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Everything posted by kelvinr

  1. Yes, the LM team seem to be a little more serious around the whole support thing but they do mean business. Besides, they, too, want to know when their product is not working the way it should.
  2. New client for Vatsim with P3d support, really nice!! Anyone have a link to the news over there?
  3. I've said it before: FS2004 is XP FSX is Vista Prepar3d is Windows 7 Windows 8 is just S**t ...in my humble opinion!!
  4. All these issues need to be presented to LM over at their forum with all your hardware specs and series of events leading up to problems...don't moan if you haven't done anything about it, if you have then I respect your actions.
  5. Seeing as though LM team are actually listening to the community this might just be the ticket to contribute and give feedback so the issues can be fixed.
  6. We are in for some treats i'm sure with the point releases.
  7. We can obviously see LM's business model here where the actual 3rd party products will replace the default setup and LM will provide the core engine refinements for those developers to create products to improve what we all do and see in the simulator platform. This is something Microsoft never did, they did it their way and only their way which was their business model; obviously we all saw where that led to. I think LM just hooked into the existing culture of this simulator genre because it was already working and so they were able to maintain focus on the core engine which is what we all want now isn't it? Nice work, indeed. Looking forward to all the advancements. In the meantime, I can fly without those horrible bugs and stutters that made the flying experience less than acceptable. Cheers, Kelvin
  8. You may want to go over and checkout Active Sky forum on their proposed new weather system. I believe it will be working with version 2.0 as Word Not Allowed has done a quick overview over at his wordpress site. Cheers, Kelvin
  9. Hahaha, that's about it really, oh yeah, and..... Hahahaha!
  10. FSX is old, that's it. It may work but it doesn't perform when it needs to without issues being bound to the coding. We know P3d is actively developing and we all need to start to think "positive change" because we all will accept being given more from the sim at less of an overhead on the hardware side. This is also true for other potential flight sim platforms out there. Besides, everything is evolving and I don't expect for one second that progression will cease because of people wanting to remain in the past even though they have spent $$$$ on addons/plugins etc... Mind you, for those who are happy to remain with legacy software/code that works for them, fine, it's their porogative. For those who want to take the fast train to new and cutting edge in this genre then great, look forward to seeing you on the fire ground. I can really only speak for myself at the end of the day and am extremely excited about how this genre might develop further in the future. Cheers, Kelvin.
  11. I concur. I didn't. Start this thread to attract trouble spinners just constructive criticism and comments. this is a mature and valid thread so it would be appreciated to have it treated that way. thanks all who have provided mature posts. Regards, Kelvin
  12. Ok, just to clarify, I am not a developer of Outerra or official member of their team, just a massive fan that has provided some textures and other data to help with Outerra's movement forward. Oxiin is a lead developer of Outerra so I don't want to have people confused about what he said and I said. I should have brought Outerra to the table when proposing my questions from the beginning as it seems there is some split thinking between what I have said about Outerra and what Oxiin (Brano) has said about it. To reiterate, I started this thread from a loose discussion with Brano and by no means am I making promises or alluding to anything other than asking people for their comments so Brano can review them to gauge the interest. I am extremely surprised (in a good way) the attention this thread has received and my intentions did not include injury or insult as I, too, am a fellow simmer and flyer that has great interest in the work Brano and team are doing. I'm doing this because it means less time for Brano to detract from the project, this way he can just see the result of the question he put forward. Kind Regards, Kelvin ^_^
  13. As I said this isn't a marketing strategy at this point and I have formulated the basic questions in such a way for you to give your subjective feedback. This is a place for you to say what would enable you to support such a project and actually you have provided this in your questions. I kick starter strategy has not been implemented yet I am solely working to see what particular things people are interested in which in the greater scheme of things would help shape the direction of a flight/combined simulator. Thanks for your input, it is valuable. I know not much information is given of the platform although it is one that already has much attention for many people and in its current state has potential to succeed as this type of platform. I suppose you could say that I am trying to assist the developers to gather crucial information about what people want from this type of platform and to see where people would invest their support. There is no hidden agenda's here, it is what it is :-) Cheers, Kelvin
  14. No offense taken. Your humble opinion is valued and I am aware of all those out there who are pessimistic of this sort of venture because of lip service from potential developers or lack of delivery. In this case the potential is very real and without opinions like yours any development can spiral out of view from the sim community. As mentioned in previous posts this is no marketing strategy, if so it would be a very poor and failed attempt :-) and should one be proposed it would offer all the relevant information and background for people to make their own informed decisions about. I completely understand your cautious yet skeptical approach to this thread but nothing is promised here in that there would be no cause for someone to feel let down by something that has not been advertised as a product to invest in just yet particularly via a Kick Starter strategy, this is purely getting your thoughts about the things you feel are in deficit with the current platforms that, if implemented in a new platform, may help you support. If you had a dream which involved a number of things and those things were attainable, wouldn't this mean you would do what you can to make that dream happen? This is just so, to give developers an inside view into your expectation of a successful flight/combined simulator so as to shape the developmental process and possibly even the business strategy for the product. Cheers, Kelvin Remember, this thread will most likely go dead after the stage where enough information is received at least to provide further direction to the development process which I must say is already in place. You obviously know there are platforms out there to resolve what issues exist in historical platform(s). This thread is not talking about starting a platform from scratch, it is an existing software in development that, with opinions and ideas from people here, can move the process further from where is currently sits. Lack of optimism is completely understandable given the current situation with existing sim platforms. No one expects anyone to just hand over money for something without first seeing what they are investing in and/or even having a chance to play with it during its development. Again, this thread is about what would enable you to support a kick starter project and by the sounds of your comments if you were able to port over existing addons this would at least perk your ears up to even wondering further about what such a platform could then offer you!? You also would want to see something tangible and if so, it sounds like this would also make your ears rise. This is just an observation :-) Reading between the lines here. Thanks for the comments.
