here guys - thakns for that. Follow up questions: 1) I understand what cost index does, but I never really know where to set it. I assume the higher the cost index value, the more economical the plane with behave in terms of climb and cruse thrust rates? I always set it at 50 since I never really know what will happen if I set it lower or higher. 2) FL CH - I will have to read up on it. My understanding is that the plane will descend at a constant speed (either what the plane is currently flying) or as you say Richard, based on what ever speed intervention is set. Question - won't the plane under vnav want to descend and cross the waypoint and speed restriction already set in the FMC? Why go through speed intervention and FL CH if the plane is going to target itself to cross the waypoints at FMS specified speed and altitudes ? I assume by setting the speed intervention then decending, the plane will slow down on the front end of the descent versus trying to slow down when the plane ie already on a full descent path? Benjamin
  23. Hey all- I have found that I am constantly fast coming down from T/D. Some times to the point where the FMS pretty much gives up on attaining speed/altitude restrictions. I deploy the spoilers and drop back to idle but still have some trouble getting slow enough. Should I do an altitude intervention prior to T/D or drop back to idle and do some a speed hold? What do you guys recommend to stay on speed and target during descent. Do get me wrong, I am close but I still end up using speed and V/S to get things under control. Second question - what is the relationship between ALT intervention button and FMC? At what rate will alt inv descend? Thanks-
  24. Thanks guys - Roysyslav - so, just do I understand RNAV = LNAV/VNAV for all RNAV approaches? How is an RNAV approach different from say a GPS LPV approach? Would they be one in the same? Stefan - Gotacha. That makes sense. What would this be needed for? Last minute adjustments to the PAX/Cargo/Fuel? Flaps were given to my by TopCat on a relatively short field. At 5 and 10 flaps, assumed / flex derate is not authorized. At 15 there was one temp of 30 but margin was tiny. At 25 flaps, I could reduce to 34+c and still have some runway remaining.
  25. Hey all- 1) I don't do a whole lot of RNAV approaches. At what point do you turn off the VNAV? I guess the question is - are the crossing altitudes really for reference only or can you actually use the VNAV guidance for approach or are they LPV type approaches where you have both lateral and vertical guidance? 2) I have been using topcat for pre-planning (and FSBuild). Question - what is the difference between the TO information listed at the top and the 'reduced' thrust? It appears to me that that the thrust is still set to an assumed OAT of +34c and D-TO in both of the circles areas..yet, the v-speeds are different. Don't get me wrong, they are very close. I am just trying to understand exactly the difference between my selected derating and the information provided under "reduced".
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