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Everything posted by Adamski_NZ

  1. +1 on that. Also - you can easily disable blocks of addons if you're havng problems and suspect a conflict.
  2. What's the trick to persuade MSFS to log the flight after finishing with the ATR? I've tried various ways of closing down and had it working once, but no more (!!). 1) I don't use DEV mode (which appears to be a frequently reported problem with logging). 2) I've tried gates and regular parking slots - with and without using ATC. 3) I've tried shuting down the engines with and without ground power. There must be a correct sequence to all this (which I must have hit upon once before) but I just can't work out what it could have been!
  3. Quite so! But then I suppose we could always manually edit the folder names to XXX, WWW etc.!
  4. My sentiments exactly! There really is a LOT of functionality built into this "budget" addon. I'd say it's more complex (to operate) than the A320 or B738 - a completely different way of doing things. For all its complexity, I've had no major problems or CTDs with it (having been warned about adding airways into the FMC). Throttle & reversers setup was a pain, but I got there in the end! Having digested the YT videos, I'm finding the ATR less of a challenge now, but still hugely rewarding. It's such an *elegant* aircraft as well!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x78AEpubZiY&list=PLHHNa7e7hf9OeE97FalLC3nl3KX1LVfuy&index=1&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dlduQp_SKw&list=PLHHNa7e7hf9OeE97FalLC3nl3KX1LVfuy&index=2&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PZEUqtqq6I&list=PLHHNa7e7hf9OeE97FalLC3nl3KX1LVfuy&index=3&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmq2dqngY2I&list=PLHHNa7e7hf9OeE97FalLC3nl3KX1LVfuy&index=4&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Xcm4Up3WE&list=PLHHNa7e7hf9OeE97FalLC3nl3KX1LVfuy&index=5&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6yd0aQkQtU&list=PLHHNa7e7hf9OeE97FalLC3nl3KX1LVfuy&index=6&pp=iAQB
  6. On reflection, I think my setting of 30 is still too high. I'm going to keep reducing it.
  7. Thanks for posting the YT link. It works - and it's definitely *NOT* placebo. If you try some extreme settings (eg. anything over sharpening:50) then you'll see a very obvious difference. You'll need to restart MSFS (or even reboot the PC) after applying the new values though. I'm not a huge fan of over-sharpening, so my settings are 30:17.
  8. I have the X56 Throttle/Stick and have been struggling to get the ATR set up - with and without AxisAndOhs. I can't persuade the condition levers to work as anything other than an axis (which can't go to a full fuel cut-off after starting) - so I just use the mouse. I'm also struggling to get the reversers set up properly. Currently I have them on the same throttle axes (1 & 2) but it's all too easy to engage them by accident when throttling to idle. I'd also appreciate any help from anyone (!).
  9. +1 on that. If you often fly similar routes it's not too bad. Having said that - I find that even with a decent cache, photogrammetry buildings are sometimes slow to appear (or never). These "melted" objects can be a bit of an immersion killer. . As has been covered many times in countless threads - it's not necessarily your local Internet speed that causes grief - more often it's server overload. I suppose it's the price we have to pay - to have the whole world covered in such [amazing] detail.
  10. UPDATE: It's the PAYPAL Gateway that doesn't seem to be working. A regular CC payment went through fine.
  11. Well ... I've bought a couple of aircraft via Marketplace with no problems - with localised NZ and in NZ Dollars. This time (for the ATR) it just keeps popping up with an error. Grrrrr.
  12. Sounds to me like a great opportunity for an addon developer.
  13. The last couple of times I got new systems (from PBTech), I chose all the components and they assembled them all for free - including a full burn-in test. It saved me a lot of messing about and at least I knew the system was 100% working before I picked it up. Not sure whether they still offer this service, but worth checking out! You may want to go for a slightly gruntier PSU so you're a little future-proofed.
  14. Just to update my previous post - regarding Accuseason. It's been updated for SU12. It works well (and looks OK) but still no sign of terrain masks 😞
  15. Which product? I don't see anything on Lorby that appears to do that <??>. Found it! :https://www.lorby-si.com/downloads.html https://www.lorby-si.com/uploads/6/0/8/2/60827113/lorbymsfsnetworkmonitor.zip
  16. Don't forget to update LittleNavMap (update the scenery index in LNM as well).
  17. No problems here either. Can't quite make out from your screenshot where that spurious waypoint gets inserted.
  18. I'm in NZ - and I see that it's a "local" route, so I'll give it a try and report back ...
  19. The last time I tried this (over 6 months ago) I had terrible distortion in both of the side monitors. Has this been fixed?
  20. Wups - so I did! Sorreeee! I need to upgrade my reading skills!
  21. This one's been done to death, I'm afraid. Dozens of threads, hundreds of posts. As far as I'm aware it's a *server* problem - and nothing to do with your own bandwidth or speed. At various times - especially around the time of MSFS updates, the servers get overloaded. It's been like this from day one [mega sigh].
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