  15. As I said this isn't a marketing strategy at this point and I have formulated the basic questions in such a way for you to give your subjective feedback. This is a place for you to say what would enable you to support such a project and actually you have provided this in your questions. I kick starter strategy has not been implemented yet I am solely working to see what particular things people are interested in which in the greater scheme of things would help shape the direction of a flight/combined simulator. Thanks for your input, it is valuable. I know not much information is given of the platform although it is one that already has much attention for many people and in its current state has potential to succeed as this type of platform. I suppose you could say that I am trying to assist the developers to gather crucial information about what people want from this type of platform and to see where people would invest their support. There is no hidden agenda's here, it is what it is :-) Cheers, Kelvin
  16. Hi MGH, This thread is purely here to gather information about what would convince you to switch to another platform rather than try to sell you something right now. This thread is not intended to market something rather try to ascertain what variables would be attributed to gather support for a kick starter project. Putting it simply, this thread is to receive your subjective opinions in relation to the questions that I have posted and any other opinion about what would drive community support for an undertaking that would essentially develop a flight or combined simulation platform. I would be interested, MGH, to hear your comments about what sort of specific information you are expecting and perhaps I could elaborate further for you. I'm not here to injure or insult just to gather opinions and comments and I am happy to elaborate on any confusion that I may have inadvertently created :blush: as this is not my intent to confuse. Cheers, Kelvin
  17. Thanks for your input Ryan. If I may, I would like to point out that there is some serious talent behind what is in development in terms of providing solutions to simulating real world processes to match and even supersede what we know inside our current platform(s) such as FS 2004, FSX, and even X-Plane. yes, $$$ is what it is all about in the case where this would be a business venture. However, funding aside, from your knowledge of current platform(s) how would you see such a new platform succeed in terms of the micro details of the simulator i.e system flow, schematics, interconnectedness between different systems or environmental variables etc...?
  18. Hi all, I am starting this thread to try and get some feedback, opinions, and thoughts about a new flight simulator platform. There is a method to my madness so your cooperation is appreciated. ***A Current platform is in development that has potential to support a flight/combined simulator*** your opinions are needed. I am in an information gathering stage. Please answer maturely and honestly from the perspective of a general simmer, enthusiast simmer, and potential simmer; 1) Would you support a kick starter project for a new flight simulator or combined simulator platform? 2) What would your expectations be for a new flight simulator or combined simulator platform? 3) What would convince you to switch to a new flight simulator or combined simulator platform? Please think about your current experience(s) either with FSX or X-Plane and other simulator packages you use (including combat sim i.e DCS) and answer as clearly as possible. The more (genuine) responses this thread gets the more reliable the information gathered is. Feel free to add anything else you think that relates to you (hypothetically) supporting a kick starter project and (hypothetically) switching to another simulator platform. Yours seriously, Kelvin.
  19. Get a demo to try it, if you like it then buy it!! I should be a poet. If someone is enthusiastic about something so much why take the risk. Just pay the money, or save then pay the money. It keeps these guys in business as much as it keeps you buying the goods!! K.
  20. Camera angles were done with the internal camera system but with some illusions in some cases. An aircraft that has lived up to its name and design. a tribute video showing its technical specification and how this workhorse played in the field. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cn7TB__QKY
  21. the engine is still in alpha stage of development. it is showing positive signs of being an fs platform. down the track I think that someone will pick up that project.
  22. Another... Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk94eue5ziM&feature=youtu.be Kelvin.
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