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Everything posted by Adamski_NZ

  1. OK - thanks - I'll go check my settings!! I'm not getting any CTDs or anyrhing but have totally forgotten what my supersampling settings are. I tweaked my nVidia settings to death many moons ago and haven't had to change them for ages. I'll report back! EDIT: Arrgh ... brain fog! I forgot those settings only apply if you use NVI - which I haven't used since I removed P3D from my system (not enough room for both!). So ... I shouldn't really have chimed in on this thread! LOL!
  2. Yes - thanks. I was using that, but it turns out my cockpit MSFS sounds slider was too low/quiet. I can now hear it - but it's still incredibly faint - even with the panel volume knob maxed out. At least it works though eh? 🙂
  3. Exactly my point ... so why is the NAV tuner there then <?>.
  4. I use the [excellent] AT Simulations An-2 old/basic model - and can operate the ADF with no problems. However - on the left hand side of the VC, there's a comms unit that also includes a NAV radio where you can tune to VOR beacons. I see no way that VOR can be used. Am I doing something basically wrong, or should that part of the unit not be there? Also - is there ever an audio tone transmitted when an ADF (or VOR) beacon is tuned in? I've never heard one - though the "volume" knobs appear to animate.
  5. Try reversing both the toe brake axes ...
  6. I've had very mixed success with DX12 in the past (on my old/modest system) ... but I keep trying it - just in case! This time around (after SU12) I find I'm pleasantly surprised: so far - no CTDs, glaring artefacts or elevation/tiling problems. Performance appears to be *roughly* the same as DX11 and roughly as smooth (ie.slightl stutters in both DX11 and DX12) - whereas it used to give me a substantial framerate hit. This all very much "touch wood" - but I'd say there's no harm in trying DX12. Reverting back is easy.
  7. Wow - that guide - I'd totally forgotten that, LOL! FSX seems like decades ago now! Anyway ... not a solution if you don't want to run the Enhancer, but here's what I get (using Bing Maps/Latest): So it appears there may be some Bing<>MSFS mismatches for all those areas you describe - or MSFS is just using the old Bing data, whereas the desktop app must be using the latest (as does Enhancer).
  8. I was only suggesting it to see if the problem occurs with other map providers (not as a permanent solution). That could tell you whether it's "protected" for some reason (ie. Military installations etc.). Have you tried the same area in Bing Maps (desktop)? I just tried the same location ... yes ... I see exactly what you see. I'll try the Enhancer (for you) - just as an experiment.
  9. No need to go for the Premium version, IMHO. The free Google maps server works fine for me. As to whether it's that good - it depends on which part of the world you're flying in. For some areas, Bing (latest) is better - for others it's Google. There's also a high definition/LOD option - very nice but a bit of a frame rate hit.
  10. Have you tried the Google Map Enhancer? https://flightsim.to/file/19345/msfs-2020-google-map-replacement You might be able to try other map providers to see if it makes any difference.
  11. I also find the GUI totally idiotic - especially the Controllers setup. I ended up getting Lorby's Axis and Ohs to sort things out. It's highly configurable and very professional. I now have only the one set of [default] controller profiles set up in MSFS and do all the rest with AxisAndOhs. It's saved me a lot of time and no end of grief!
  12. This "Lost connection" problem has to be the single most annoying bug in MSFS, causing no end of grief for so many users. I can't understand why it isn't No.1 priority on the fix list (despite several polls).
  13. I don't have the Fenix 320, but spend most of my time in either thew FBW 320 or PMDG 738 ... which I feel is a great combination. I would stick with the FBW and save your cash for another aircraft (PMDG 777 or 737-900 <?>).
  14. This is a wind up/troll, right? 1) The funding doesn't appear to go as far as upgrading their lousy servers. 2) Many 3rd party developers are hamstrung by Asobo's refusal to make variables accessible - or by moving the goalposts every minor update, so the devs have to start all over again. 3) Support team awesome. Are you kidding??? There are fairly major issues that were flagged months (if not years) ago that have fallen on deaf ears - and still haven't been addressed.
  15. This is an OLD problem ... and resurfaces every time there's an update because the servers are overloaded. Worse still if there's another XBox title update at the same time. It doesn't matter how many people complain, MS refuse to upgrade the servers - and Asobo refuse to implement code that allows the sim to cope with the outages gracefully. When a product is so heavily dependent on online services (and doesn't offer a workable offline solution) and fails so frequently, then I'd say the product is technically "not fit for the purpose". A legal challenge (class action) may just work - but who's going to take on MS with its vast legal resources?
  16. Yes - and I love it! I need to give it a bit more "air time" though ... so many other [good] aircraft to enjoy.
  17. Having watched the live stream, I must admit I won't be *that* disappointed - it looks like they've made an absolutely amazing job of the Caribou. I'll just lash up an RNZAF livery and pretend!
  18. Quite sad when the developers can't even be bothered to do a bit of research and spell the locations correctly: Quintin Lodge (not Quinton) ...
  19. The Bristol Freighter would be great too. I loved the Fu24s in P3D. Both are definitely "iconic'. Is NZAR not part of the update? Is NZMF?
  20. Also an NZ flying legend is Cliff Tait and his Air Tourer "Miss Jacy": https://collection.motat.nz/objects/78249/cliff-tait-round-the-world-flight-in-airtourer-zk-cxu-miss-jacy-1969 https://medium.com/motat/the-flying-kiwi-a-photo-essay-9dcd40b53610 Also worth a mention are any of the Dh89 Rapides or even a TEAL Sunderland Flying Boat. ie. *Plenty* to choose from!
  21. Yes - I have to set mine to OFF as well (using X-56 with Axis and Ohs).
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