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Everything posted by Adamski_NZ

  1. That's worth repeating here (thanks) - it's the best way of doing it IMHO.
  2. *What* exactly is it we're meant to be looking for? Yellow crosses for disused runways? Textures for concrete pavers laid diagonally? Or (my favourite) ... corrupted/flashing textures (Z-fighting) because of a slight elevation error. Have you tried clearing your cache?
  3. Firstly - a HUGE thank you for this scenery. It's an absolute joy! A few scenery developers (now and in the past) have used some sort of a mini Control Panel to make manipulating these BGLs easier. It'd be handy for NZCH as well!
  4. I'm confused about this. I'm not saying it's not true - but I just did a flight from NZQN using REX Weather and got decent/realistic snow coverage. Or is it that you're saying it's not *natively* displayed correctly (and there we need 3rd party addons to make it happen <??>. That's OK - you're lucky it wasn't a No.2 LOL!
  5. Congrats to Sergio for making the well-deserved transition from freeware contributor to full developer. So many of us enjoyed his freeware NZMF - and it's great to see such talent put to good use! He was always helpful and courteous. NZMF has always been the "Jewel in the Crown" for NZ scenery (if not the whole world, IMHO) so I expect/hope sales will go through the roof!
  6. Try this one: https://dispatch.simbrief.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-- Or this one: https://dispatch.simbrief.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 Click on `Save Airframe` so then it will be added to your airframes list on Simbrief.
  7. I think I see your problem: your ALT airport (KAUS) is too far away - and loading the required fuel (with 68 PX) makes you over MTOW. Try Waco (KCNW) or reduce the PAX. Here's my Simbrief plan: https://tinyurl.com/Simbrief-planL-KAXH-KDAL It gives me a trim of 1.8UP ... which made my ATR take off like a rocket - about 2/3 of the way down the runway! I think I'm out of ideas now!
  8. Great - I'll give it a go! Do you know you can share Simbrief plans? Not sure where - but next time you edit a flight, have a dig around the GUI - it's there somewhere!
  9. It'd help if you told us which update you mean (regular or beta, MS Store, Steam or XBox).
  10. Simbrief plan details please!! We really need to see how much fuel/baggage you're taking off with. As to the toe brakes - just check the see if they're as they should be in the MSFS Axis screens. EDIT: I just set up a flight plan KAXH-KATL at 3pm and 36deg C. I got T/O trim calculated at 1.4UP. Weather clear 2kts wind ... and had no problems. You're not taking off downwind are you ???
  11. Could you give details of your Simbrief plan + time of day and OAT? Are you setting the WEIGHT section in the MCDU? Are your toe brakes properly calibrated? Maybe they're slightly on.
  12. That would depend on the loading - based on whatever load set in Simbrief. I'm lazy - and use the "Set TO Trim" function from the pad. Another thought ... are you confirming the T/O data in the PERF section on the MFD?
  13. I replicated your flight as far as I could: KAXH to KHDC (Hammond), using Simbrief for the flight plan and payload etc. All imported OK and I took off (Live Weather) at around 11am local with no problem. Trim was 1.3 UP and I used 1 notch flap. Throttle in the default/flight and Power Management to TO then CLB (after 500ft). No problem at all ... lifted off at around 3/4 of the runway length. Gust lock off? Condition levers to AUTO? All your PERF and WEIGHT values set correctly in the MCDU? I can't think of anything else!
  14. Great - thanks for that .. I'll give it a go! @AJZip ... I thought that after gear up, you switch to "CLB" (not "MCT").
  15. What's the airport/runway you're trying (I'd like to give it a go)? Any trim or flaps on take-off?"
  16. Increasing detents doesn't work, as the throttles *physically* creep forward ... way past any preset detent. You can just sit back and watch them go! It's hard to believe that a company like Logitech (ex Saitek) could produce rubbish like this. How it got past testing gawd only knows. The last resort is to take the thing apart and "de-gloop" it. I may end up having to bite that bullet ... I'll try and work out what you mean by using the combo buttons. Probably easier to do than put into words. I'll report back ... and many thanks! Edit: YES!!! I assigned the slider and ticked the "suppress axis" box ... it works beautifully! I'd no idea that the solution would be so easy to implement! So-o-o-o-o grateful!
  17. I have an X-56 throttle that suffers badly from [the dreaded] "throttle creep". Is there a simple way that I can temporarily disable (or freeze) all input from both throttles? A script would be ideal, I suppose - but it's way beyond my skill set (!).
  18. This has been bugging me for a fair while. I finally found the fix on a Discord (ugh!) channel from CaptKennintong (many thanks) ... I hope he doesn't mind me reposting it here. It was the Beta/UTF checkbox thing that did it for me: CaptKennintong - Jan '21 SOLVED!!! It’s known that the problem appears when using non-english characters in windows user name because the sim can’t find the custom flight folder when you are setting up a new flight. I’ve resolved the problem activating, in my Windows 10 (build 20H2), the “Beta version: Use UTF-8 for language compatibility” checkbox. To do that, you have to go to “Control Panel” --> “Clock and Region” --> “Region” --> “Administrative” Tab --> “Change system regional configuration…” --> and check the “Beta version: Use UTF-8 for language compatibility” checkbox. After that the problem doesn’t appear anymore and you can set up a new flight without any problem. The thread is located here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/i-cannot-load-any-different-airport-and-plane-always-the-same-airport-and-same-aircraft-non-ascii-windows-10-account-name/302113/64?u=adamskinz
  19. I'd like to be able to do "before/after" screenshots - not parked, but in the air. Is there a way to save all the required info (location, altitude, time, weather etc.) to be able to jump back in? I often wonder how addon devs manage to create these.
  20. I occasionally get this problem - where certain cockpit animations don't work on the first flight - and require a flight restart to show correctly. The actual functions work - just the animations don't. The aircraft I have most problems with is the PZL Wilga, but it sometimes happens with other aircraft too. I've asked on the Gotfriends Discord channel about this, but no-one seems to know about a possible fix. Does anyone know of a workaround or fix?
  21. Good news as well! I've sent you a PM about the Linker.
  22. Sounds like an incompatible addon to me. Do you use the Addons Linker? It really helps with debugging - as you can isolate blocks of addons (or all of them) easily to narrow down the problem.
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