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Everything posted by davethewave2

  1. Love it. Why not supply it with 2 paint skins? One with and one without?
  2. I am going to maintain a list of tips for anybody that wants to host a fsx multi-player session. The up to date list can be found here. http://www.fsopen.co.uk/downloads/fshost/#tips Currently the list is. Use a dedicated machine with fsx to be a host. Host using a control tower as this consumes less resources then a plane. Use the standard ports of 6112 to 6122. There is no reason to change them and fsopen server ony supports this range anyway. The only inbound changes to your router's firewall or antivirus software firewall is to allow UDP 6112 to 6122. Another reason not to change from the defaults. If you don't do this your session will be listed in red in gamespy. All other connections are outbound only and this is normally allowed by default for firewalls. On your server turn all the detail down to minimum and 10 frames per second. Go to speedtest.net or similar and check the bandwidth for your servers connection. Upload speed is the most important for hosting and is commonly only about 1Mbit. Every player that joins needs about 50Kbits which means 1Mbit will only support about 20 users before packets are dropped. More sessions are now using 128k voice but this means you will need about 150kBits per user. Yes the voice is much better but 1Mbit will only support 7 players. Watch out for non standard fsx planes. Some were not made with multiplayer in mind and can transmit 10 times (or more) network traffic. If you have 1Mbit upload just one of these planes can result in your server being overwhelmed. FSopen server can be tailored to kick these planes as appropriate. Don't forget about everthing else using your internet can kill your session. If your girlfiend is watching youtube she'll be eating up your upload bandwidth. As a rule of thumb, whatever speed you download at, 5% - 10% is required as upload. Obviously torrent software can kill connections. Don't use it! If upload speed is limited consider getting a router that offers good QOS (Quality of service). I bought one that lets me reserve a fixed amount of upload bandwidth for UDP 6112-6122. Doesn't matter what anybody starts doing then. Upload speeds are key to good sessions. High speed interenet is rolling out and some of the upload speeds are just awsome! If you're really serious look at hosting with an isp but that's very expensive. Where bandwidth is tight, disable the sharing of aircraft. Please let me know if you have any other useful tips that should be on this list or if you disagree with anything. Is this useful to anyone reading this? Thanks.
  3. The trailer to Flight is free and limited to Hawaii. If you want to see special effects etc you need to pay extra :)
  4. We do lots of different events on fsopen.co.uk. This one was definatly more fun then serious!!!
  5. I haven't looked at making Open Clouds work with Prepar3d. In theory it should be quite easy but until P3D offers something much improved I think the market is very very small. However, it does look like improvements are on the way so I expect I'll do this when version 2 is released. With any luck we might even get a fix/better access to some of the weather APIs. (Hint to Tim if your reading this!!!)
  6. Just back from holiday, and picked this thread up.The idea behind Open Clouds was to write something that was very simple to use. There are other programs out there that let you configure all sorts of parameters. Rather then writing a similar application I thought I'd try and work out what the best settings/techniques would be for the majority of situations with a sensible balance between performance and impact.In the early days many changes were made based on feedback from users running many different setups and machines resulting in a very stable version that we have today. Of course there are compromises and of course the setting I've chosen are subjective but I've achieved my goal of having a simple application that takes one minute to download and instantly improves your fsx experience.
  7. Managed to get hold of the latest build. Coming on nicely.
  8. OK, nice feature but...They move when you move your head. Looks a bit silly really.Video example here
  9. Thanks Goran, Just found the manual myself. How did I miss that yesterday lol.Same goes for missing the throttle, in my defence I'd assumed it would be with throttle1/2/3/4! (Not much of a defence I know!) Jumping into the 747 now for a CATIII approach.Lastly do we know how accurate the worldwide coverage will be? For me it would be nice to have all taxiways correct etc.
  10. I spent a good few hours yesterday playing with the demo.The weather and clouds are very impressive. Felt very realistic flying though cloud solid cloud layers. Also flying just under a cloud level had that feeling you were going to hit the ceiling which is what I experience in real life. The framerates are quite good with medium settings. Dragging the window across 2 screens maybe loses 5-10% which is very acceptable.Being new to xp need a bit of advice.1. I'm using the manuals for xp9 for help. This has worked ok so far, is there a different link for xp10 manuals?2. If I'm flying jets I like something small like a 737. Is it possible to get hold of a small twin jet with a virtual cockpit from somewhere? Otherwise,3. Is it possible to set all throttles on the 747 to one joystick axis? I've only got 3 on my CH yoke.4. Come the final version do we get worldwide scenery/airport coverage?Thanks in advance
  11. I wonder if you ran everything at stock speeds it would appear.I'm not an expert in this field, suggest you try asus forum or overclockers etc.Send me a pm if you resolve it though,
  12. All I can say is if I was in your position I wouldn't do it. http://www.hwcompare.com/8920/geforce-gtx-285-1gb-vs-geforce-gtx-560-ti/What frequency is your memory rated at, and what is it running at?
  13. Hi Tom,I have the same motherboard as you and twice have I've noticed only 4GB running instead of 6GB. I cause the problem by overclocking the base frequency and drive the RAM to hard. To fix I select XMP mode so the timings are as per manufacturer then adjust the memory divider so I dont go much higher then the rated memory speed. I use a cpu multiplier of 20 to achieve the best combination of cpu and memory speed. Getting your extra memory bank back should help fsx as you now have 50% more bandwidth!I don't think you'll see much improvement between the 285 and 560. My advice would be wait until the new Nvidia chips come out. As well as new design they'll be on 28nm fabrication so will be higher clock speeds/cooler.
  14. Impressed so far.I bought X-Plane 7 or 8 a few years back. Played with it for a week then chucked the CDs in the bin.However, just done my first flight. Took me 5 minutes to sort out the joystick. Don't know why I have to choose Yaw/Pitch/Roll, surely it should be Rudder/Elevator/Aileron?Anyway, can't work out how to set the throttles up for the 747. I have a ch yoke so have 3 sliders but the 747 has 4 engines. Can't work out how to assign all 4 throttles to one slider so for now using F1 and F2 for throttle.The rest of the setting up was fine, flaps, gear, look left/up down etc.So jump in and take off. Frame rates seem very fluid. Couldn't work out how to go full screen (Alt+enter didn't work so maybe it's always in a window? ) I'm running 2 screens at 1920x1200 (unusualy my secondary screen is to my left) so I maxed the window accross both. This normally kills fsx but xp didn't seem to suffer. This setup I found a delight to use for the next 9 minutes before the demo expired!Points I didn't likeDuring flight seemed to develop a strange yawing oscillation. Didn't seem realistic but perhaps it is.I couldn't zoom out far enough in the cockpit, felt I was forced into having my face against the windscreen.The control coloum obliterates the primary and secondary displays. Glance down to look at what speed I'm doing, can't see. have to use the cursor keys to shift 2 feet left/right to see everything.SummaryFor a preview looks promising. Wish I wasn't going away for the next few days.
  15. Got me thinking.There is a way to embed web pages into fsx. Using the trike as a test, go to fsx directory\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SLIn there you will see a couple of web pages, I edited this one Aircreation582SL_ref.htmAt the top I added an iframe like this <iframe width="100%" height="500px" src="http://www.fsopen.co.uk/maps/index2.php?HostID=3"></iframe> Low and behold I have a moving map in fsx. See pic below.You can drag this to your 2nd monitor. This might work for Open Control or other web enabled add ons.However, I think because it's running in the same process as fsx updates will be infrequent and might fail.Also, there is no way you can interact with the web page. So zoom in/out etc will not work.Probably not a viable option but thought I'd post here as your problem sparked the idea in my head!
  16. You could try using a moving map on your mobile phone using "Open Control"Demo here.
  17. I am amazed at the time and effort put in by so many people to make repaints.Just made this video showing more than 800 repaints/models for the 737 in 2 minutes.
  18. Couldn't find much out about that product, but they do say they get their data feed from Air Nav systems. So I followed their link and ended up with another product that was reviewed here. http://www.avsim.com/pages/0410/AirNavSystems/FSLive.htmI think I'm right in saying that these products download flightplans and then create ai traffic that then behave like normal ai traffic. i.e. Bunch together landing etc.What I've done is a bit different, I am creaing the planes nearly exactly where they are being reported in real time. I'm not sure if this has been done before or not. It's certainly possible to use this data for airbourne traffic and its interesting to see planes hold around Heathrow etc. Something you won't get with AI traffic.
  19. Yes I was bored today so I thought I'd give myself the challange of injecting live plane data into fsx.Sort of worked but don't think the data is accurate enough to make this software available.Shame.Anyway, here is a video of my attempt.
  20. If there is enough demand for it I'll add support for Linda.For now I'm got enough with getting all the standard fsx functions in.
  21. Hope not . Just upgraded the server as currently looking after 50 odd multi player communities as well asOpen Clouds weather data and a soon to be released library for Open Control as well as normal web site etc.However, once flight is out I am not convinced there will be a market for fsx add ons. I cannot think of another game where a large proportion of customers have decided to stick with the previous six year old version. (Think back to what mobile phone you had six years ago!)
  22. Having a commercial interest in this I better repeat that there are other weather engines out there.
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